Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. P


    It was nearing the end of the day. The sun was threatening to dip beneath the skyline. It cast brilliant shades of cerulean and crimson through the sky, calming the Jedi Master as he stared out into its beauty. He ignored the skyscraps and the innumerable speeders passing by that obscured his...
  2. N

    Extending A Cautious Hand

    Location: Soceras, Dal'Bor Area: The Dive - Nightclub Tags: [member="Startorn"] ----------------------------------------------------- Dal'Bor was by no means one of Neela's favorite places to visit. It was busy, bustling, and to her? It felt plain dirty. Not that her current seat within one...
  3. Ren Vexx

    Battle for the Holocron

    Lord Vexx set down a shuttle and told his guards to remain there. This hunt was his and his alone. The Force was strong with this place. But it was not so simple as just an artefact. Jedi. The scum of the universe. A chance to kill, though. A rocky, desert world, a nearby cave network was the...
  4. C

    Speak To The Mountain

    There was no real plan as to where she was going, or what she was going to do when she got there. Life, lately, had left her like a feather floating on the breeze, wandering clumsily without direction, the winds of change taking her to and fro. Some months prior, Chiara had come to discover the...
  5. Ayoven

    My Only Hope

    [member="Fane Magnus"] Kark, kark, karking hell. Ayoven, the Red Maiden, the glory of Adaran’s Ring, the most fearsome gladiator on Coruscant, was in pain. A lot of pain. Her head was swimming, her body was aching. She could barely form a thought as a kaleidoscope of images flew across her...
  6. Kahlil Noble

    Of Course It Was A Trap

    "Of course it'll be fine. There's no way I'm going to let those people get slaughtered, and I'm certainly not going to risk the lives of these people by not showing up." Kahlil glanced to the droid beside him. The lines of hyperspace slowly fade as his freighter exited into orbit. Below, a...
  7. Tasha Blackmoor

    Vengeance and Sabers [Keva]

    They wouldn't know Tasha Blackmoor. Most of them didn't. She killed the first ones that did. Slavers. Filth. If there was a such thing a sentient scum they were it. She spent one year in their custody and it was one she would never forget. And perhaps one she would never forgive. And if she ever...
  8. Maris Fero

    Balance and the Rhythm of a City

    A mile into her circuit and the runner had yet to slow or show any discomfort in maintaining her pace. Each long stride the running woman took was matched to the rhythm of the music that played in her ears. She negotiated the crowded streets with effort spent to weave through the groups of...
  9. Odin

    Constantly Constancia [Celiana]

    Constancia Odin walked down a street near the inner part of Constancia's capital city with R6 close behind him. The two were searching for the home of an old friend they had come to see. Long ago, Odin saved a Constancian from the clutches of a slaver. Since then, Odin has watched over this...
  10. Al-Saher

    Where Cats Play and Predators Hunt

    It'd been awhile since I'd done....really anything. What with The Family dispersing and all... As it was I was walking through the lower city when I came across a club. The Vixen's Vantage....interesting name. I'd been undercover with The Family but after it vanishing I was left on Triple Z with...
  11. Bentil Mortop

    Well this is just Great...Not.

    Bentil stood outside his Light freighter shaking his head, "of course it happens to me" he grumbled, and what had happened to him was his fuel ran out. "Last time I let a space port fill me up" he looked around helplessly, if he remembered correctly there was a town not to far away, North of...
  12. Rosario Perlyn

    A Vessel for Kessel

    Jedi were taught not to become attached to anyone or anything, but loyalty was considered an important virtue. Rosario wasn't entirely sure she understood. But friends were to be helped, that much was clear. Especially when they had found themselves on the wrong side of an underworld spat and...
  13. Willulf Montari

    Stranger Danger

    Umbara Wil messed up... really bad this time. As a job hopper he found himself seeking employment anywhere and everywhere. Money wasn't hard to acquire by any means but he had left behind that quick and easy way of collecting credits. So job hopping became a center piece of his lifestyle. It...
  14. R

    Home For the Holidays

    Roona walked towards the small landing pad that joined the village. Clad in a tank top, cut-off shorts, and sandals, it didn't feel like Lifeday was anywhere near... not here on the beaches of Alaris Prime. But the holiday was quickly approaching, and the former soldier had returned home. And...
  15. Rajo Sobek

    A New Heading

    Cloud City... The name hadn't meant much to Raj when he was growing up, but now it had become one of his regular stops. Besides being home to some lucrative businessmen and their families, there wasn't much to the floating metropolis. Spacers had chatted for hours on end about their last stop at...
  16. Kyyrk

    The Abyss Looks Back

    [member="Vytal Noctura"] There was a certain sense of foreboding permeating the halls of The Desolation as it cut through the starred black. It had made one final stop to collect a passenger, before setting course for her final destination. The crew knew something was happening, but they had...
  17. Atiniir Starrider

    Twin Suns Greetings

    [member="Briggs Fett"] It was a rare occasion these days that Atiniir Starrider got a chance to simply relax. To kick back a drink, kick up his feet, and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Today, on Tatooine, he got that chance. He sat in a small cantina whose name he didn't remember, nursing a...
  18. Curtis Learchin

    One Last Stop

    He'd been travelling for what felt like weeks. In reality, it hadn't been that long since he'd left [member="Loreena Arenais"]' side, and now he was on his way back to her. They had decided to meet up on some backwater that escaped Curtis' memory, but he'd need to refuel to get there. That was...
  19. S

    You Sent For Me?

    || B A C K W A T E R S P A C E S T A T I O N || Well, this hadn't been what I'd expected. Around me, the space station bustled as dozens of folks from dozens of species rushed to and fro against the steady hum of the machines that kept as all alive amid the cold vacuum of space. In the...
  20. Darth Empyrean

    Private  The Witches's Consultation

    Ryloth │ Outer Rim Mid-Day [hr] Ryloth was a planet of extremes; of darkness and light, of burning suns and tearing winds - it was a harsh, unforgiving world that produced some of the most beautiful aspects of the Galaxy. The Twi’lek, the floating rock caverns amidst the twilight, and more -...
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