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Return of the Old Menace, Problem on Loovria
The Graug....
A threat long ago to the very concept of civilization, a constant blight on world after world while the galaxy focuses on the Brotherhood of the Maw. The graug do not suffer defeat for long even after the disaster at Korriban...
Ijaat has been around here a while, and is one of my oldest RP characters, and my oldest Star Wars face period. I'd love to get feedback on him from you guys as to your thoughts on his journey, his shift from NFU to FU years ago, and overall critique of how I write him. Thanks for any advice!
Howdy people of the internet. I've had a rather extended leave of absence (4 years still counts as a LOA right?) But am looking to get back into the site albeit at a slow and easy pace. Would like to take up some threads whether that's with new or old faces! I'm honestly pleased and impressed to...
Martin tapped the tip of his boot against the metal flooring anxiously, the hum of the small transport ship mulling in his ear. he sighed, looking out of the window to the city below. Londo, an Esthoriel city.
"You're nervous." Martin looked to the blonde officer sitting across from him, she...
How many of you here also play SWTOR?
Do you guys bring your toon from there to be played out here as well, or here in Chaos you create new chars to be used exclusively in the forum?
Short Description: An old account of mine was disconnected after leaving Chaos some time ago, and I would like it returned.
Browser: N/A
Severity: N/A
Description: I left Chaos for a few years, toward the end of 2018, and during my absence my old accounts were disconnected from my current email...
I keep getting an old notification being marked as new. Its back from Dec 29th. I mark it read when I log on but it still comes up. I am nit watching the thread or anything.
Any ideas how to stop it?
To tell to you the truth, I'm good with about any faction as long as they aren't hardcore evil.
To give you a brief rundown of the character, Avery is an old man whose glory days are behind him. While he doesn't show it, he misses the field of battle and leading his troops into the charge. But...
"From there,
we went outside and saw the stars."
Dante Alighieri, Inferno
No new features in this update, I instead wanted to take a moment to welcome the huge influx of new members to Star Wars We're in the midst of a large expansion within this New Year and there's many things both...
"Stalwart, I will stand, until mountains turn to sand."
LOCATION: Aboard the Turhaya
TIME: Morning
THEME: Ambience - Reading Music
A Jedi's work is never done.
Sitting down with a steaming mug of caf at the holoterminal aboard his ship - a second home in some ways and brought up to...
Teru Challo.
Had Iris met him before? Honestly, the young Padawan couldn't remember. Then again, she rarely remembered anyone she met. Only a couple actually stood out in her mind, after repeated interactions at least. From what she was told, she was going to go help this Teru. A fellow Padawan...
Outer Rim
Former ORC Shadowport
Docking Bay 135
Old Man Merrill
Noah sighed as he groaned and cracked his neck as he labored away in his personal armory of the Solomon, the ship which had been his companion long before he had even married either of his wives and before he had any children. As...
Mooga. Home of Ardees, a popular beverage in the region and a fine addition to any teashop and a drink for young and old alike! Who would ever assume that this innocent leafes could be used to hide forbidden substances, abusing the businesses on Mooga and it's established connections to get...
Location: Near Wielu
Omen strolled through the halls of the Venator Class Star Destroyer "Starhunter" in full beskar armor, checking through rooms and compartments of the old battered vessel just to see what he could find. He had first come across the ship in very much the same way he had been...
Wearing: Nothing
Armed with: Herself, House Io Lightsaber
Came to Naboo in: TIE Silencer
12 hours ago...
The pair of Final Dawn Sith were terrible, fierce warriors, sent to hunt and kill the Mother of the Machine currently stalking them. They were highly experienced practitioners of the...
so i have a few old characters that i dont use and id like to revamp them by changing their names and rebuilding their profiles but how do i do that now that the rank and name change thread is archived?
It had been a while since Galen had left Arken Rhau and Shavara. He had traveled to Devaron because he had found out there was an old Jedi temple that had been abandoned since about half way through the The Clone Wars. Certain part of it had been reduced to mere rubble while other parts were...
Intent: To create a personalized Phase-Knife for Sarad
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link:
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source:
Location: Local Cantina near the Jedi Temple
Coruscant floor: Surface
Tags: Liedran Kathause
"Lords above what a day," Thought Kinhaes as she walked through the busy streets of Coruscant. She had just spent over Fourteen hours doing training on her defensive style, the iconic Form 3; Soresu...