Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Captain Larraq

    Approved Species  Plagyra

    Name: Plagyra Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Argyra IV Language: NA Average height of adults: Microscopic Skin color: Pale Blue / Transparent Hair color: NA Breathes: Type 1 Atmosphere - Salt Water Strengths: Able to detect bio-electrical signals of nearby creatures Able to...
  2. Mrrew

    Approved Species  Dajini Beldons

    Image: Image source: World of monsters wiki Name: Dajini Beldon Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Dajin Language: None Average height of adults: 100m Skin color: Orange Hair color: None Breathes...
  3. Tsavong Kraal

    Approved Species  Vaghrokka

    Image: Name: Vaghrokka Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Yuuzhan'tar Language: None. Average height of adults: 3 meters Average length of adults: 9 meters. Skin color: Usually blue, but can vary...
  4. Seydon of Arda

    Approved Species  Dantooine Plains Turkey

    Credit Source Name: Dantooine Plains Turkey [Meleagris Kamanis Ciracuse Tegarin Olfertan Connosoris] A.K.A. Lunchmeat Designation: Non-Sentient Language: Warbles & Clucks Average Height of Adults: 3.36 Meters Skin Color: Pale Peach & Rosy Hair Color: [Plumage] Red, Purple, Green, Copper...
  5. Mrrew

    Approved Species  Chindi

    Found on Name: Chindi Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Heklor Language: Chitters, sqeaks Average length of adults: 0.4 meters (16 inches) Skin color: Grey Hair color: Dark red fur Breathes: Type I atmosphere Strengths: Skin membranes: Chindi have skin membranes...
  6. Mrrew

    Approved Species  Haywani

    White ape from john carter wiki. Name: Haywani Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Heklor Language: Bellows, grunts, roars Average height of adults: Males are typically around 6 meters at shoulder , while females are typically around 4.5 meters. Skin color: Grey Hair color: Grey, brown...
  7. Mrrew

    Approved Species  Nyati

    Name: Nyati Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Heklor Language: Grunts, bellows Average height of adults: Males are about 1.9 meters at shoulder, while females are about 1.5 meters. Skin color: Dark brown, grey-black Hair color: Brown Breathes: Type I Strengths: Sheer...
  8. Mrrew

    Approved Species  Vimelea Name: Vimelea Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Heklor Language: None Average length of adults: 0.1 meters Skin color: Black and yellow Hair color: Black Breathes: Type I atmosphere Strengths: Ovipositor: Vimeleas have 7 millimeter long ovipositors, which are used in...
  9. HK-36

    Approved Species  Nocur

    Image: Taken from DeviantArt, a piece called "Owlbear" by artist Aaron Miller, (link here) Name: Nocur Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Abregado-Rae Language: Squawks for calling out to other members of their pack, shrieks to alarm other members of the pack of incoming danger, soft clapping...
  10. HK-36

    Approved Species  Magru

    Image: Taken from DeviantArt, a piece called "Are You A Bird?" by artist Alpenminuial (Link here) Name: The Magru Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Abregado-Rae Language: Squawks for calling out to other members of their pack, shrieks to alarm other members of the pack of incoming danger...
  11. L

    Approved Species  Stalker

    Credit Name: Stalker Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Rattatak Language: Growls, Hisses Average height of adults: 1.5 meters Average length of adults: 4.5 meters Skin color: Black Hair color: Black Breathes: Type I Strengths: [+]Mutations: The nature of the Stalker means that it is a...
  12. L

    Approved Species  Verinth

    Credit: In the Pic Name: Verinth Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Rattatak Language: Growls, Hisses. Average height of adults: 1.5 meters Average length of adults: 4.5 meters Average length of Tail: 1 meter Average length of Whiptails: 2 meters Skin color: Black Hair color: Black Breathes...
  13. L

    Approved Species  The Corallus

    Credit Name: Corallus Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Dxun Language: Hissssss Average height of adults: 8m On Average, though largest ever recorded was 20m Skin color: Green/Black Breathes: Type I Strengths: [+]Constrictor: The Primary attribute and method of hunting for the Corallus is...
  14. Nikolas Faselli

    Approved Species  Præfecti

    A typical Praefecti - from here. Name: Præfecti Biological Classification Designation: Non-Sentient Classification: Mammal Races: Perfecti, snowfecti, naturecti Physical Characteristics Average Height of Adults: 2 metres Skin Colour: White Fur Colour: White, brown, red, black. Average...
  15. HK-36

    Approved Species  Leovi

    Image: Image taken from the site DeviantArt, a piece called "Griffin" by artist NimueKaiba ( Name: Cliff Leovi Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Abregado-Rae Language: Squawks for calling out to other members of their pack, shrieks to...
  16. Ayden Cater

    Approved Species  Corellian Ropo

    Name: Corellian Ropo, Moustached Ropo Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Corellia Language: None Average height of adults: 0.3 meters Skin color: Dark gray Hair color: Varied; white, various shades of gray, black Breathes: Type I Strengths: Extremely cute Superb hearing Weaknesses...
  17. Thurion Heavenshield

    Approved Species  Hrothwûrm "The ultimate prey is the great and mighty Hrothwûrm; huge dragon-like predators capable of burrowing, making a highly deadly and worthy foe." - Excerpt from the Valkyri species submission. Name: Hrothwûrm...
  18. L

    Approved Species  The Valrain

    Credit Name: Valrain Designation: Non-sentient(Intelligence level of a dolphin) Homeworld: Rattatak Language: ...bird noises. Average height of adults: 1.2 -1.5meters Average Wingspan: 2.5-3meters Skin color: Black Hair color: Brown and Gold Breathes: Earth Norm Strengths: [+]The Valrain have...
  19. Break

    Approved Species  Acklay Minor

    Name: Acklay Minor Designation: non sentient Homeworld: Geonosis, Language: Clicks and roars along with neck patch color patterns. Average height of adults: 0.9144 meters Skin color: anywhere ranging from green to brown although black isnt unheard of. Hair color: none Breathes...
  20. Soeht

    Approved Species  Ropo

    Name: Ropo Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Hoth Language: None Average height of adults: 0.5 meters Skin color: Dark gray Hair color: Covered completely by white fur Breathes: Type I Strengths: Extremely cute Responds well to biscuits Weaknesses: Ignorant to danger Worthless in a fight...
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