Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. R

    Advanced picture aligning

    An issue i'm running into when making a bio picture-heavy is that my alignments get all messed up and when I try to put words horizontally to a picture on the opposite side of the page, the picture pushes everything out of the way. Is there any command that can be used to push pictures firmly to...
  2. R

    Current fate of Mon Calamari (planet)?

    What is Mon Calamari/Dac like currently? What are its allegiances, have there been any major events, and what is the world's current state?
  3. Jsc

    What is the best tech or items available to face a Force User with?

    This comes from a dueling mindset. Both with NFU and FU characters in mind. And yes, I'll always accept "friendship OOC" and "Jolly Co-operation" as an answer, you trolls. Lulz. :p Thusly. What is the best tech or item(s) available to face a Force User with?
  4. S

    Mandate Updates

    Can Staff provide a new or update the current Mandate resource list: It'd be handy to know when Mandates are due to expire - as I can't remember specifically when we implemented ours for the SJO - and for others to know what the...
  5. Kinsey Starchaser

    Poll Feature

    Do we still have this feature to start a public poll and if so, where is it?
  6. Duke Kyle DeVoe

    Can't seem to figure out...

    Hello, this is a newly created sub-account for the writer for Marina DeVoe. So you know, this will be her father and its this account that I need for helping out more officially with the Free World Coalition. It was requested that I bring Marina's father from an NPC to a PC. Ok, enough...
  7. 4ND-R0

    Regarding Stonepower

    Hello, Chaos. So I have been following some of Marvel's Star Wars comic books that are canon within the Nu-Canon EU of Disney. Being that we operate out of both Nu-Canon and "Legends" EU, I would like to have a ruling on a new aspect of the Force introduced in Yoda's Secret War. (Slight spoilers...
  8. Kemoth of Asteria

    Uh... old submissions, "small" problem(s)

    There are a few old submissions that I've found from around 2015 that are still really decent tech, and probably will be for a while since no one is making any competitors, but I'm just wondering what to do if it doesn't have the category for "open" or "closed-market" on it, or anything like...
  9. Kemoth of Asteria

    Questions about archiving/archived stuff

    When are posts archived? Is there a time limit that they are allowed to stay in Open or Private role-play? Are certain kinds of posts, like events, always archived after a certain time?
  10. SiRiDio

    Anyone else get this bug.

    I cannot see my notification it will just have a circle spinning forever and never load.
  11. Res'uul Tevin

    Question on a certain race and the timeline

    I just had a quick question about the timeline so I know how to make my character. When exactly is this taking place (in what era, time period, etc) and my other question was about the species. Depending on the timeline, I'd like to make a Sith Pureblood character (I did not see these in the...
  12. Huxy

    Wrapping Text around a Image?

    So, I'm finally going about making my bio. Only problem Is I can't figure out how to wrap the text around two of my images, one of which is on the left and the other is on the right. Does anyone know how to do this?
  13. SiRiDio

    Gif and images

    Is there a way to upload a file instead of having to copy the image and is there a way to upload gifs.
  14. M

    Post deletion please

    Could someone delete the post I made please?
  15. Jrurki Liz

    How Does Recon Work??

    Hi, all! Okay, let me elaborate on the title. I know how it works, but now how I should write it here on Chaos. Does that make sense? Jrurki is a SIS exologist specializing in reconnaissance and aerial photography, and often assists the GA. If I get her into raids and/or invasions, I don't...
  16. Caseek Vadu

    Could a Force-user train alone, how would they go about it?

    I was wondering, could a Force-user train on their own, and how could they go about doing this? How would they decide what rank they are? Or is it simply impossible? Just curious :huh:
  17. Zackleo Ashproc

    Questions about making changes to your character

    So I wanna make some minor changes to one of my characters, but it's in the middle of an RP. Should I wait till it's done or could I just make the adjustments? I'm talking about something like changing the characters main weapon or ship, not entire personality changes. Thanks in advance :)
  18. Caseek Vadu

    Questions about being a Force User

    Do you have to train before being able to use force powers, or can you just start a character already partially or even fully trained? Also, are there any banned force powers? if so where can I find a list of them? Thanks in advance :)
  19. Zair Xanatos

    Writers Name

    Is there away I can change my writers name?
  20. Zackleo Ashproc

    Questions about subaccounts

    Is there a limit to how many subaccounts you can have? Also, is it a problem if you have a lot of subaccounts? Thanks in advance :)
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