Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Asmus Janes

    Don't tell me the odds [Galactic Alliance]

    OOC/ Open to all GA or allied pilots. This is intended to be a black ops gone wrong story. Inspired by watching a documentary on RAF pilots who flew spies in an out of France in WW2. Our first mission is to get to a safehouse within the city. Outside Gelto City, Southern District, Saberhing...
  2. Isaac Damaris

    A Call In Distress

    The distress beacon rang out as loud as possible to all ships in the area. It wasn't subtle in the slightest, though Isaac assumed that beacons were not meant to be. They were calls to anyone listening that death was impending, and help needed to arrive now and not a moment later. Isaac had...
  3. Isaac Damaris

    Where are my fellow pilots at?

    Isaac is a neutral pilot that has defected from the Republic. Angry at the state of affairs and disinterested in the current war, Isaac drifts, doing odd jobs in his starfighter. I would love to start a thread where maybe he stumbles across pirates attacking a neutral merchant vessel or...
  4. R

    Big Trouble in Little Jar'Kai (Rogue Squadron/GA Pilots)

    Previously on the Ongoing Epic Rogue Squadron Pub Crawl Campaign Push It to the Limit Big Trouble in Little Jar'Kai A Bar Wars Story Little Jar'Kai, Naboo theme Rayf had barely had a chance to take over as Rogue Leader, and already his squadron was up for a brief rotation off the...
  5. R

    Rogue Squadron

    Who We Are Created by Admiral Sieb Tevv, the Rogue Squadron is a group of the Galactic Alliance’s best pilots. Each equipped with the necessary skills to triumph in aerial battles, yet each handicapped by a vice that suggests they may not be the best pilot to work with the preset Alliance...
  6. S

    The Galactic Federation [Interest Check]

    Hello all, Hiss Hiss here. Although I am best known for being Sithy Evile Persons. I genuinely enjoy military scifi and political stuff and for a long while I've wanted to try out an experiment to create a creatively free homage to the New Republic, but, with a more poli-grounded ethos! So here...
  7. Myles Davorak

    Looking for other soldiers

    Hello everyone! I am particularly interested in looking for other soldiers/pilots/adventurers to write with. Really I am up for anything. Got a Soldier of Fortune here, so no job is too hard for me. If anyone were to be seeking a long-term writer to thread with, just lemme know and I will...
  8. Progflaw99

    Flight Roster

    click Alert me - Priority 1 Message Calling all Imperials, The First Order's Starfighter Corps needs YOU! The Military Forces of the First Order are among the best trained and equipped in the galaxy, from a capable ground force exemplified by their undying loyalty in the Stormtrooper Corps to...
  9. Naomi Carolina

    Sweet collared greens and ship fuel!

    BELSAVIS - Alliance Outpost "She gun kill us, Bill-Joe," freckled-face scowled, hands tightening on the steering of the stolen First Order's fighter. Bill-Joe's elbow was digging into her ribs and the second brother-brat's lap was digging into her thighs. To be fair, fighter cockpits were meant...
  10. Darth Abyss

    Approved NPC  The Swarm Initiative

    ​Image Credit: Name: The Swarm Initiative Intent: To create a unit of pilots as Backbone Unit for space combat Affiliation: The Tainted Chorus Availability: Common Quality: C Type: Pilots Strength: 80 Description: The Swarm Initiative is a loose collection of pirates, smugglers and scavengers...
  11. Myles Vylumnar

    Valkyrie Squadron

    I'll save all the fancy details and give it to you straight. If you're looking for a group of mercenaries/bounty hunters to join, look no further. Mainly looking for pilots, but all are welcome. I'm planning for this to be a small, close-knit faction and to branch it out into something bigger...
  12. Myles Vylumnar

    The Outback Navy Fleet

    So I noticed that there's been a shortage of pilots around here. What gives? Honestly, I'm totally willing to create a sub-faction for the navy or even a small, elite squadron of fighters. What do you think? Ideas?
  13. Ryan

    You got your orders! (Interest check)

    Ever watch Battlestar Galactica, The Last Ship, Star Trek or Space battleship Yamoto and had an itch to write something similar here on Star wars Chaos. Well, me too. I have created Matthias Hull, Captain of unknown ship in the service of the Commonwealth Navy. What i want to do is attract a...
  14. Alexandra Porte

    Rogue Squadron Peeps….

    [member="Aedan Lochlan"] - Rogue Two | [member="Tela Uolmi"] - Rogue Three | [member="Loske Matson"] - Rogue Five | Choli Vyn - Rogue Seven | [member="Encouragement Gets"] - Rogue Eight | [member="Asmus Janes"] - Rogue Nine | [member="Alexandra Russo"] - Rogue Eleven | [member="Lucius Varad"] -...
  15. Kaile Vera

    The Creation of Rogue Squadron

    I'm just tossing it up here because I know there has been an interest in starfighter squadrons, and a lot of our members have posted up their ideas. I know we currently have one active starfighter thread: A Squadron of Rogues This thread is to introduce Rogue Squadron and those pilots...
  16. Ayden Cater

    Broken Wings, Unconquered Spirits [GA Pilots]

    In Orbit Aboard the Indomitable The attitude around the Galactic Alliance base on Sullust was somewhat subdued. Lujo had been the first major attempt at a military campaign against the One Sith. Some were disappointed that they had lost, those who felt as if they could have done much more...
  17. Ayden Cater

    Pilots - Roll Call

    [member="Dax Ragnar"] expressed a desire to see more of a push to get pilots organized and utilized in story. So I need a list of every active pilot in the faction. This check-in will run for ten days, or until I six-seven pilots to check in. From there, we'll discuss some things like a home...
  18. Connor Harrison

    We Want You As A New Recruit

    Zenith Base Dosuun, Wild Space And so it began - a new transport arriving full of new blood at Zenith Base, the military arm of the First Order. The newly established base had it all for those ready for training and surrounding themselves in what...
  19. James Justice

    Approved NPC  Justice Blue-Grade Wings

    Image Source: Name: Justice Blue-grade Wings Intent: A more advanced unit of mercenary wings for Justice Shipping to hire to their customers Affiliation: Justice Shipping; whoever they are hired out to...
  20. James Justice

    Approved NPC  Justice Shipping Common Piloting Wing

    Image Source: Name: Justice Shipping Common Piloting Wing Intent: Mercenary Units for Justice Shipping to hire to their employers as fighter pilots Affiliation: Justice Shipping Availability: Common Quality...
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