Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mantic Dorn

    Sometimes dancing helps

    The vast field must have hold thousands and thousands of people. the Galactic Republic was at one of its darkest moments. the shadow had found its way into the heart of many of those who truly believed in the idea that was the republic. The strain caused much grief and sorrow. Yet, there were...
  2. Chevu Visz

    Interest Check: GA Hot Springs Social

    Now that the Galactic Alliance has gone major, we'd like to do a social thread to welcome other like-minded individuals across the board who are curious about us to come visit us for a party at one of Sullustan's many hot springs. Recruitment and contact deals are the primary focus. The event...
  3. Sempra the Hutt

    Partey partey.... Ho ho ho

    TIMES ARE GOOOD The feast was on! The people of the underworld was here. Anyone being anything in the cartel was representing and those trying to get a foot-hold inside their turfs was here as well. Drugs, drinks, food, spice lay in heaps over tables crowded with people grabbing whatever made...
  4. Nefertari Sovint

    Murder at Rosedge Manor (Invite Only)

    Her Ladyship Nefertari Sovint, Countess of Rosedge, cordially invites you to a party at her newly rebuilt manor. It shall take place this Benduday evening. Black tie is expected. Coordinates are enclosed with this invitation. ~***~ The invites had been sent out, eight in total, each one...
  5. Rekha Kaarde

    The party-arty insane so JUMP JUMP JUMP (open, The Underground)

    Location: Bespin Bespin is not known for being a party place. Its reputation was in fact perfectly innocuous something that Rekha when she had first arrived was completely happy with. That was then. When pilots looked at Bespin from space it looked lifeless, it looked orange and sandy with the...
  6. Miss Blonde

    Red Raven Second Annual Bash on Nar'Shadda

    Cause the first one was so nice we had to do it twice! So it's that time of the galactic year again and the Red Raven Criminal Syndicate cordially invites the galaxy to the Golden Nautolan Casino on Nar'Shadda. This thread will feature some of the galaxies greatest entertainers on the...
  7. Armand Temi

    Night of a Thousand Secrets (Masquerade Ball) - Invitation

    You are cordially invited to The Night of a Thousand Secrets, sponsored by Wookiee Leaks Otherwise known as The Rebel Alliance Masquerade Ball To be held at Dilbert Cotton's Private Estate on Dilbana A night of music, entertainment, drinks and of course... secrets Everybody has a...
  8. Armand Temi

    Party on Zeltros

    Zeltrons Gone Wild! Party at Club Frenzy (foam and day-glo!) Open to all Ravens! Would love to meet some new faces and RP with familiar ones. Hope to see you there!
  9. Armand Temi

    Zeltrons Gone Wild! (PM for invite)

    As they approached Zeltros, Dak turned to Krevin, her Twi'lek bodyguard and said, "Look at that beautiful planet." "Are you feeling nostalgic?" he asked. She frowned and checked the ship console for Zeltros Standard time. "No, silly it's the middle of the day." Krevin rolled his eyes and...
  10. Cryax Bane

    Ain’t No Party Like a Red Ravens Party (Open, No Fighting)

    The stars over Antecedent were shining over the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate tonight as they threw one of their infamous black tie events at their glittering 10,500,000-square-foot headquarters, The Dragon Palace Casino. The public reason for celebration: a new year and new leadership. There...
  11. Potato

    Ideas for starwars themed Kwanza

    YO, i need some sweet ideas for my star-wars themed Kwanza party! Shoot me some ideas please :D EDIT: grammar
  12. Yasha Cadera

    Anders' Life Day Birthday Bash (Fringe)

    Today. Today, today. Couldn't sleep a wink last night even with Mumbles' best chamomile tea. Not only is it my birthday, but I'm throwing the biggest bash in Fringe history to honour Life Day. We've conquered slavers, handled political deals, watched the Republic tank from our vantage point...
  13. EmKay

    Dinner for Two Thousand or So

    "You're sure everything's being prepared?" Atretes asked the middleman he had on a comm transmission as he adjusted the tie around his neck for the fifth time that evening. "Yes, sir. The plans are going as ordered, we should be ready... oh, we're ready now, actually." "Good," Rhoujen...
  14. Garza

    A Chapel in Flames (Wedding of Morna Imura and Lexa Kimene)

    Today was the ceremony of two people who would bond their lives together to become Husband and Wife. This was a special day for the couple that were tying the knot, Getting an arrow to the knee, placing bands, or whatever you wanted to call it. it was where two people had come together and...
  15. Christian Slade

    One for the Money(Open)

    Zeltros - The City of Sin The Cat House Strip Club Club Music It was dark and rainy night on Zeltros that night. Uncharacteristic for the planet that was typically alive all hours of the day and night. Typically the streets would be flooded with bodies dancing and grinding on one another, but...
  16. Ereza

    It's not a party until...

    All of Kuat had shown up, and then some. The Shamalain Estate was absolutely crawling with people; Aristocrats, Guards, Business men and women, friends, family, tall people, short people, skinny and fat people, happy people and potentially sad people that were hiding their glumness with fake...
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