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Kostodu Xyston, Jedi Padawan, walked purposefully down one of many grand hallways in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. His worn brown boots pounding on the carpeted floor endlessly, he began to wish the Temple wasn't as big as it was. Now, he had to get from one side of the Temple, all the way over...
could a very large space station fit into this category? like say i wanted to make the Main base of operations for a faction a station within a system would I need to make the station its own location in lore or as a planet or would the planet be considered the capital even if the stations the HQ?
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Angellus "Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO"
SECTOR: Coruscant
ORDERS: No Orders, looking to sign up...
Got a new dog, very excitable and hyper. Also loves to play loads. She's very lovely and very endearing, much needed energy in my life.
All this to say, when I go to post, gunna take much longer to do the posts since she is currently very demanding of my time and I want to play with her...
Intent: To sub a standard issue utility belt for the NJO
Image Source: here
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Si Tech
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance (NJO)
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A
I've seen a lot of the new characters being posted making use of the new templates, which is cool! But when I look at the ones with the dark backgrounds, I find the text really straining on the eyes. I started experimenting with the code, and I think it's primarily the text-shadow that's doing...
Intent: Create a heavy lightsaber for Alina.
Image Source: ZachMMalin
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: Lightsaber
Manufacturer: Alina Tremiru
Affiliation: Alina Tremiru
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A
Modularity: No...
Intent: To flesh the EOTL Intelligence arm
Image Credit:
Canon: Imperial Intelligence, Imperial Security Bureau
Organization Name...
When the weather is harsh, and the winds blow like a dragon's breath, find a rock in the storm, and hang on for dear life.
Our brothers, the ones who we swore our blood to, have become monsters. Demagolka who seek only blood for blood's sake.
Many of us still remember the previous...
Added 5 new background slots, cycled out 3 old backgrounds. If you hate any of 'em, please make sure to walk directly into your front door at a brisk pace!
9. The following CSS attributes from the DIV bb code are now prohibited and may not be used.
a. background-attachment: fixed;
b. width:, min-width:,
c. cursor:
Have you ever seen this? Opened up a thread on your phone and boom, reading comprehension just completely destroyed?
It's because...
Per derpy admins request, a new seasonal prefix is now available to herald in the arrival of my favorite month (and yours if ur not crazy), October. It is available in Roleplay, Suggestions, and the RP discussion forum.
October is the wall between us and the next 60 days of Mariah Carey...
Hello! This is Liin's writer! When speaking with a couple of people in regards to the stagnancy of Liin's story, they convinced me to create someone different and near opposite of Liin. So I have, ha ha!
This here is Oksana and I'm not quite certain if I am ready for her yet. Just working on...
looking for some threads for the Lilaste order to participate in getting our name out there and interact with the other factions and other people! be it as allies or maybe starting some rivalries I'm up for any and all kinds of threads. So shoot me some ideas. a little about the order, we are a...
Intent: To create the homebase of Darth Trakaton on Sarrassia.
Image Credit: Artstation I, Deviantart, Artstation II
Canon: N/A
Permissions:s [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this...
Location: Akron Family Estate, Outskirts of Pantoran City, Pantora
Objective: Mold the Future
Tags: Jon Rhalin | Tiyo Rhalin | Shija Loigos
After a fruitful if not necessarily pleasant outing to the Tion Cluster for a conference of Imperial minds, Khrusaes left his agents and allies to do the...
Hello! I am new here and looking for some fun experiences :)) I’ve love the star wars universe and am increasingly excited to bring my own characters into it! This seems to be a nice place to be and I hope I’ll find people and factions I’ll enjoy RPing with
Are you seeking a purpose greater than yourself? A path where the Force flows freely, where light and darkness coexist in harmony, and where the galaxy's balance is restored? Look no further than the Lilaste Order, a semi-militarized faction founded by Laphisto Gix and his apprentice, Jacen Law...
I screwed up a huge batch of flair, but instead of ragequitting I'm just slowly rebuilding and adding even more.
Unfortunately, this means we won't have a huge one night shot of "BOOM 500 FLAIR." Instead, it will be slowly rolled throughout the month.
But, I feel like the updates we really...