Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Voice of the Lost

    Dominion  Creds Never Sleep | EOTL Dom of Ulmatra

    As the Empire continues to make their foray deep into Hutt Space, they set their sights on the planet Ulmatra where they met the first line of Hutt Resistance. The Kajidier Hutt Clan has rejected the Empire's generous offer to become part of the glorious expansion and has not only taken up arms...
  2. Jonah

    Private  Never a Bad Deal

    TATOOINE - BAZAAR The heat was nostalgic. Having been raised a stone's throw from a desert, Jonah was no stranger to the arid conditions of Tatooine. The endless sand and pronounced lack of moisture reminded him of home. It had been months now since his departure from the Expanse. Months...
  3. Braze

    Faction  Bruised But Never Broken

    TAGS: Shan Pavond | Open to friends or peers Braze wasn't having any progress even with his arm brace supplying his muscles with electricity so he could work it out every day. Which he did—strenuously so. He tried and tried and tried to no avail and wondered if he was just making excuses...
  4. Allyson Locke

    Private  Never Bargain with the Devil

    Continued from Here //: Dagobah //: //: Darth Carnifex //: fa-play fa-pause The vibration of the weapon connecting with His armored leg coursed through Allyson's forearms. She fought against the recoil of the weapon, wanting to bounce away. Allyson would have found herself in several pieces...
  5. Voldran Molf

    Private  Dreams Never Lie

    Shadow Lord, Prince of Nightmares Information Objective: ??? Location: ??? Equipment: N/A Tags: Vorm <"ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >> fa-play fa-pause Darkness; that was all he remembered. To tell the truth, he had no idea how long this state had...
  6. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  Dust Never Settles

    In the months following the Mandalorian invasion, Ukatis has begun to rebuild itself. A generous outpouring of aid had their work progressing at a rapid pace - and though some of the ancient architecture in the capital remained as cordoned-off rubble, several of the largest refugee camps had...
  7. Jonyna Si

    Private  Old Scars Fade Slowly

    Cathar, Ran Dom Kuun, City-Tree of the Denik Tribes Late afternoon Tag: Mia Monroe Ijaat Mereel To say the idea of a new Manda'lor was scary to the Cathar people was an understatement. The people of Cathar had always been skittish ever since the days of the old Republic, generations of trauma...
  8. B

    LOA  Never said I was gone, but I am back.

    That’s all.
  9. Ravenfire

    Public  Never Scarred

    Location: Yokta Noverskaa Yokta was at one point a small town in the middle of The Valley of Oceans and for a long time was disregarded as a small pit stop. Especially since it only had a pub, a couple houses and a small brewery. However in recent times, Yokta became rather famous due to its...
  10. EVE_0001

    Private  Never Wake A Sleeping Sith...

    The Unknown Regions- On a world known to a select few in antiquity as Vorruc, a desolate planet where ice and fire clashed in violent dichotomy, the ruins of a once mighty Sith faction known as the Black Hssiss Order lie in eternal slumber, undisturbed by the passing years...until now. A...
  11. Thelma Goth

    Private  Never Wear the Same Outfit Twice

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant Wearing: xxx It was lunchtime. That meant Thelma was in the mess hall with the other students at the Temple. She sat alone at a table near the back of the room, surrounded by plates piled high with nutrient-rich foods. The amount of food might seem improbable for such a...
  12. Lily Decoria

    Private  Never Staying Still

    Location: Healing Halls, Jedi Temple, Coruscant Outfit: Casual Tags: Toby Perris | Corazona von Ascania Lily was not being a very good patient. At least, the healers were not finding her to be very cooperative. Since the moment she had been sent to recover and get her injuries and condition...
  13. Iris Arani

    Private  Never Get High On Your Own Supply

    Denon had it's problems, she knew that much, but one of the worst was the drugs. It was a problem she'd been trying to figure out how to tackle herself, but if she was honest? There was no real answer to it. Not one she could solve by herself. The most she could do now? Be the doctor she was...
  14. Aelin Erevos

    Private  Blood in The Water

    fa-play fa-pause Outfit | XoXo Location | Hardhaven, Islimore Tag | Børre Drage Slowly she tugged the pins and baubles from the labyrinth of intricate braids and spiral locks that Freya had arranged earlier that day, piling them onto the dressing table in front of her. The collection of...
  15. Mishel

    Private  Swamps Never Sleep

    ARTIFICER + JEDI DAGOBAH Valery Noble Dagobah had proven thus far to be quite the surprise for Mishel. The light-sided master walked the temple's grounds heading for the nearby landing pads. She had invited Valery out to the Rimward Jedi Coalition's newest temple for two reasons so that the...
  16. Dreidi Xeraic

    Private  A little competition never hurt, right?

    Equipment: Lightsaber Outfit: Jedi Garb Tags: Brandyn Sal-Soren Dreidi had been training and sparring against a few Padawans at the New Jedi Order, she was getting more and more proficient in her Makashi style and using it with a reverse grip Lightsaber. It had been tricky when she was first...
  17. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Private  Water And Lightning Never Mixed

    Glee Anselm Under the moonlight, the sound of footsteps was soft and swift. The tropical trees did well to hide anything beneath, with tall winding roots allowing individuals to parkour above the swamp waters. Thank the Manda, the beskar'gam she wore had air conditioning! The masked individual...
  18. M

    Private  Public Speaking Was Never My Thing

    After spending the last hour and a half trying to explain to the dock officer that her frequent hand gestures weren’t any of her 'Jedi Sorcery', Myvette had finally been allowed off the landing platform and now could continue on with her mission. Myvette had always been a special case, she was...
  19. Crysis

    Private  Death, never expected, ever lurking.

    She left the ramp of the ship, short sabers dangling from her waist, yellow hued eyes observing the skyline of Exegol. Though lowering to the horizon to observe that as well. She couldn't sense anyone. And she pushed forward, not even thinking that she was pushing ahead. She felt a certain...
  20. Kat Decoria

    Private  Place Where the Party Never Ends

    Location: Nightclub - Zeltros Outfit: Dress Tag: Naivia Neryn The nightclub had thumping techno music, it wasn't usually her style of music but here on Zeltros, it just felt so right. It had been years since she had been to this world and part of her was wondering why she would ever leave, it...
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