Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

    Happy Thanksgiving Chaos

    EAT TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT! .... But not too much.
  2. Cira

    Friendsgiving loaish

    I totally thought I posted this up days ago, so sorry. Had people stay over the past four days for our friendsgiving so that's why I'm four days behind posts. Playing hostess and having a blast! Later on tomorrow morning I'll get to posting speed again.
  3. Ben Carlin

    Shepherd's Weekend LOA

    Hello all, as most of you know by now I'm fairly new here, only coming here last Saturday on a whimsy and boredom. What I found was a nice welcoming place where I've shown some of my skills for you and hope to keep improving them throughout the future. But for now I'm on a LOA from October 28th...
  4. Darth Metus


    A MAND'ALOR IS BORN! MAND'ALOR THE ADORABLE!!! Ahem. So, my son arrived at 8:21 this morning. 9 lbs, 2 oz of sheer handsome. LOOK OUT WORLD, MY MINI-ME IS HEEEEEEEERE.
  5. Lief

    Ongoing Semi-Hiatus

    Who is this idiot, and why do they keep disappearing and reappearing? Okay so as anyone who writes with me will have noticed, I've had another dip in activity this past week and a half. Which is annoying, because I've had a serious itch to write and no time to scratch it. Recently I decided to...
  6. Noire

    Please follow the Underworld News!

    The best way to keep in touch with what is going on with the Underworld and all of the organizations that make a part of it. I will be using the news forum at the Underworld front page to keep everyone up to date on what is going on. So please go to our Underworld Home page: (link below)...
  7. Zeradias Mant

    Closing this Chapter

    My muse has been shot for a while now, and my only excuse to stick around has been you guys. Chaos has an awesome community I'm glad to have been a part of. It's been a relatively worry-free time, but as far as stress goes, when it rains it pours. Luckily it's been more absent than not. As I...
  8. sabrina

    I am calling it a day

    Hi all Been thinking about this all, day and come november I am leaving for good. As I want devote my spare time to my child, rather than checking in everyday to check. I may come back in few years, when she is at school, or not. So all my characters need an ending. If you got ideas let me know
  9. Judah Dashiell


    Somehow my laptop went on the fritz Monday. Trying to bring it back to a restore point but Ive got a hectic work schedule til Friday. Hoping to restore it back to order and run an unofficial Omega event :)
  10. Darth Carnifex

    Writing Break

    Gonna take a break from writing on Chaos. Site's lost its luster for me, so I need to take a good long break and just lurk OOCly. Maybe not even lurk. More news at eleven.
  11. Ellie Mors

    Increased Activity

    Alrighty, it is officially zombie-season in the restaurant industry in my part of the world (as in there's very few customers until busy season starts in a couple months) so now I should be getting more time on the board. Also got a new phone earlier this week, so I can do stuff during...
  12. Valiens Nantaris

    The Calm Before The Storm (Weekend LOA)

    So I am going to be taking an (unauthorised) LOA this weekend from Saturday to Tuesday to go interstate, see family, and generally have a life. Then I can come back and spend the rest of my holiday administering this event. :p But seriously, I’ll have internet and a laptop with me, but will...
  13. Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

    Star Wars Galaxies: Legends

    I know people have wondered where i have been and im about to tell ya. I've been playing Star Wars Galaxies...turds. The server is exactly as it was when the official servers were out back in 2010 and 2011. Jedi is working and Space combat is also working great. If you got any questions about...
  14. Kay-Larr

    Another Instalment of Audio Chaos! Here is part three. Delayed, I know, but it's longer, I had to recast one role plus take a break on it due to my Uncle passing away. But it's here for everyone to enjoy! One more part to go for that story arc and then it'll be time to pick out other threads to put...
  15. Miss Blonde

    Taking a break! ^_^

    Hey guys! Just letting you know that I'm taking a break to get myself a new job, focus on some new hobbies, and just generally live life and have fun! Not that I don't have fun here it's just my muse hasn't been all that high lately and as one of my favorite artists says that when you're dealing...
  16. L

    Indefinitely Decreased Activity

    Hey! I'll be starting school again on Thursday, so that means I will be even busier than I am right now. And that means I may not be able to post as often as before. I will still be here daily, doing work in the Codex and handling FA business, but my posting will be very limited and my focus...
  17. Ket Van-Derveld

    Big Surgery coming up...

    Well, a few people are aware of this, but hell, I oughta just let you all know. I've been slowly going deaf now for a fair few years. My current ENT (Ear Nose Throat) ordered a CT Scan done. Here's the long and short of it: I have a very large cyst made up of skin cells growing in my left...
  18. Miss Blonde

    Star Wars TK-436

    With all the hype for Rogue One it might be possible that you missed this absolute fucking gem of a fan film that took first in the Star Wars fan film contest. The score is fantastic, the humanization of stormtroopers is on point, acting is well not the best (monologue wise) in my opinion there...
  19. Kay-Larr

    Rest In Peace Kenny Baker :(

    The actor behind my favourite Star Wars character, R2D2 has passed away. He was 83.
  20. Ultimatum

    XCOM Playthrough

    So I recently started playing XCOM EU and have been enjoying myself immensely. I figured I would bring the stories that I come up with about the soldiers and what not while playing the blogs and starting something like Louise's pokemon playthrough with a few twists to make this unique. I am...
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