Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Irratar Hemstagon

    LFG  Planetary Raid. Whos down?!

    My Minor Faction is a raider-based entity, which seeks targets for easy gain. It is ordinary to see a Raider Fleet hitting a planet to claim their resources and potentially slaves, either by ultimatum ransom, or by actual raid. So, I was thinking.. What if such MF clashes on a planet against...
  2. Irratar Hemstagon

    Character  Irratar Hemstagon, the Black Prince of Kardir

    NAME: Irratar Hemstagon, the Black Prince of Kardir FACTION: The Athysian League, Kardir Hive City-State RANK: Phoa (Dark Side Adept) SPECIES: Human (Athysian) AGE: 45 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1,93m. WEIGHT: 95kg. EYES: Black, Yellow when under the influence of the Dark Side HAIR: Bald SKIN...
  3. Desmundor Alcademon

    Minor Faction  The Athysian League: The Hegemons' mark across the Galaxy

    The Athysian League After a large alien invasion, the Hegemons that ruled for millennia the Hive City-states of Athys were forced to cooperate, in order to repulse the external threat. After the final defeat of the alien fleets, one of the Hegemons, Hegemon Desmondur Alcademon, of Bassilicor...
  4. Darkwire Shadow

    Faction  Aftermath: Tonight the Tap Pours Blue

    Far beneath the surface of Denon and the penthouse apartments and green filled gardens that make it up, sits a bar. Though its walls are old and the paint is chipped and faded. Though lines run from the corners where the rain, just faintly acidic at this depth, has eaten away at the paint...
  5. Gilamar Skirata

    A Day at the Races

    Gil watched from several systems away, a sector away, as the timer ticked down on the tactical display. He cocked a worried brow at the other Resistance officers in the situation room as the clock struck zero. Back in the Mandalore system the Resistance was initiating phase one of the plan. The...
  6. Tobias Dracks

    Picking a Fight: Raid/Ambush

    Outer Rim, Void Space Abandoned Galactic Empire Base Somewhere along the Jaster Trade Spine -- The Galactic West was becoming too much for him to continue to hide his warehouses from those that wish to take what they could. As such their had been issued a massive recall of goods from the...
  7. Darth Carnifex

    Separating the Wheat from the Chaff [TSE Raid of The Home]

    Kanz Sector System MZX32905 The time had come to tear loose the weeds that had been allowed to thrive in the Empire’s own backyard. Testimony from those who had once been closely connected to the errant Sith Ella Nova, and through intense reconnaissance, had revealed the existence of a secret...
  8. The Event

    Requisition (Fel Imperium Militant)

    Location: -Mindabaal, High Orbit Mission: -- Storm Local One Sith Remnant Forces and Requisition Equipment in the Name of the Imperium Two Planetary Defense Force Officers sit on the bridge of a Viper Class Frigate, left over from the One Sith after they left the planet. They even wore...
  9. Mathieu Bahreiko

    The Spark [GA]

    Things were, to put mildly, bad. In the recent months, the Galactic Alliance had suffered numerous offensives and several critical defeats; most recently, the loss of the Ithsuhusk, flagship of the Galactic Alliance, had been caught out and destroyed. Morale had taken a nasty blow, and things...
  10. Maris Fero

    The Mighty MezNez

    The gloom of night had just fallen over Efavan. Starlight was outshone by a billion points of vulgar light blinking from a hundred hotels and casinos, each stretching high in the Vorzyd skyline like dazzling lures eager to snare their share of the visiting masses. To many in the region, the...
  11. Kiegan Lysle

    Arkanian Raid Sign Ups

    We don't have the glitter and we don't have the moxy, but feth it we deserve something nice! This is the Second of our two raids to be popping up this month, this is going up to coincide with the other raid happening at Alderaan and fulfill our mandate. We're going to be attacking The...
  12. RC 212

    The Tenloss Job (Corporate Raid)

    Nar Shaada [member="Popo"] [member="Formorta"] [member="Wes Rykker"] [member="Svante Selanno"] [member="The Matador"] She had quite the band with her. This job required it, but what was more, Nar Shaada was Hala's old stomping ground, where she;d run with the Red Devil Cartel back in those...
  13. Tayise Betna

    What's Yours is Mine (Mandalorian Raid of Muunilinst)

    Location: Harnaidan City Objective: Raid Friends: Mandalorians, [member="Mirshko Betna"] Enemies: Anyone opposing Equipment: The journey was a pain, but then again when was it not? Crammed into their ships, the raiding parties had endured the confined spaces with pragmatic tolerance knowing...
  14. Arrbi Betna

    Nowhere is Safe (Mandalorian Raid of Serenno - Dominion vs Mandalorians)

    Location: Landing site, heading to raid target Objective: Raid all of the things Allies: Mandalorians Enemies: The Dominion, Anyone who gets in the way Equipment: Predawn light glowed in the distance as an unknown species of avians flew overhead, their wings beating silently as the coming day...
  15. Arrbi Betna

    Mandalorian Raid on the Dominion

    We're Mandos, we raid things, and we have equipment that lets us do so with impunity. Our home is a Mad Max movie set and its not a hard connection to make that food and supplies are hard to come by. So, the easy solutions? Merc work, bounty hunting, and of course raiding. With the closest...
  16. Tempest

    Ashira Is My Witness (Raid on Kaeshana)

    Dawn is coming.... Kaeshana, the former homeworld of the Eldorai. Since the planet had been conquered by the First Order the flow of information to their cousins on Tygara had not been cut entirely. The reports were mixed, often confused and garbled...
  17. Subject 37

    A New Golden Age[Rendili]

    Rendili The Bloodhawk [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] Space was a distant thing. Most people didn't think about it in their day to day lives. They thought of it as something out there, something untouched, but lingering. Even those that traveled the stars never truly considered the vastness of...
  18. Kamon Vondiranach

    False Blades and Glory (TSO/Mandalorians; Beskar Raid)

    Original image from Destiny Outside of standard sensors range. Several small fighters, StealthX's (the original variety) dropped out of hyperspace. Each was manned by a capable pilot, most of them being Sith. The reason for choosing such a vessel to convey them to Concordia was simple: they...
  19. Kalyn Tyree

    Raid Rather Than Trade

    Kalyn had been assigned to go along with [member="Lily Kilia"] to travel to Obredaan and acquire a rare substance, cortosis. Lily was a pilot who Kalyn hadn't had anything to do with, she had no idea what to expect from the new pilot. Whether she enjoyed her company or not though, she had a...
  20. Julius Sedaire

    Vengeance Is Best Served Cold... (PM For Invite, SJO/Mandos Only)

    Location: Voss Temple/Surrounding Area It had been no easy feat to sneak the elite band of warriors he had onto Voss. Ijaat had been incensed since the snub of the delegation under his command. Further insult was added to injury, making it personal, when they included the whelp Dagos and...
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