Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Teyla Sal-Soren

    The Sal-Soren Saga: Teyla

    Chapter 1: Coming Soon [Credit to Romi Jade for design ideas and inspiration]
  2. Gatz Derrevar

    Private  Abduction on Naboo

    Force sensitive children were going missing in Theed, and nobody, not even the Royal Security Force, seemed to have even the slightest inkling of how. Gatz stood in one of the many precincts of Theed, Naboo, looking down at an assortment of datapads. Four of them held pictures of different...
  3. Teyla Sal-Soren

    Legends of Naboo: Set and Veré

    fa-play fa-pause In an epic of fable and legend, when the Galaxy lay cloaked in mist and bathed in mythos, there lived a mortal named Set, birthed from the noblest of Kings with unyielding benevolence. From the dawning days of his boyhood, Set's destiny was painted in grand brushstrokes...
  4. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Family - The Pink and Delirious

    Location: Naboo, Hospital Wing Equipment: Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Currently Out, Sling Bag in chair beside bed. Tags: Luric Ee'everwest The bright room disturbed the senses. The slight rose tint of her eyes obscured at first by her pupils before the discomfort of the sudden light wore...
  5. Kahlil Noble

    Private  Naboo Beaches

    Mission after mission after mission. It wasn't what he wanted for his Padawans, but with the war ongoing, he needed to make sure they could keep up. Stay alive. The best way to look out for them was to make sure they could look out for themselves. But now the War was over. And now he could help...
  6. Lark

    Private  Suitcase on Naboo

    Being a bartender was such a beautiful profession. Though his role was to craft a cocktail that was intoxicating enough to warrant the purchase of another, Lark felt as though he was a central figure in the lives of every patron that strolled through the preppy little club on Naboo. Men ten...
  7. Briana Sal-Soren

    Children of Shiraya: Broken Droids and Betrayals

    Ee'everwest Estate, Naboo Eleven Years Before The Events of Benediction Briana squatted down on her haunches, handing her little sister a circuit board. “C’mon Bast, I know you can make it work.” Bastila, all of four and three quarters with her riotously chestnut curls and large, sea-green...
  8. Myles Davorak

    Bleeding Heart - Part 1

    Planet : Naboo Location: Theed 13:00 Local Time Myles walked brazenly down the cobbled streets of Theed, familiar and even different sights greeted him. Some vendors he recognized and others he did not. There was only one reason he ever returns to Naboo--to visit his mother. She was getting up...
  9. Azazel Gray

    Private  That Which Falls Also Rises

    N A B O O The constant crash of water filled the air as five men and women stood on the rocky shore at the base of the waterfall. Since the sundering of the Southern Systems, many had worked tirelessly to cleanse the world of the misshapen horrors that had been unleashed. As their efforts...
  10. Jhira Mereel

    Private  Nothing ever happens on Naboo, Reprise

    Search and Rescue LOCATION: Naboo. Theed. . Objective: Search and Rescue. Equipment:Cybernetics | Jet Pack | Beskar’gam | Weapon load out | The Echoy’la Sun Tag: [ Zlova Rue ] Naboo burned. Jhira set her jaw, watching the scene unfurl below her with a hard, seemingly impassive eye. The...
  11. Svana Neoma

    Faction  With Fresh Eyes | Kingdom of Naboo

    Queen Liviana TAG: Talak Jenste | Tyran Numeck | Teyla Sal-Soren | Alora Ee'everwest | Khan Thaldir | Others I'm Missing Returning to Theed had been the most difficult thing Svana had ever done in her life. More difficult than walking out to face the crowd for the first time. More difficult...
  12. Jademar Eurisa

    Private  Naboo Treasure Hunt/Encounter

    Jade had discovered some notes and a map that she could potentially search for on her way to visit Naboo for the very first time. After exiting the ship that she was brought on, the young girl would begin to adventure the forest of Naboo... She had stopped for a moment holding the map up for a...
  13. Briana Sal-Soren

    O Brother, Where Art Thou?

    "All I have to survive anymore is this small foolish hope that one day I will look up at the sound of a warm, familiar voice, and it will be you." Brandyn, For hours now, I’ve been wracking my brain to try and figure out how to start this letter. It’s impossible to express adequately in any...
  14. Zinn Zinn Bink'sa

    Public  Be Thou For The People

    There was no place like home they always said. At last it was time for his exile to end following the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Zinn Zinn finally felt ready to come home, with plans of his own to take back Naboo rightfully to the native Gungan people. Too long over time...
  15. Myla Rentallia

    Private  If The Force Wills It. [Naboo]

    Myla Rentallia was a Padawan of the Silver Jedi Concord, a young and respectable fledgling Jedi who had come to Naboo at recommendation of her counselor in order to discover herself, her people, her culture, and to find clarity in herself. Frankly, she was disappointed at first. She felt little...
  16. Briana Sal-Soren

    Unsent Letters Home

    | Somewhere in Hyperspace, traveling with Valery Noble | Hey, sis, Hope you liked that anonymous box of spare parts that Bran and I sent you for name day, we thought you'd appreciate getting your hands on something new that's not readily available back home. You'll find that what we sent...
  17. Talak Jenste

    Private  The prodigal son

    TAG: Svana Neoma Naboo, Theed. For Talak it was a life long forgotten the world was so far removed from his memory that he could scarcely picture himself here any longer. Only flashes remained as the memories played through his mind, a child holding onto the hand of his mother as they...
  18. Ascendant Muse

    Major Faction Palace Times, Issue 01: Back to Normal [ CIS ]

    [ D I S C O R D | F A C T I O N ]
  19. Silver Solus

    Nothing ever happens on Naboo, right?

    POLITICAL REGION: CIS SPACE, Naboo LOCATION: Qwint’s Place, Kaadara Objective: Meet friends, chaos ensues. TAGS: [ OPEN ] [ Qwint Akkaro ] [ Leddie Gred ] [ Kristyl Arenais ] Silver fidgeted, her hands gliding along her pink helmet over and over. She had gloves, but she didn’t like them. With...
  20. Yed'Iami'Sabosen

    Public  Enjoying the View (Character Introduction)

    SETTING: Frundle's Cantina, Keren, Naboo Diamis sat back in a small booth, allowing her normally perfect posture to relax. She took a tiny sip of her drink. She wasn't a drinker by any means, always wanting to keep her faculties about her, but knew that a person sitting alone in a cantina...
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