Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valiens Nantaris

    Where Are You From? (2016 Edition)

    So, I try to do these every so often so I get an idea of where our members come from. I'll list out the biggest individual countries and then broad geographic regions for the rest of the world. If you wish to post with additional details such as state, county etc feel free though it's not...
  2. GhostOfProtocol

    Should there be a great force using purge?

    Hear me out, I think this could be a good idea that makes me sound slightly hypocritical but heyo. What I was thinking is that we "purge" the force users of Chaos. You see, what I think this will lead to is firstly a great government that runs and controls the map, leaving only a few major...
  3. Seraphina Shel'tah

    Ep VII - When Are You Seeing It?

    I am just curious when everyone is planning on going to see the movie (And who got the midnight tickets - JEALOUS). I wasn't able to get midnight tickets :( Going to the 10:45 PM showing Friday night.
  4. Raziel

    The big invasion poll

    So, lots of questions here. Have a look through and pick your answers and discuss. Tag me if you want to add questions or tweak existing ones! If you haven't already seen my blog, I've made my views clear that I think the membership of both sides should be getting together to work out...
  5. Kyber Salurra

    Calling the Security Forces

    The Techno Union: Security Forces source This Post has been Pre-Approved by [member="Tmoxin Temi"] The Techno Union has a sterling reputation for its advancement in business, science, and information acquisition. The Techno Union even has its own branch specifically for Force Users...
  6. Chevu Visz

    Vote for the GA major rank tag here!

    It's time to vote on all the amazing entries we got for the rank tag contest. I think I can safely say that the response to the contest exceeded all of our expectations. Really nice work everyone! Personally I love them all, but unfortunately we have to pick one :P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6...
  7. Vrag

    Focus of the One Sith

    As the title of this thread hopefully conveys, we are reaching out to you again, this time with the big picture in mind. During the discussions surrounding the "parliament" and the Cold War, we were faced with the fact that we must determine the focus of our faction; the direction in which we...
  8. Khallesh

    Writing humans and aliens [poll]

    So recently I've found myself losing interest in human characters. I love exploring alien cultures and the variety of races in star wars. What fraction of your characters are human? I'm including all the human offshoots and near-humans under that collective title too. (We all know every...
  9. Jsc

    Picture & Music Preferences?

    Hello 2015. What's up. Today I wanted to get some feedback on two things. Pictures and Music in your postings. Most specifically, if you guys and gals feel that adding images and song to your thread really boosts the overall experience. Now. The poll is pretty slim, I get that. But I'm...
  10. Spark Finn

    How many women has Darth Carach slept with on Chaos? (Poll)

    This is, obviously, a very important topic for community discussion.
  11. Captain Larraq

    Ship Lengths and Minor Factions; Would reform be helpful?

    So, in continuation with this thread and the suggestions within, I've gone ahead and created this poll. I had an idea recently that Minor Factions should be allowed a maximum ship size of 1,600 meters instead of 1,000 meters. The current rules state that for each unique writer involved in a...
  12. Amarant

    The Factions future (open to all members)

    Okay, I think we need to have a talk. All of us who are still here, anyhow. This faction's in a damn coma. Rayl has tried multiple times to get people doing stuff. I've tried multiple times. But I guess we really haven't had a genuine discussion about this. I don't know whether or not we...
  13. Cryax Bane

    Poll: What kinds of threads do you want to see more of?

    Hey Ravens, Just a quick post to see what kinds of threads you'd like to see the Red Ravens write more of in the coming year. Invasions? Skirmishes? Smaller threads? Cast your vote here!
  14. Caulder Dune

    Law or Chaos?

    Is your character of a Lawful persuasion or a Chaotic persuasion? Or are they neutral on that spectrum? Debate which of those three (Lawful, Chaotic, Neutral) sucks the most. I like it when people argue.
  15. Kitt Solo

    Monthly Check-Ins

    What faction check-in system would you rather have?
  16. Kitt Solo

    Poll on the Chaos Community's take on the 'like' system

    Should Chaos get rid of the 'like' system? There are pros and cons to the system. Does anyone else struggle with that little beast of insecurity when it rears its ugly head?
  17. Christian Slade

    Should we have a Dark Lord of the Sith? Vote

    Let's try and keep it just Sith for now. If you choose no, please explain why not?
  18. Kitt Solo

    Who would win in a fight, Kitt or Kaine?

  19. Valiens Nantaris

    The Clone Wars Series

    Do you like it?
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