Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mysa Snowstrider

    Character  Mysa Snowstrider

    SOCIETAL Name: Mysa Snowstrider Mysa Hearthfire Mysa Heavenshield Mysa Vi'dreya Alias: Wriggles Snowflake The Honorary Valkyri Titles: Princess of Aurum Princess of Midvinter Dawnblessed Heaven and Hearth Homeworld: Aurum Current Home: Midvinter Faction: The Silver Jedi (Formerly)...
  2. Derriphan

    Another Day, Another Job

    Nar Shaddaa - In front of the Howling Hellhole Cantina Another day, another job. Derriphan took a last drag on his cigarette before flicking the remains away. He didn't even liked the things, but on his last contract he had collected a few packs from the bodies of his targets, and as a...
  3. Lief

    In Pursuit Of Peace

    Point Modie Maramere A tranquil blue blanket stretched from horizon to horizon, billowing gently on the breeze and causing ripples in the tide. Each small intake of breath brought with it the very subtle sting of salty sea air, refreshing when coupled with the warm amalgamation of...
  4. Lief

    Turning Tundra To Desert

    Approaching the Deneba Enclave Deneba It was a most oppressive heat which struck the fair-skinned Umbaran on her journey toward redemption. A far cry from the snowy tundra of her home, the drifting dunes of Deneba threatened to engulf her with each step, feet sinking deeper until it took all...
  5. Dravis Rosilla


    MIDVINTER, THE WILDERNESS There was only wind. The cold, entangling, biting breeze was all Nacaolu could feel, tearing at the edges of his winter gear, yearning to infuse into him. It was all he could hear as well, a continuous howling and bellowing, like a speared animal. His sense of smell...
  6. Lief

    Seeking New Adventures

    Howdy folks, So I'm looking for some new roleplays with Mysa, now that she's reached a turning point in her life. She's about to be formally Knighted, and will likely venture off to the Iron Empire in search of her brother. If anyone is looking for a new ally, or potential rival, or even...
  7. Lief

    The Lesson, Volume II

    A Continuation of The Lesson By the end, Mysa had pressed the distress signal more times than she could count. When the twisted children had leapt, Mysa had fought to stave them off. Battling with the path she had to take, the knowledge that while...
  8. Lief

    By The Grace Of The Gods

    Mysa had never felt quite so content. She could feel the weight of a cloak bearing down on her, Felix lay across her feet, as she lay in place. Though something didn't quite feel right. Wrong choice of words, something didn't quite feel normal, as it usually did when she woke. Mysa Vi'dreya...
  9. Lief

    Remembrance For The Brave

    Sleet hailed down from above, soaking her furs and setting a shiver to her body. That, or the fact that she chose a path through Thainbroek which still bore houses in a sorry state of repair caused it. She had not been home long, a couple of days at most, and while Felix was happy amidst the...
  10. Lief

    Torunn Skycaller

    Name: Torunn Skycaller Loyalties: Midvinter, Mysa Snowstrider, The Royal Household Role: Primarily a Hunter, who will guide Mysa Snowstrider through the Valkyri ways and eventually become a member of the Royal Guard. Development Threads: TBA Age: 25 Valkyri Years Species: Valkyri Force...
  11. Lief

    Where The Wild Things Are [Darien]

    It wasn't often that Mysa left Midvinter these days, at least not since her lightsaber had been constructed and the Vinterbound rose again. She was a home bird, thoroughly enjoyed being among her family and those she deemed her people, so the idea of venturing out alone again wasn't something...
  12. Lief

    I'm Afraid, Papa [Thyrian Ashborn]

    It was by the last embers which graced the hearths that Mysa found her way back home. Her boots were muddy, nightgown slightly torn at the hem, with the tiny Frir bundled in her cloak. The little guy had taken quite a liking to her, and was happily purring in his sleep. But even that did little...
  13. Lief

    On The Eve Of Battle, All Is Quiet [Gideon]

    She had expected to hear the drums of war, steady on the breeze. Perhaps a carrion squawk overhead, or a distant tremor which told of their coming. But the approach of the Vinterbound, those terrifying ice-zombies, was silent. Had it not been for the vigorous preparations, the feasting which...
  14. Lief

    Mysa Snowstrider

    Mysa Snowstrider ♫ ♪ ♪ "Don't hold a glass over the flame; Don't let your heart grow cold" BASIC INFORMATION Birth Name: Mysa Vi'dreya Valkyri Name: Mysa Snowstrider Alias: Wriggles | Snowflake Alignment: None Species: Humanoid Race: Umbaran Planet of Birth: Aurum Current Homeworld: Midvinter...
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