Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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new cov

  1. Aris Noble

    Private  The New Cov Tour

    With war picking up against the Sith, it only made sense that Aris help out where he could, however he could, with his fellow Jedi. There wasn't that much he could do though. As a Padawan, he could at least help people with minor issues, but he was still young. There was a lot of figuring out...
  2. Saahar

    First Reply  Jedi 101 | New Cov

    Location: New Cov Temple Tags: Open to any Jedi Saahar's first impression was simply how green everything was. Wilderness was a loosely defined term for her, as it had been for her entire life. Before New Cov, anytime she'd found herself in a forest she was more likely than not burning it to...
  3. Elicar Sikcomb

    Private  Blue-Milk Run Gone Sour

    Location: New Cov Attire: Jumpsuit, Explorer Jacket Weapons: Particle Pistol Vessel: Long Haul Tags: Valery Noble It was supposed to be a typical run. Easy peasy blue milk run with supplies along the border worlds. Especially down the Hyperlanes. Nothing major. He wasn't even hauling anything...
  4. Aymeric Prendergast

    Private  Quandary, Sundry

    QUANDARY, SUNDRY ~no I don’t know the path, or what kind of pith I’ve amassed~ OUTFIT: x TAG: Valery Noble NEW COV TEMPLE, NEW COV, CHURBA SECTOR, MID RIM The mission back in Ambria was a successful one, both in terms of the objective in hand, and in terms of what it meant for my career...
  5. Athsheva Rin

    Private  The Stranger who Sojourns with You

    Tagging: Liin Terallo The jungles of New Cov stretched out before her, a living tapestry of shifting foliage and chattering creatures. It was, in a single word, beautiful. As she walked through it, Athsheva Rin took the opportunity to breathe the air in deeply. After such a long journey through...
  6. Jonyna Si

    Duel  Sparring at New Cov

    Jonyna had made a habit of heading towards the New Cov Temple when she wanted to train. Coruscant was too...busy. Loud. Her sensitive ears always felt overwhelmed, and her sense of the force somehow felt....dulled. Too many people, not enough life. Everything felt artificial. But New Cov felt...
  7. Junko Ike

    Approved Starship  New Cov Biot Star Defenders

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To update and upgrade Sasori's ships and fighters Image Source: Tenchi Muyo Assimilator Class Star Destroyer Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Bioconstruct Artificial Intelligence Exotic Matter Programmable Matter PRODUCTION...
  8. Jonyna Si

    Public  Chillin on New Cov, Temple Edition

    Jonyna needed a break after everything that had happened to her over the past month. Between returning to Cathar, taking on her first mission as a jedi, moving in on Coruscant, and rediscovering her old base, and finally building a new set of sabers along with her new sword, she needed a chance...
  9. DeadpoolMLP

    LFG  Looking for some social times at the New Cov Temple.

    Jonyna's been going around a lot, but I feel like I could get some milage out of her just futzin around the New Cov temple. Anyone up for some casual RP?
  10. DeadpoolMLP

    Mission  In the Jungle, the Quiet Jungle | New Cov Attack

    The trip to New Cov was a quiet one for one Jonyna Si, Jedi Knight. Being referred to as 'Master Jedi' was still a shock to her. Then again, not being openly hunted by Stormtrooper was still a shock to her. There was a lot for her to adjust, even if she kept her smile to hide it. She missed the...
  11. Junko Ike

    Approved Tech  New Cov Atrisian Advisors

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To fulfill a commission of the Commonwealth for New Cov Image Source: IBrunette Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Exotic Matter Programmable Matter PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sasori Research Affiliation: Faction Name...
  12. Junko Ike

    Approved Tech  New Cov Combat Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To fulfill a commission of the Commonwealth for New Cov Image Source: Imperial Norway Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Exotic Matter Programmable Matter PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sasori Research Affiliation: Faction Name...
  13. Junko Ike

    Approved Tech  New Cov Civilian Outfit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To fulfill a commission of the Commonwealth for New Cov Image Source: Matriarchy Officer Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Exotic Matter Programmable Matter PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sasori Research Affiliation: Faction...
  14. Liin Terallo

    LFG  Attack Inside the Dome

    Hello! I am wondering if there are any writers out there that would like to participate in a story involving an attack inside one of the biodomes of New Cov? For those of you that do not know about the biodomes; they cover the cities and protect the population from the deadly flora and fauna of...
  15. Shoma Ike

    Private  The Crown

    ACS Xiaolang Atrisian Royal Exploration Corps Colonies Region Captain's Log, supplemental. The Xiaolang has completed our survey of the Qixoni Nebula. Initial reports from our scans of sector two-eight-besh-nine-seven suggests the collapse of a binary star. That should prove quite fascinating...
  16. Annasari

    Private  Up the Ante

    Senate Building, Coruscant // 9 o'clock Liin Terallo On the seventh floor of the Senate Building, Annasari's chambers were as she left them before the recess. Dark drapes opened, Galactic City stretched beyond the window, lively as ever. Ra'kan the pole snake writhed in his brass cage...
  17. Cailen Corso

    Private  A New Life

    A NEW LIFE A Star Wars Story Location: Workshop; Jedi Temple, New Cov Tags: Silas Westgard Objective: Reconnect with a good friend Soundtrack: Sprouting Potatoes Cailen took a step back to admire his handiwork. It had been weeks, maybe even months, since he had an opportunity like this...
  18. Valery Noble

    Approved Location  New Cov Jedi Temple [NJO]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make an entry for Valery's old Enclave, and how it was rebuilt to be used by all Jedi on the board. Image Credit: All images are screenshots from SWTOR. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Valery Noble — Grandmaster of the Temple in the Days of the Old...
  19. Valery Noble

    Wedding: Valery and Kahlil

    Wedding New Cov Almost 3 years ago, they crossed paths in the archives of New Cov's capital city, at a time when Valery Noble was adjusting to her recovery from stasis, and Kahlil Noble was learning more about what it meant to be a Jedi. With the idea of helping each other, the two traveled to...
  20. Tiria Reinhart

    What Lies Beneath and Within

    Location: Ilic, New Cov Tiria stood in the expansive observation deck that had been built into the wall built to enclose skyscrapers, separating them and their inhabitants from the lethal plant and animal life of New Cov. Perched atop this encompassing wall was a transparisteel dome, which was...
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