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An add pops up, showing a banner in yellow and black, while a track plays in the background. The picture changes, showing a man while the music slowly fades. Dressed in a yellow and black uniform, the man stands in front of a banner with the equal sigil and colourings.
"My name is Vespasian...
The third moon of Iktotchon was a barren place filled with some of the most resilient people in the galaxy. The deserts of gravel and sand could swallow whole cities in a single storm but the people would dig out or rebuild. It had been that way for eons and their government was no different. It...
Dalton smiled in the way that his wife had always told him brought the sparkle out in his eyes. He was surrounded by people, some he knew, most he didn't, and was in his element.
"I can assure you minister, the M'Haerian Crown is one of our most...
Mission: Assault Aeten II
~Recover Stygium Crystals. (Combat)
~Target Planets Infrastructure. (Stealth)
~Damage GR Political Ties. (Politcial)
One Sith + Allies.
Hello and welcome.
Thought I would kick this up as one hasn't been done in a...
I've made posts like this in the public forums, but I figure I might just try putting this up here to let you all know that I welcome ANY and ALL of you for training, social encounters, duels, sparring, political discussion or anything of the like that I haven't stated.
I'm interested in any...