Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. D

    Character  Dispara Na'Gara

    Name: Dispara Na'Gara Nickname or Alias: Captain Na'Gara, The Pirate Witch, Dis, Dizzie Title: Captain Affiliation: The Kraken Coalition. Elcipsa Legion, The Triads BASIC INFORMATION Species: Human/ Sephi Ethnic group: Hybrid Age: 28 Sex: Female Height: 5'6" (167.6cm) Weight: 120lbs...
  2. Y

    Pharaoh III - Yu's Private Frigate

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent:To create a command vessel for Yu Karloo Image Source: Canon Link: Permissions: Primary Source...
  3. Lirka Ka

    LFG  [Interest check} PC Pirate gang

    Getting on the new Underworld kick, been really feeling that pirate life now. With that in mind I've been strongly considering trying to work out some sort of proper gang to go about and work together for any sort of pirate-y (and other scum and villainy adjacent) sort of things
  4. Aeshi Tillian

    Bounty  Marque and Reprisal Authorization: Sith & Imperial War Materials

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Get the League more involved with the Age of the Underworld, the Second Great Hyperspace War, embrace the thematic elements of a trade league founded by freedom fighters, half-reformed smugglers, with inspirations from the Hanseatic League and early...
  5. Lirka Ka

    LFG  Getting back into it, pirate style

    Been a looong while since I've written on chaos and would love to start getting back into it with some private threads. Willing to do anything, so can hit me up to plan anything people want to try and whip up
  6. V

    Character  Viera Aros

    Viera Aros Basic Information [ENCADRE title="Character Profile" title_align="center"; block_align="fright" width="450px"] Faction None Specialization Smuggler | Being pretty Species Human Gender Female Age 26 Eye Color Green Hair Color Black Force-sensitive No [/ENCADRE]...
  7. Xyoz Maji

    Faction  Grand Theft Casino [Krakens - Open To All OOC]

    Pirates are going to steal a casino. You gonna stop em? Feel free! It's time to get some more pirate action on the board. Got questions or looking for opposition for it? Feel free to post here asking em and such. Otherwise, go nuts and have fun.
  8. Agathon Kell

    Character  Salmai Djau

    Name Salmai Djau Birthplace Takodana Age 32 GSY Faction Kraken Coalition Occupation Pirate / Criminal Species Near-Human (Kuati / Dathomirian) Sex Female Force Sensitive Yes; Untrained Height 1.70 meters Weight 55 kg Hair Color Black Eye Color Grey Skin Color Pale Voice...
  9. Credit Wizard

    Buccaneer-Class Armed Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a general purpose cruiser for use by the hutt republic and player characters Image Source: Credit to Creator Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guarja Shipyards Affiliation: The Hutt Republic...
  10. D

    Witch's Boudoir Pirate Corvette

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent:To create a custom pirate ship for Dispara Image Source: Canon Link:Factory Link Permissions:Acquired -ship stock is open market item Primary Source: Scarab-Class Corvette...
  11. Pyrrah Tae

    Private  Turning The Tide

    Osseriton Let’s Make A Deal Kyrel Ren The Captain began to grow impatient. His client said that they were to arrive ten minutes ago, and the pirate already wanted out of here. Being deep in Maw space was something no person wanted. The Maw were dangerous people, and not one people messed...
  12. B

    Black Krayts Syndicate

    The Black Krayts Syndicate are a group of pirate captains and crime bosses that operate in a loose alliance inbetween them, in order to be able to engage and despoil greater powers such as planetary targets, or Star Systems. The sole goal of the Syndicate's members is to gain wealth and power...
  13. Pyrrah Tae

    Private  The Smuggler’s Blues

    Karazak Sandy Sarlacc Bar Establish Contacts Aeson Keel The business of crime was beginning to flourish once again. Now that his contract had been set up to deal spice within the Core Worlds, the pirate had guaranteed himself insane amounts of profit. He knew of those willing to spend big...
  14. Sasmay Cull

    Private  Embers on the Banks, the Fires of the Mind

    WEAPONS: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 1 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannon EQUIPMENT: Kirino Visual Interface LOCATION: Cantina on Ponema Terminal recruiting crew for the Gray Queen's Throne. Ivixa Nera'kas The process for acquiring a vessel worthy of pirating activities had been...
  15. Pyrrah Tae

    Character  Pyrrah Tae

  16. Sraak Akdesh

    Character  Skaarn

    SKAARN Birthplace Maldo Kreis Age 219 GSY Occupation Mercenary Home Nomadic Species Dowutin Gender Male Force Sensitive No Height 2.23 Meters Weight 210 kg Hair Color None (Bald) Eye Color Black Skin Color Orange-brown Voice Ken Lally as Goro HISTORY Over two...
  17. Cass Gemini

    Pirate starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a functional fighter for pirate use Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)...
  18. K

    Pirate History

    This is where the history of the Coalition will go!
  19. K

    The Pirate Council (Info and Roster)

    Captains! Post your Name and Ship below so we can register you on the council! ROSTER Name: Captain Isidor Justeene Ship: Blood Lightning ------------ Name: Captain Kara Moonlighter Ship: S.S. Red Star: Surprise Series Q Carrier ------------ Name: Captain Cass Gemini Ship: The Midnight...
  20. Cass Gemini

    Approved Starship  The Midnight Kyber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create and advanced custom pirate vessel Image Source: found on Pinterest original deviant art link not working Canon Link: n/a Permissions: Technology purchased from Locke and Key Primary Source: n/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: orginally built...
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