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Intent: To refurbish an old character and give them new life in the Sun Guard.
Image Credit: Custom Post Breaker, Created by Kalyn Shif <3 [x], Custom Imagefont, Created by Myself. God Fist Lee Sin Artwork, Original by Alex Flores [x], Rework by OutlawNinja [x]...
Intent: To provide armor for [member="Irella Vizsla"]
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: Mandalorian Armor
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: House Vizsla
Affiliation: [member="Irella Vizsla"]
Model: Beskar'gam
Modularity: Yes
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlebeings, to the place where nightmares (and the occasional luxury resort) become reality. From legitimate (and less so) thingamajigs related to my company, to shiny new toys for the Krath, this is the place to find it!
If you feel the need to criticise or advise, feel...
Approved Submissions
The Xarixi Corps - Military unit consisting of cybernetic Xarix soldiers. The main force of General Azmodan's army. Strength in numbers!
The Wreckers - Military unit consisting of cybernetic Gerosian soldiers. Meant as a vanguard to poke holes in enemy defenses with...
Intent: A personal weapon for Elani Zambrano
Image Source: -
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: Grappling boa
Manufacturer: Elani Zambrano
Model: Grappling boa
Affiliation: Elani Zambrano
Modularity: No
Production: Unique...
Be constructive.
Leave a comment.
Enjoy watching my work complete.
This is all for y'all so let me know if you have any ideas.
Idle hands are the Devil's workshop.
A place to put down my work in progress machinations for you lovely bunch to view and critique/comment on. Any feedback before being pushed to the factory is greatly appreciated and welcome.
[ Equipment ]
KVX 'Preceptor' Battle Suit
Armor of Kor Vexen [Outdated]
KVX 'Dragoon' Combat Suit...
This subforum is used to provide the entire member base with a Pre-Codex, nestled within the Codex Discussion forums respectively.
Pre-Codex Rules and Guidelines
Posted WIP submissions will not be open for member or Judge input. It is simply an area for members to work on their submissions...
Depicted are the two ethnic groups of the Qu'un: the Nar'iin (left) and Vax (right)
Images: Image By Nebezial
Name: The Qu'un
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Zarnathea
Language: Among the Qu'un, there are two distinct languages, each spoken by the two main ethnic groups. The Nar'iin speak...
Name: Kath, 'The Red Rat'
Loyalties: Nyx, The Street Rats
Role: Second-in-command of the Street Rats, Nyx's occasional lover.
Development Threads: [Please link to threads where this character has played a role. Not mandatory, but helpful, especially when powerful or skilled NPCs are involved...
Name: Ghazan
Region: Unknown
System: <System name>
Suns: <Number, name, and type of stars in the system>
Orbital Position: Habital Zone
Moons: Sallen, Progress Space Satellite
System Features: A...
Name: Zarnathea
Region: Outer Rim
System: Vassek System
Suns: Sola Vassek, yellow star.
Orbital Position: Habitable zone
Moons: None
System Features: Vassek
Coordinates: I-17, next to Vassek, south...
Name: Galactic Republic University
Image Source:
Intent: To provide a place of learning for members of the Republic.
Classification: University.
Location: Onderon
Affiliation: Galactic Republic
Description: A large structure, the...