Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kai Bamarri

    Public  Battle of Chaldea (Jedi/GA, anyone else who wants to help demolish a planet)

    After years of tensions between the native Chaldeans and foreign refugees, an army flying under the banner of the theocratic Chaldean Potentium has arrived with the intent to slaughter the residents of Calabiyau, a refugee city. Senator Alicio Organa and Kai Bamarri have called the Jedi to...
  2. Matthew of Valendale

      Planet Centerra

    Author's Note: My aim is to flesh out and diversify a fun wacky mini-setting within the Star Wars universe that combines elements of allegory, mysticism, and romanticized chivalry to create a unique and engaging backdrop for this story idea to compliment a Jedi Like Order, called the Order of...
  3. Tragic Writer

    Draconia (New Planet in progress)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: I wish to create a planet (And soon Species) that will act as a new area in the galaxy, I plan for this to be a homeworld of a People, and place of refuge. Ultimately I want to add some extra fun and spice On the Galactic Scale Image Credit: N/A Canon: No...
  4. Darth Valor

    Faction  The Saijo Takeover

    Aboard The Ship: “Sir, we have eyes on the planet.” says one of the pilots. The plan was simple. All that needed to be done is march over to whoever governs this planet and make an example out of him or her and brutally kill them. This will then show of how powerful a ruler, Valor can be and...
  5. Corbin Vasher

    Work In Progress  Ziuna

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a planet to be used in the Arc explained here. Image Credit: Sun | Planet and Moon Canon: N/A Permissions: Here Links: Qi-Ko Worlds of Light Annezti GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Ziuna Demonym: None Region: Unknown Regions System Name: Ziuna...
  6. Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

    Faction  Planet Binaros (The Sith Order)

    WELCOME TO BINAROS ~ Controlled by The Sith Order / Governor Omon Kaa / Darth Diem ~ Binaros After claiming the planet, and executing the takeover of the largely deserted oceanic & tropical planet of Binaros, (see Taking of Binaros, still ongoing), Governor Darth Diem started with...
  7. Corbin Vasher

    Planet Building - Annezti/Ming-Li

    (EDIT: This has been completed) I'm working on this planet for part of the Worlds of Light arc. Creating a planet is tedious, so I could use some help if anyone has any ideas they want to share. Any ideas used will, of course, be given appropriate credit in the submission. The planet will have a...
  8. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Planet  Zaathru

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a planet for future RP. Image Credit: Shiny Man | Zeljko Duvnjak | Marina Ortega | Taras Susak | Raphael Lacoste | Ivan Laliashvili | Einar Martinsen | Irina Kuzmina | Dela Longfish | Davesrightmind Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Paradise Found...
  9. Aiden Porte

    Private  Planet Hopping

    Naboo Aveline Cuiléin Aiden was dressed rather comfortably for their trip to Naboo, it was gonna be a slightly extended vacation or voyage if you could call it that. Aiden had boasted about how great Naboo was so they both had planned for some time off to enjoy it. It wasn't just that, it was...
  10. Thurion Heavenshield

    Question  Netherworld: Location or Planet sub?

    I've been meaning to add a world/realm to the Netherworld intended to house a new species I'm working on. Do I submit it as a planet sub or a location sub? I'm a bit unclear on whether the Netherworld is considered just an alternate version of our own galaxy or if it's a collection of realms...
  11. S

    Planet Building- The Serene Republic of Tarlaea

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a world to make some of the themes and influences on the League more explicit Image Credit: TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Canon: No Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this...
  12. Thebigreddog

    Public  Jedi survivor

    set in 760ABY A 23 year old human jedi named Var Upari Sets out on a mission and gets stranded on a swamp planet he needs pieces for his ship to fix it and to find some people He sets out walking through the wet swamp before he sees a person (This is where you jump in)
  13. Zuyami Rayln

    Planet of the Slugs.

    “Stupid freaking planet.. I was not made for this climate,” The clone muttered under her breath, peeling her leather jacket from her skin. She had landed on the planet of the creatures she hated the most. Hutts. After a few moments of Zuyami grumbling to herself about the hot, swampy place...
  14. Rianna Organa

    Private  5th Planet from the Sun

    Aldera could be the sister to Alderaan, the name, the people, the goods, you name they shared it. Difference Aldera was not the target of conquest the entire system had been wiped from the maps. Always good to know a skilled librarian. But now Alpha Mae was gaining some recognition and Rianna...
  15. Silas Westgard

    Private  Denon, the planet of opportunity?

    Location: Denon Objective: Protect the politician Tags: Surea "There's no chance your taking him out through here, we don't have enough security to deal with that many bodies" In the lobby of the Denon Pentaplex a group of guards and two jedi waited calmly, surrounding a sitting man in the...
  16. Naivia Neryn

    Private  Lost within Dathomir

    Dathomir, one of those places that was not originally in Neryn's plans, but after learning more about the geography and topography of the planet and moreover its history, her interest increased several times over. If she couldn't meet the Night Sisters in person, which she really wanted to, at...
  17. General Kaarl

    Codex Denied  Ord Borealis

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To describe a frontier system on the edge of galactic explored space Image Credit: Source Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Ord Borealis Demonym: Bori Region: Wild Space System Name: Ord Borealis System System Features: 1...
  18. Skellege Nauss

    Approved Planet  Skelticar

    Intent: Simply to usher in a new race (history of which requires this planet to be made) Image Credit: Ilya Orlov (link to source) Canon: no. Planet Name: Skelticar Demonym: Skeld/Skellege Region: Outer Rim (in the Sluis Sector) System Name: Skellege (Pronounced 'Skel-egg') System Features: One...
  19. Jax Thio

    Private  A City Planet of Dreams

    Location: Lower levels of Coruscant, somewhere outside of Jax's apartment Equipment: Leather Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol Tag: Dreidi Xeraic If there was one thing that Jax hadn't seen in a long time was the...
  20. Xasha Callisto

    Approved Planet  Constancia (Canon planet)

    Intent: To flesh out the planet of Constancia Image Credit: top picture Cityscape Azuria Planetary Senate building Turbolaser towers from planet wookiee Banners and emblem belong to me Canon: yes - Constancia Permissions: n/a Links: n/a Planet Name: Constancia Demonym: Constancian Region...
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