Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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one sith

  1. Ket Van-Derveld

    Have Lightsaber, Will Travel. ( ALL Factions )

    (( a bit o' music for our scene? )) Tatooine The desert rock which this entire Galaxy seemed to revolve around. Hate it, love it, avoid it, frequent it, everyone knew the truth of the matter. Tatooine was the place where Empires had fallen, great Jedi had gotten their start, where great...
  2. Darth Abyss

    The sith ascension - Raid of Katarr

    Orbit - One hour until the ships would reach katarr Abyss watched the stars pass by trough the small window of a drop ship that rested in the hangar of one of the bigger ships of the fleet. The ship was filled with the most loyal and fanatic follows of the one sith, soldiers, pilots and...
  3. Cyrus Tregessar

    Fighting Back

    We're a hell of a target these days. Whatever the decisions to be made for the future of the One Sith, I'd not have us be seen as easy prey. We're already under attack in two threads (a raid on Brokellia here and an attack on Bilbringi which seems to have stalled out) and I would expect more...
  4. Julius Sedaire

    OOC for Corellia Raid

    Here is the OOC for this raid. Post up to find dancing partners, ask questions, and the like. Here's a few bits of info: Why now? Everyone had the spare time to do it. I've been trying for literally since I joined Chaos and it never worked. Why Corellia? Really? That's your question? Ok...
  5. Julius Sedaire

    Bring the Noise! (Corellian League Raid on Corellia)

    Corellian League Raid of Corellia Julius had been planning this for years, had tried before and failed. Now as the stars blurred and swirled by in hyperspace, he felt the push of the Force back on him, the call of Glory, as Marasun had said of it. A dangerous sensation, but one that let you...
  6. D

    What's Yours Is Mine (MC V SA/OS)

    It had been some time now. Recopia. In the Core Worlds it was just another pretty planet, but once upon a time it held the One Sith's darkest secret. Or one of them, depending on who was asked. The Sith Assassins. Once lead by Darth Ferus, then by [member="Darth Ophidia"] , they lived in the...
  7. A

    Interview Log 002: Pics or it Didn't Happen

    There was no way that could be real. Just no way. "I'll apparate you into the Netherworld." It had to be some holonet troll. Yet somehow Akilah still had doubts. Her answers, though horrific and terrifying, were remarkably consistent with each other. The answers all denoted a mixture of messiah...
  8. Jessica Med-Beq

    Vengeance served freezing cold [ KDY / OS Heist ]

    OOC thread While on the ground, the components are being loaded on a Star Tours Maersk-class ship, the Maersk of Lanteeb, Charzon inspects the contents of the shipment they are about to deliver to Kuat. Star Tours tends to name ships with the convention, with the ship class in front, and a...
  9. Cyrus Tregessar

    Approved Starship  Darr Itah-class Grand Battlecruiser

    Image Source: This Guy Affiliation: The One Sith Manufacturer: The One Sith Model: Darr Itah-class Battlecruiser Modularity: N/A Production: Limited Material: Quadanium/Durasteel Hull, Turadium Internal Structure at vital areas, Matrix-Trimantium Armor, AR-03 Damage Component, Duraplast(to...
  10. Abelain Narv'uk

    Mercenaries, Smugglers, Criminals Needed!

    Good Greetings everyone, The One Sith are requesting the services of members of the criminal element for an up and coming Dominion upon the world of Bassadro. There are a variety of tasks necessary to complete, and that means that there are many roles that people might fill. All included...
  11. Republic Engineering

    BLACKOUT (Galactic Alliance Invasion of the One Sith held Coruscant.)

    Art by [member="Netherworld"] Our time has come. For an entire Solar Cycle; We prepared and grew stronger, while you rested in your Opulent Cradle of Power. Believing that your people were safe, and protected by the lies you had wrought. You were trusted to safeguard their lives and yet were...
  12. Ugohr Poof

    McMansion scam

    So I have an idea: I could say that, as a token of gratitude, some NPC Sith lord is selling a mansion at a discount on Malastare on the condition that it be sold to a member of a NFU in either One Sith or Sith Triumvirate military service. The mansion even has its own landing bay. (Its last...
  13. Isamu Baelor

    Approved Tech  IF-OS-W02A Blaster Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION: Intent: To create an alternate blaster rifle for the One Sith Development Thread: N/A Image Source: Destiny PRODUCTION INFORMATION: Manufacturer: Ironfury Industries Model: IF-OS-Wo2A Blaster Rifle Affiliation: The One Sith Production: Mass-produced Modularity...
  14. Isamu Baelor

    Approved Tech  IF-OS-A01A Infantry Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION: Intent: To create an alternate infantry armor for the One Sith Development Thread: If needed Image Source: Star Wars: Uprising PRODUCT INFORMATION: Manufacturer: Ironfury Industries Model: IF-OS-A01A Infantry Armor Affiliation: The One Sith Production...
  15. Sere Reene

    Approved Tech  OS-GG1

    Sources: Crysis Video Game | Text Custom Voted Ugliest Gun, Guns with Ewoks Gone Wild #Issue 54 Intent: Standard Blaster Chaingun for Heavy Infantry Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Fire For Effect Model: OS-GG1 Gatling Gun Affiliation: Fire For Effect Closed Market, Special Orders...
  16. Darth Centax

    Approved Location  The Memorial Wall: Central Centax 5th Army Command and Control

    Name: The Memorial Wall. Central Centax 5th Army Command | Image Source Classification: Coruscant Command and Control Facility Location: Central Centax Memorial, Coruscant | Image Source Affiliation: One Sith, specifically their 5th Army: 769th, 770th, 771st, 772nd and Corps. With the 6th...
  17. Darth Centax

    Approved Vehicle  HAT-AT

    Sources: Image | Custom Text Intent: To create a vehicle designed for marching fire, to transport vehicles and large amounts of manpower. The turtle of AT-AT's Development Thread: Here *15 Posts Allocated for this Tech Manufacturer: OS with FFE PDS, Alloy and Shield Components. Model: HAT-AT...
  18. S

    Sabatoge and Insurrection (GA/OS)

    Kuat 1700 Hours Following her leaving the Republic forces and watching the galaxy splinter, Silara had picked up new role. To sew insurrection and chaos amongst One Sith forces as best she could. The silver Sanctum appeared to in a state of flux, whilst the Alliance scored decisive victories...
  19. Isamu Baelor

    Approved Tech  IW-W03C Lance Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION: Intent: To create a signature weapon for the Iron Vanguard Development Thread: N/A Image Source: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Astray R PRODUCTION INFORMATION: Manufacturer: The One Sith Model: IW-W03C Lance Rifle Affiliation: The Iron Guard Production: Minor (Produced...
  20. Ellie Mors

    Staff  Invasion of Dulvoyinn Results (OS v GA)

    [member="Raziel"] [member="Cira"] [member="Lorelei Darke"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Spencer Varanin"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Kyra Sol"] [member="Kana Truden"] I was given the opportunity to review the One Sith versus...
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