Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. EFCOM

    Junction  Operation Silent Night: Eternal Empire (Empty Hex) vs Enclave (Ra'katha) Junction

    Panatha was just the beginning. The Mandalorian Enclave launched their infamous raid upon the Imperial vassal state under the rallying cry of ‘No Sith No Exceptions’, wherein they successfully set about launching a ruthless campaign of purging the well known planet of its cult-like Sith...
  2. Erwin von Hohenlautern

    Faction  Operation: Vermillion [NIO Warlords/Moffs welcome]

    OPERATION: VERMILLION SETUP_POST | POST_1 "Krieg: A War Story" Krieg was a planet of clans and families stemming from the Mandalorian origins, the Naudir clan being the predominant and kinda ruling dynasty for a few years of the planets history. The game changed when settlers and refugees from...
  3. Felix Aquila

    Private  An Operation on Teth

    Tag: Darth Maliphant Locaton: Teth Equipment: - Light-saber - Personal Shield - Armourweave Clothing - Crystal A military operation on Teth was a good way to spend an evening, house Aquila ships, light tanks and four dozen foot soldiers had taken control of a Hutt Compound within one of the...
  4. Faith Organa

    Private  Operation Search and Rescue

    Location: The Glaris Valley, Organa Ranch, Alderaan Tags: Jax Thio | Maple Harte | TheScarletDastard | Irilan Chohn | ARS VAMI | Caedyn Arenais A gathering from a few of the noble houses were meeting outside to discuss agriculture and the influx of refugees from worlds the Sith had conquered...
  5. Darth Insatious

    Private  Knowledge

    Tag: Cadere Location: Korriban fa-play fa-pause A whirlwind of dust and sand was blasted away as a shuttle descended towards the orange cliffside of Korriban. The release of pressured air was released as the blast door opened with a ramp extending down to the surface. Appearing in the...
  6. C

    Dominion  Crucifixion | Dominion of Generis | NIO

    PENTASTAR OPERATION PART 2 | CRUCIFIXION New Imperial Order G E N E R I S 867 ABY The Sith-Imperial Remnant's retreat from Dantooine was not a mere rout but a carefully devised plan to lure the New Imperials to Generis where the Sith spring their trap. In the midst of the fighting for the...
  7. Sora Mohc

    Public  Operation: SHATTERPOINT

    INTO DARKNESS Cinnagar, Empress Teta SIA OPERATION: SHATTERPOINT The streets filled with fire, mass demonstrations consisting of political gatherings, anti-war rallies, and violent riots sparked throughout the capital of Cinnagar. There had been an overwhelming sense of worry that gripped hold...
  8. Sith Rebirth

    Invasion  Operation Shadowdance: TSE Invasion of NIO-held Muunilinst, Orinackra and Ord Thoden

    The galaxy burns, war rages from as far south as Nar Shadda to the very top of the galaxy's northern edge. An Empire besieged, battered and broken now seeks to reap swift retribution upon those who have wronged it. A rebirth, promised by a new Emperor, has lead to a reinvigoration of the...
  9. Sith Rebirth

    Invasion  Operation Shadowdance: TSE Invasion of NIO-held Ord Thoden, Muunilinst and Orinackra.

    Site Staff: Valiens Nantaris Date: 05/17/2021 - 05/31/2021 The Sith Empire Staff Arctus Silmar Valen Arenais Cara Dorniarn Alisteri Haxim Pom Stych Tivé Telis Taharin-Zambrano New Imperial Order Staff Irveric Tavlar Paz Koon Djorn Bline IMPCOM Willan Tal Lord Halketh Lucien Dooku Silas...
  10. Ryv

    Faction  There is Only the Force - [Open to The Jedi Order]

    Peace Jedi Praxeum Station, New Found Home of the Unified Jedi Order Ryv lounged out comfortably across the sofa in his room. It was another long day, leaving him sore and exhausted, but he had yet to fall asleep after the hours of cleaning and training. Since Kintan, the young kiffar...
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