Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Orn'om

    Approved Starship Nightdragon Man-of-War

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To bring a cool new canon ship idea on Chaos Image Source: LINK Canon Link: Nightdragon Man-of-War Permissions: Perms Primary Source: Original PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Chiss Ascendancy Affiliation: ANY CHISS FACTION Market Status...
  2. W

    Character Kiwu'tro'owmis

    NIGHTDRAGON Music LULLABY Aliases Wutroow Hatchling Class(es) Myrmidon Assignment Flagship Birthplace Coruscant Age Young Teen Personality Traits Education Traits Lifestyle Traits Rank(s) Faction(s) Species Chiss [Distant Human Ancestry] Languages Basic...
  3. Tris

    Approved Lore Nightdragon Corps

    "The mysteries of the Force are an enigma to me. But for all those abilities, all the power, the Jedi lacked the vision for how to wield it." -Mitth'raw'nuruodo OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Put to paper an idea I've had since reading the New Canon Thrawn trilogy and expanding on my...
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