Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Delila Castillon

    Private  Gluk Me

    Matra VI, Authority Arc Trade Route, Tingel Arm | Dante Castillon Stretching her back while sitting at the countertop, Delila listened to the conversations around her as she waited for her gluk soup from the aptly named named You've Got Gluk stall. To be fair, she had picked the stall...
  2. Chloe Blake

    Mission  Ain't all buttons and charts, little albatross

    A U R O R A H A W K L A E K I A "So, I can give you the two-credit tour, or Trextan can. Up to you," Chloe relayed to Kyra Perl, the Warden of the Sky, leading her and Trextan Voidstalker from the primary hanger to the communal area. The footsteps echoing down the hallway gave way as the...
  3. Coren Starchaser

    Faction  Treasure or Trouble? (Levantines)

    The one trick about wars, they were always disruptive. And that meant things didn't go according to plan. The new group who were out there waving a flag that very much read Levantine Sanctum Nursing Home Gang had found, the need to start things up small. They weren't making a movement to change...
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