Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Voss Kanaras

    Voss Kanaras

    NAME: Voss Kanaras FACTION: RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Human AGE: 15 SEX: Male. HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 150 EYES: Hazel HAIR: brown, can turn sandy blonde when getting a lot of sun. SKIN: olive FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  2. D

    Sith Acolyte seeking Padawan

    Hello, LFG Forum! It's so nice to be back. Anyway, I'm looking for a rival for this character - preferably a Jedi Padawan, to mirror Mala's status as a Sith Acolyte. Looking for Banter, Debate, Battle, and all of those lovely things. People looking to add another notch to their kill belt need...
  3. Ronen Jerik

    Looking for: Jedi Master

    Hey! I'm looking for a Jedi Master, who can post regularly and is fairly experienced. I'd like someone to take me the whole distance as a master, and i want someone who can help me in my efforts. This may not be instant, but i need a master in the very near future. Thanks!
  4. Faith Highwind

    Looking for an Independent Jedi Master

    So yeah, what's up everybody. I made the decision that, after months of playing exclusively as a sith character, I need a jedi to balance things out. So here she is, Faith, a jedi padawan ready to be trained by an independent master. "Independent?" You might ask yourself "Why not just join a...
  5. Farr Benisho

    To Climb a Mountain...

    [member="Junko Ike"] Farr landed his starfighter near the village at the mountain's base, hopping out of the cockpit after shutting down the engines. The boy ran a hand through his messy brown hair and observed the farmers going about their day, children playing with each other. "Huh...weird...
  6. Farr Benisho

    May I have a master?

    Farr needs a master :) He's an adventurous, free spirited type, but he's eager to learn and isn't afraid to ask questions. :P
  7. Ronen Jerik

    Finding the Jedi Master

    As Ronen Jerik landed on the Distant Planet for the Jedi Master he had been told 100 rumours about, he couldn't help but think this was all a rouse. He walked with his walking stick, hoping he could lead his way with the force. He had hoped the lead those smugglers had given him were good. "I...
  8. Samara Raine


    Hello… Thought I would say hi and introduce myself. I'm Samara or Sam… I've come to the Galactic Alliance to study with the NJO. Looking forward to getting to know you guys better. So far I've only met Jedi Master [member="Kahne Porte"], whom I worked with aiding the GA in your dom on Kinyen.
  9. Guarn

    Och aye the noo

    so whits up? yeh scunners huve got a Scottish padawan here.
  10. Thema Csapla


    NAME: Mithh'ema'csapla CORE NAME: Thema FACTION: Jedi Order RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Chiss AGE: Eighteen years old. SEX: Female HEIGHT: 1.76 metres tall WEIGHT: 80 kg EYES: Red, as with all Chiss. HAIR: Black SKIN: Blue FORCE SENSITIVE: She's Force-Sensitive enough to become a Jedi and wield...
  11. Weilar Terren

    Weilar Tarren

    Name: Weilar Tarren Faction: The Jedi Order Rank: Padawan Species: Ithorian Age: 23 Home planet: Tython Gender: Male Height: 6,4 Weight: 165 pounds Eyes: Black Hair: None Skin: Shades of dark brown and light brown Force sensitive: yes Appearance: (The picture is cusotm made as a commission so...
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