Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Progflaw99

    Clan History

    Clan Vhe'viin started as a wandering band of nomadic hunters. Originally they were limited to the planet of Concord Dawn however this changed as more people joined and the hunts expanded outside of the forests of Concord Dawn. As the clan grew, so did the distance between roving bands of...
  2. Darth Carnifex

    Philosophy of the Rule of One

    ~The Rule of One~ The Rule of One was constructed by the progenitor of the One Sith himself, Darth Krayt, over eight hundred years ago on the ancient Sith tombworld of Korriban after accurately perceiving the gross shortcomings of Darth Bane's Rule of Two which had been established a...
  3. Ylva Alfrún

    Give us a blindfold, give us a blade

    Ylva Alfrún University of Aldera Alderaan, 805 ABY "This isn't the first staff event you will have attended, Master." Gespar churned out through his facial tentacles, which twitched hesitantly. Ylva leaned back in her seat and twirled a lock of chestnut brown hair around her finger, sipping at...
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