Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Laertia Io

    Private  A Budding Navy

    Hosting Grand Admiral Burtch aboard: The Colossus of Shadows Wearing: Hoodlum's Leathers Armed with: De Lifte Crystal (Curved Hilt) With: Lyssa Io Alicia Io Miranda Io 7 days prior... Darth Xiphos, Matriarch of House Io stared at the intelligence they had managed to gather on the Chiss...
  2. Aculia Voland

    Elysium Navy: The XIII Battlegroup

    The 13th Elysium Battlegroup History The XIII Battlegroup or the Thirteenth Battlegroup is a new carrier-focused addition to the Elysium Navy under the command of recently promoted Fleet Admiral Aculia Voland who has spent considerable time studying under Grand Admiral Burtch and heading...


  4. Kathrin Thyra

    Work In Progress  92nd "lôn" Ultranaut Naval Battalion

    92nd "lôn" Ultranaut Naval Battalion "Pride in Loyalty!" Out of Character Intent: To transfer and repurpose Ilsa Visel's (Alt Character) 27th Regiment to Kathrin Thyra to serve on her current starship. Image Credit: Killzone 2 (Picture, Header elements), 1zoom (Image download source -...
  5. Pyre Palpatine

    Celestial Navy

    Welcome recruits of the Celestial Empire in a few moments you will leave this academy as officers of the imperial navy. This will be a small talk about what you need to know about the ships you will be serving in. Image: Imperial-2 class star destroyer Imperial II-class Star Destroyer...
  6. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Approved Tech  Elysium Empire Standard Navy Uniforms

    The Lions Pendant, which goes on the left upper chest OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make an standard under-armor uniform for the enlisted and commissioned personnel in the Elysium Empire Navy Image Source: (X) (X) Edited by Heath Valhoun Canon Link: N/A Permissions: (X) Primary Source...
  7. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Approved Tech  Elysium Empire Navy Officer Uniforms

    The Lions Pendant, which goes on the left upper chest OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make an officer uniform for the Elysium Empire Navy Image Source: (X) (X) (X) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: (X) Primary Source: N/A Special Credit: Thaliias for the insane amounts of work she put into...
  8. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Approved Lore  Elysium Empire Navy Marine Corps

    Troops in their standard issue armor Officers Helmets OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an Marine Corps for the Elysium Empire Navy Image Credit: (X) (X) Permissions: (X) Links: RP: A Soaring Investment GENERAL INFORMATION Army Name: Elysium Empire Navy Marine Corps...
  9. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Codex Denied  please delete and review the lore submission instead thx

    Troops in their standard issue armor Officers Helmets OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an Marine Corps for the Elysium Empire Image Credit: (X) (X) Role: Marine Corps that Answers To The Elysium Empire Navy and Protects The Fleet Permissions: (X) Links: RP: A Soaring...
  10. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Approved Tech  Mk 1 Elysium Navy Marine Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create standard issue vacuum sealed armor for Elysium Empire Navy Marine Corps Image Source: (X) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: (X) Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: MandalArms Affiliation: Elysium Empire Marine Corps Market Status...
  11. Darth Vird

    Sith Imperium Military | Navy

    The Sith Imperium Navy The Imperium Navy is based around Power Projection and is primarily based around the fear of orbital bombardment and adopts the Galactic Empires approach to space warfare. Chain of Command The Emperor is at the head of the Imperiums Navy and is the Commander-in-Chief of...
  12. Jason Breaker

    Approved Lore  1st Task Force - CIS Navy

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Fleet for use by Jason Breaker affiliated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems to protect planets and innocent worlds from destruction. Image Credit: x Permissions: Affiliation with CIS. Links: SC-013 "Lucrehulk III" Class Super Carrier...
  13. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Approved NPC  Ashlan Marines

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Making this to provide a combat unit for use in boarding, anti-boarding and other fleet activities. Image Credit:Artstation Role: Infantry complement for Ashlan Navy Permissions: Links: GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Ashlan Marines Affiliation: Isla...
  14. Darth Voyance

    Jenakaar-Class Star Destroyer [WSD-I/WotS]

    JENAKAAR-CLASS WARLORDS STAR DESTROYER (WSD-I) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To produce a Mass Production Ship-of-the-Line for the Warlords of the Sith Armada Fleets Image Source: 1 2 3 Canon Link: Harrower Class Dreadnought Resurgent Class Star Destroyer Permissions: N/A...
  15. Corellian Confederation

    Corellian Confederation

    THE CORELLIAN CONFEDERATION "Between war and peace, no being should just consider the former. No being must jeopardize the latter. Now, we - those alone in the void - come together once more. We unite our stars, our waters and our lands. Under Corellia we protect our peace. Under Corellia we...
  16. O

    Character  Commodore Olaris Extruct of the Ebon Vulture - [WIP]

    Commodore Olaris Extruct NAME: Olaris Extruct FACTION: The New Imperial Order [New Imperial Armada] RANK: Commodore SPECIES: Dashade AGE: ~20s~ SEX: Male HEIGHT: ~6'0~ WEIGHT: ~200 Pounds~ EYES: Crimson Red HAIR: NA SKIN: Dulled Grey HOMELAND: Vjun FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  17. U

    Approved NPC  New Imperial Maritime Division

    New Imperial Maritime Division "Imperial determinism and native seafaring tradition, that's all the Maritime Division needed to succeed." - Grand Admiral Svaraghaun New Imperial Waveskimmer running wargames. New Imperial Maritime Jack Emblem of the New Imperial Maritime Division OUT...
  18. Z

    Character  Crewman Zrotâl Freeman - Naval Gunner

    Crewman Zrotâl Freeman “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” [Start of Prologue] Authoritarianism is autocannibalizing. The Thilloch family had been in service for the Sith Empire in ages beyond counting. When the first enforcers of...
  19. Cassius Callaesar

    Approved Lore  1st Anaxsi-Imperial Battlefleet

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to sub the Alliance's naval fleet for the Anaxes Hex. Image Credit: [Image] - Emblem of the Azure Empire, Star Wars Combine Permissions: Republic Engineering Company Permissions | REC Redeemer Permission Nargath Holdings Permissions Links: Azure...

    Factory Denied  Omnia-Class General Purpose Frigate

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a general purpose frigate for the Eternal Empire Navy. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A...
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