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B R O K E N - T H I N G S - A R E - S E L D O M - E A S Y - T O - F I X
She awoke again, panting in a cold sweat as she pulled herself up from the medical bed. The sheets fell of her as she shuddered, desperately shaking herself awake and reminding herself she was safe now.
Well… she was...
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin
The Kyber Temple on Jedha lied in ruin for the most part. It was the site of an intense battle; but more aptly, it was the source of the great rumor. The...
//: Taiia Mataan //:
Long tireless nights haunted the Corellian after Coruscant. She continuously read through her notes, watched security footage, and even the meeting between Auteme and the Senator. Everything looked normal; none of it hinted at the betrayal that the Jedi had endured. Allyson...
[Current art for Ghost.]
Lockdown hurridly made his way down the hall of the old derelict station of hades corp he shouldn't even be here due to its location within EE space. Opening the door to the old bio lab Standing up and putting on an old set of gear lockdown reached out to the figure...
A gentle, static, hum reached her ears as she slowly opened her eyes and slid off of her bed. There wasn't much noise, the relative silence a testament to the degree of uneventfulness - of safety - that was prescribed to everyone in the Zambrano estate. It was the sole rule, the singular...
Location: Silver Rest South Lawn
Reserving the South Lawn was usually left for big events, parties, gatherings, and such. This morning was a little different. There are too many Jedi that are either "one" or "the other", either they are complete...
Frank would leave one of the many markets on the planet having purchased a couple drinks fallowing some Tabaco for himself since he managed to. Today was rather special though He figured he would go hangout with a fellow soldier one that could use the company all things considered. Walking up...
For as long as he had been back at the Academy, Arcturus had spent very little time indeed upon Korriban itself. He'd been busy, likely purposely kept busy by his superiors, visiting worlds, assisting in dominions, attending lessons here and there when he had the time to. Life hadn't quite...
There were a number of Mandalorian factions and groups, all with disparate and varied goals these days. And, to Ijaat, this was good, finally. All slowly learning to work together, to be one out of many. If not peaceably, then out of necessity. But one group he had not visited yet was the...
I'm currently looking to recruit up to three mercs/soldiers/bounty hunters for Abyss empire of crime and anarchy to work as constant contracts. This means that your character wouldn't be bound exclusively work for Abyss, but rather a binding agreement (IC) to support his operations whenever...