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new jedi order

Threads that involve the New Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance.
  1. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Tech  VT-Jedi Vanguard Armor

    Image Source: It's an old image I manipulated, tried reverse search couldn't find it Intent: To create an armor for those who would be dubbed the Vanguard Development Thread: If Requested Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies Model: VT-Jedi Vanguard Armor Affiliation: New Jedi Order Modularity: Yes...
  2. Adele Adonai

    New Jedi Order and Fringe Force User Mingle

    With us having so many new force users and the building of the New Jedi Temple ( Still ongoing please join!) I want to get a mingle thread so all padawans/ apprentices , Knights, masters can all meet and great. I think this is a great way to icly find a master if you like, or nab a padawan...
  3. Aela Talith

    A Home

    Aela marveled at the scene before her. She wore a thick EVO suit, rebreather, and heavy traversing gear meant for the surface of Sullust. Her eyes were locked on the already completed bio-dome of the New Jedi Temple on Sullust, its massive transapristeel expanse stretching almost into the...
  4. Adele Adonai

    Group Training - Thought Shield

    Hello, I'll be doing a group training class in the open forum for Jedi academy and New Jedi Order students. The Force Power will be the following: Thought Shield: It is an ongoing thread, and I would like to continue it. Anyone may be able to join in...
  5. Aela Talith

    Let's Build A Temple!

    Alright guys, I think our first thread has reached a great point. People are introducing one another, speaking to each other, and thats great. I think its time we started moving forward and building the NJO's first major temple, our "Coruscant" Temple to be exact, the one we all call home at the...
  6. Jacen Voidstalker

    New Jedi Order: Situational Awareness

    Sullust. G'rinn Go city. Main market. Central square. Those coming for today’s lesson would probably have a fifteen minute walk just to cross to the central square. This was the busiest place for foot traffic in G'rinn Go city, perhaps the entire planet. One could barely breathe in the press...
  7. Adele Adonai

    NJO, Fringe Forcers, everyone else Roster!

    I realized that with all the influx, it would be good to get a roster going. This is only for listing purposes Ooc, and so that they can be tagged appropriately. Regardless if you are a member of the New Jedi Order or a Fringe Force group, your ideas, votes, and suggestions are welcomed in the...
  8. Aela Talith

    The New Jedi Order

    Her hands tightened at her side. This was something new for Aela, something she'd never thought would happen, something that seemed utterly foreign to her. She was part of a Jedi Order. It had seemed unlikely since she was fourteen, impossible even. Yet here she was, calmly wearing the...
  9. Jacen Voidstalker

    A New Hope

    Faction Only OOC Intro/Discussion thread There was a thud and the whole shuttle shook. Jacen Voidstalker took a deep breath in. No matter his military experience, his Jedi training, this was always terrifying. Sitting in the back of a shuttle in the...
  10. Aela Talith

    Jedi Thread!

    Hey guys! For those of you interested in the NJO and our new Grand Marshall I'll be starting a thread on Sullust today just for us!
  11. Micah Talith

    The Galactic Alliance: The New Jedi Order Sullust Academy House

    Hello Jedi Academy, As a member of the Jedi Academy, and with my mother being one of the main professors, I would like to submit a formal request for the New Jedi Order to perchance become involved with the Houses and Academy program you provide, working with the Headmistress Eyal M'ti. We...
  12. Aryn Teth

    The New Jedi Order, Jedi Service Corps, Independant Force Organizations & Member Index

    The New Jedi Order The New Jedi Order, is the Jedi order of the Galactic Alliance. The NJO is headed by Grand Marshall Omai Rhen, a fifty seven year old Human Jedi master. Within the Galactic Alliance those within the New Jedi Order serve a multitude of roles including diplomats...
  13. Adele Adonai

    [ JA & NJO group training] You will know when you are calm. At Peace

    "You will know ( the good and the bad) when you are calm. At Peace." ~ Master Yoda Ruusan Deep in the Jungle The light would filter with an almost ethereal glow down the overhead cavern shaft towards the alabaster...
  14. Daniel Winnik

    Daniel Winnik

    Name: Daniel Winnik Faction: New Jedi Order Rank: Padawan Species: Ruusanian (near-Human) Age: 23 Height: 1.85 m Weight: 81 kg Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Skin: Tanned Force Sensitive: Yes Appearance: Fairly tall, has the typical Ruusanian tanned complexion. Usually has a scruffy beard as...
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