Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tefka

    Staff  The Death Of Rebellions

    Link for the Lazy: 404 Not Found. The Rebellion ruleset and all subsequent mentions of the Rebellion ruleset has been removed. Minor Updates: ***MAJOR FACTION CAPITALS - REMOVED: Protection of Capitals over Rebellions. ***MANDATES - REMOVED: Grasp the Void (Unbalanced due to removal of...
  2. Tefka

    Question  How do we fix Rebellions?

    I can’t seem to figure it out. I think we just kill the whole Minor Faction part of it, to remove the temptation and suss of members creating proxy factions. Proxies are IRL and cool, but no place in Chaos’s honest and cooperative environment… do we make them mini-Annihilations? Shoot me your...
  3. Tefka

    Staff  Rebellions Temporarily Suspended.

    Ever the problem child of the SWRP Chaos rulesets, Rebellions and Rebellion-associated mandates are temporarily suspended pending overhaul. This affects two Major Factions, Silver Jedi Concord and Galactic Alliance. You may select new Mandates at this time, without penalty, and your "mandate...
  4. Kiff Brayde

    Suggestion  #bringbackstrategy

    With the campaign flashpoint coming up soon, I thought this might be relevant. Essentially, make strategic victory a component in grading rebellions and invasions, a piece of grading criteria alongside the current ones. Why this could be beneficial: Five different categories would make ties...
  5. Ares

    Major Faction "Decline"

    Something I've observed in my short time here is that when a faction drops from Major (due to activity or otherwise), they essentially just give up months or years worth of progress they've made in the form of dominions and invasions, all at once. Or at least, within the span of about a month...
  6. Gilamar Skirata

    Minor Factions, Rebellions, and "The Map Game"

    Family, we need to talk about Rebellions. I think they happen infrequent enough that a significant buff or change should come about to help out future factions. My only suggestion is this: In the instance that a Major Faction is Recalled and their territory becomes open to Rebellions...
  7. null3

    Harris' Metal Lord Rebellion OOC

    Today is the day that the metal lords are saved from the downfall of its greatness, and this is where Harris will finally fix the problems by taking over. [member="HK-36"] [member="WD-334"] [member="Ra'a'mah"] [member="Lord Metallum"]
  8. Cira

    Rebellions must be concluded within 21 days of starting

    The following update has been made to the Dominion/Rebellion rules in regards to the maximum amount of time a Rebellion may last before its conclusion. As many of our board members have come to intimately know, 30 days for a Rebellion is a lonnnnnnnng time. This should ease the grind for...
  9. Valiens Nantaris

    Minor Factions & Rebellions

    An update has been made to the Rebellion rules. The relevant section is listed below with changes in green. REBELLION RULES Pure chaos and anarchy has descended upon the planet as the dominant Faction struggles to maintain control. This has made the planet susceptible to changing hands to any...
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