Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Man in White

    Approved Tech  Plague Era Jedi Power Armor

    Intent: To Sub a standard Heavy Armor Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Heavy Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Jedi Order Affiliation: The Jedi Order (Whoever can...
  2. Alina Tremiru

    Private  Belief Is Power

    With newfound power came it's own problems. The wider influence Alina gathered for herself, the more rivals she'd end up getting. Such was the way of the Sith, but it was better to make friends than foes. Or at least begrudging allies. Preferably some with more.. Likeminded thoughts. Only way to...
  3. Maple Harte

    Private  Power of Darth Strelok

    Wearing: Biker Leathers Armed With: Marksman's Toothpick Objective: Go visit Sawa Ike on Atrisia Darth Strelok hadn't bothered to report back in for days since brutally injuring her "Sister" for attacking the Silver Rest. She had gone to ground, not answering any calls. And for the first...
  4. Shai Maji

    Approved Tech  M.I. Kinetic Power Generator

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create versatile power generator Image Source: Here Canon Link: Power generator Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Maji Ironworks Affiliation: Maji Ironworks Market Status: Open-Market Model: M.I. Kinetic Power...
  5. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  Archeotech Singularity Projector

    Intent: Image Source: Canon Link: Permissions: Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Model: Modularity: Production: Mass Produced Material: SPECIAL FEATURES STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES DESCRIPTION
  6. Adalee Thorne

    Private  Power

    Adalee remembered everything about Cerea. From the fruitful partnerships she had with the Elders, up to the very distinctive architecture the city of Tecave had to offer. She had spent an egregious amount of time on the planet. All of that time was spent studying. Of course, like all lessons...
  7. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Scion Series Power Plant Type 2

    Intent: To Craft a power plant for the general market Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Scion Power Plant PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scion Mobile Shipyards Affiliation: House Io, Scion Mobile Shipyards Market Status: Closed Model: N/A Modularity: Yes...
  8. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  Hydro-Electric Power Plant Type 1

    Intent: To create an entirely new type of power plant Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scion Mobile Shipyards Affiliation: Scion Mobile Shipyards Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: Yes (Can be scaled down...
  9. Cruk Tuk

    Approved Tech  Power Mind Implant/Attachment

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An implant on droids or organics to allow one copied intelligences over them. And to make room for a new character. Image Source: Daily mail Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Katitik Hive Industries...
  10. L

    LFG  Power Up

    Hello all! With the summer rolling in, and the insufferable heat of Texas keeping me indoors, I found time to finally finish this character I have been working on. Pretty straightforward Sith backstory; grew up evil, killed his extended family and all that jazz. Run of the mill origin story for...
  11. TC-CS-4820

      Baxa-class Heavy Mandalorian Power Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION • Intent: Personal Armour for Issachar the Unbreakable • Image Source: None. I had it custom made • Canon Link: N/A • Permissions: "I, Haon Hafey and all subaccounts linked to as such, will allow Olwin to modify any items that he sees fit from my catalog of items...
  12. TC-CS-4820

    Work In Progress  WIP

    Youll find out soon
  13. Cedric Grayson

    Public  Absolute Power | Korriban, Open |

    Valley of the Dark Lords Excavation Site, Korriban, Ashlan Crusade Militarized-Zone The excavations had been carried out in secret for several months now, any purview into the valley prohibited by word of the Ashlan Kaiser. The official reasoning behind the dig was to search for any Sith...
  14. Shavara

    Private  Knowledge is power

    Shavara stood on her ship,, a KS-6800 'Endeavor' Survey & Exploration Ship, looking at some info she had. In the ship were the goranites, her crew she personally chose. They were relatively few but she trusted them enough with who she was, Sar Vun. However today was not that kind of mission. In...
  15. D

    Private  Power in Knowledge

    Darth Malcharion moved quietly through the halls of the Black Citadel, his black and red robe stirring with each footstep down the dimly lit corridors. Servants were quick to leave the pathway of the Grand Lord, and Malcharion enjoyed the solitude the fleeing men and women gave him. Coming to an...
  16. Lujian Forces

    Approved Starship  Kobitana - Perimeter Power Module (K-PPM)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a mobile interlocking barrier system and power grid for humanitarian applications. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION...
  17. Lujian Forces

    Work In Progress  Kobitana - Habitation Module (K-HM)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a mobile interlocking habitation modules for humanitarian applications. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary...
  18. Elysium Eternal

    Dominion  Show of Unlimited Power- Elysium Dominion of Gaulus Hex

    Galus, a planet of mountains, forests, and a good share of deserts in the mix. The Elysium Empire claimed the territory just weeks after Rex Valhoun became King of The Empire, and already he has found uses for the planet. First, of course, mining operations were started as private companies were...
  19. Laertia Io

    Private  House Io: Base of Power

    Discovery of Khemost Aboard: Leviathan of Sev Tok Escorted by: House Io Star Destroyers (3) Wearing: Hoodlum's Leathers Armed with: De Lifte Crystal (Cross Guard) With: The Battalion "After months of brutal, seemingly unstoppable crusades, the Maw suffered significant losses at the desert...
  20. Credit Wizard

    Approved Tech  Mundus Domitor | Saint Augustine's Power Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a personal armor for my character out the remains of an ancient set of armor from Spindle VI. Image Source: Credit to Creator Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: AV-1A Assault Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Monkrove...
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