Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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of the

  1. Khan Morren

    Character  Khan Morren

    Khan Morren - Mechanic and Pilot NAME: Khan Morren FACTION: Independent RANK: Pilot of The Camilla SPECIES: Human AGE: 22 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5 foot 11 inches WEIGHT: 175 lbs EYES: Green HAIR: three or so inches long on top, combed backward in a relaxed way. SKIN: Caucasian...
  2. K

    Future of the Faction Poll

    Alright, everyone. With the departure of Darth Voyance and the confusion of what this means for the future of the Warlords of the Sith, we here at Staff have decided to ask you what you think we should do moving forward. The options presented each have had their arguments made between Staff...
  3. Taeli Raaf

    LFG  Looking for Card Subjects: Head of the Snake

    Title kinda says it all, but I'm looking for participants, events, NPC forces and tech, etc. that have been used in the first Annihilation thread on the board to make a special card series for it, thanks to Loske Treicolt for putting the bug in my head. This would be a limited release, so not...
  4. Kaida Taldir

    Approved Tech  Sentinel of the Hologate

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit another Artificial Intelligence. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Artificial Intelligence. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yohara Taenasi, Varisanthra Lycaeni, Nova Bank. Affiliation: Yohara Taenasi...
  5. Darth Sinestruss

    Order of the Sith Hounds [Roster & Missions Board]

    ORDER OF THE SITH HOUNDS ASSASSINS OF THE SITH WARLORDS [LORE SUB LINK] Decree of Founding by the Dark Sovereigns "By anointment of the Dark Sovereigns, the Order of the Sith Hounds has been formed with the express purpose of hunting the enemies of the Sith Warlords Covenant and...
  6. Elpsis Kerrigan

    Approved Location  Citadel of the Voidstrikers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand on Tephrike. Image Credit: Found here, but the source link linked there doesn't work. This seems to be a differently coloured version. Canon: N/A Permissions: Can use Firemane stuff because I own the company. Links: Into Darkness, After Darkness...
  7. Darth Carnifex

    Kainate Roster

    SITH ORDER DARK LORDS OF THE SITH Carnifex Darth Prazutis SITH MASTERS Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Darth Voracitos Gunnr Zambrano Lunafreya Solidor Taeli Raaf SITH KNIGHTS Adara Raxis Raya Najwa Zambrano Zeptepi Zambrano SITH ACOLYTES First Sister Girak Cadera Magnus Cadera Valen...
  8. K

    Dominion  Helfrost | Dominion of Helgard | Warlords of the Sith

    //CHAPTER THREE// LOCATION: X STORY SET-UP: Once more, WAR has come to the frozen grave-world of Helgard. The great devastation known as the Warlords of the Sith have long sought to reclaim the world of Helgard under the Sith banner and add its people to their ranks. Such mighty warriors are...
  9. Nezira Viresh

    Private  Fear of the Unknown

    Tag: Cas Tynen Theme: Ambience Location: Dathomir Nezira had been pacing back and forth in front of the entrance of an ancient Dathomirian temple, built long before her time or much of the Dathomirian people as a whole. The pale girl looked worried, hugging herself around the waist, waiting...
  10. Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

    Character  Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

  11. Vaena Askari

    Knights of the Blessed Lady

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A. Primary Source: N/A. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Knights of the Blessed Lady. Headquarters: Pious Deliverance Locations: Tygara, Mobile Operating Centres. Operations: Alchemical crafting, medical aid, combat...
  12. Darth Maladroth

    Faction  Sith Eternal │ State of the Empire

    Korriban Dresdae 864 ABY It was no mystery, the economy of the Sith Eternal was suffering. Billions of credits in debt with a deficit only making it worse, heavy losses on Ossus, and no industry to begin to turn the tides on what occurred. Without final word on the invasion of the Peridian...
  13. Kage

    Approved NPC  Ravinda | Survivor of the Night of the Red Rose

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a Force User who was an enforcer for the Oni Syndicate Image Credit: SWTOR Role: An enemy that Kage is trying to hunt down, but Jaster Awaud needs information from Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other...
  14. Taeli Raaf

    Rirmia iw ri Ardira

    Hidden Sith Laboratory - Bastion It had been a project she had been working on for quite some time. Dozens of missions to obtain even a scrap of information, secret expeditions to piece together the different rituals and the specs of the machinery needed. A few dead ends in trying to find the...
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