Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ivory Stroud

    Returning after a few years, excited to thread.. Long live the Age Of the Underworld!

    Good evening and Happy New Year, friends! My name is Ivory Stroud. I was a member a few years ago, heavily involved in an old group known as The Family. I've returned for the New Year, planning on reawakening some of my old contacts and making new ones. I love to thread, make deals, and explore...
  2. Maris Fero

    LFG  LFG to write with returning characters.

    So everything has changed clearly, I don't really recognise many if any factions and very few of the characters, Plus most people have awesome profiles now and mine look a little poor by comparison, please look past that! So I have three characters I could get back into writing or there's...
  3. Ghorua the Shark

    Private  Returning to the Life

    LOCATION: UNKNOWN EQUIPMENT: IN BIO CURRENT MOOD: ANTSY From the beginning of Ghorua's career as a bounty hunter, there was one thing he was sure of; he'd never escape the Hunt. It wasn't his plan, all those years ago, of course. His first bounty was one to pass the time. His original...
  4. Valery Noble

    Private  Returning Jedi

    Hello there! I've been away from Chaos for some time, but looking to roll back into things. My character has been on a meditative retreat for some time, following her awakening from hibernation. My last few posts here cover it a bit, for those interested...
  5. Thresco

    Thresco Jorr.1

    NAME: Thresco Jorr ALIAS: - Starvorr - Osi Moralo FACTION: None RANK: None HOMEWORLD: Concordia FORMER LIVING SITUATION: - Phindar - Kuat CURRENT HOME: Kashyyyk LANGUAGES KNOWN: - Galactic Basic Standard [fluid] - Binary [semi-fluent] - Mando'a [native] - Shyriiwook [broken] SPECIES...
  6. Card Null

    Starting over

    Hi everyone, to cut to the chase i'm not new but am starting over .I was originally a member about a year ago but started college and never got a feel for it so I took a year off and started working and all this made me forget about this rp all entirely. But now I'm back. So now I'm making and...
  7. Tathra Khaeus

    Returning? Maybe. Muse? Possibru

    ​Hello Fella's and Cinderella's. Possible Umbrella's? (For the Mr.Roboto's) ​I might be back? Only took me three months to miss you all this time instead of years. My life has been, a bucket of magma turmoil and eye rolling. But, I'm done with that. So, I've been playing a lot of Mass Effect...
  8. WelshGuy

    And So I Return

    Hey all, I disappeared for a few months, my real life got hectic and I wanted to focus on Uni. However, started feeling the pull back to the site for awhile now and figured it was time to dust off the old fantasy writing. Be using only this char for now, see how it goes before bring back...
  9. Scherezade deWinter

    *boops everyone on the nose*

    Looks like I'm back, at least for a little while. I think the last time I RP'd here was 2014 :) People know/knew me around various SW-RP boards as Shery / Shery deWinter / Nessarose deWinter, and a bunch of other characters. I'm seriously happy to see a lot of new names that I don't recognize...
  10. Knightofchaos08

    Why does this keep happening to me?

    So as you may have noticed, I disappeared.. again... To be fair though this wasn't my fault. I got sick and then by the time I recovered me and my family decided to move to a different house so things have been crazy over here. Things are calm enough now though that I should be back into the...
  11. K0VA

    To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

    Galaxy Core Abregado Rae System Derelict Frigate Bastion Amid a sea of stars, and systems known throughout the Galaxy as some of the most important and often visited sectors, the ambient still of the cosmos was immediately interrupted by the presence of a mechanical specter pushing out of...
  12. Vora Kaar

    Little by Little

    Alright guys. Been away for a while. Long story short, Promoted to manager position Crashed two days later into a semi Broke leg Dealing with insurance and work related STD (Short Term Disability) Claims. Poor boss decisions. Me trying to find new job. TL:DR: Might come back here, play some...
  13. Luna Vega

    So... I'm back.

    No big huge plans here. I am not even sure if I posted an LOA back then. At any rate, I'm digging myself out of the metaphorical proverbial grave and it might take me a minute to get acclimated. New people, board changes, and all that fun stuff has happened since last year. Should anyone be able...
  14. Voices of The Deep

    Returning From The Hospital

    Hey guys, i'm back from my surgery. It went better than expected and thankfully you guys helped me relax with your positive comments in the last thread. Sorry i was not able to reply ^^; . I didin't ignore them or anything. But yeah...back and on bedrest. So i guess i have a lot of time on my...
  15. R


    Well.....I'm back. I can now get to posting my replies, sorry, the holiday can be busy for me. I will get to posting, please tell me if I missed you. Sibar Laval-Any Dominion the First Order has created while I was gone Felran Natri- [member="Killnan Omani"] and [member="Darth Timoris"] Raka...
  16. Harkin Kane

    Remember Me?

    Remember Me? After putting basic training behind me I can finally get back to my friends in the SWRP universe! It's great to be back, and although my replies will be somewhat limited due to my new found occupation, I look forward to writing with everyone again! Anyone interested in a thread...
  17. Evad

    The muse may be returning...

    I am unsure, but I believe the itch to write is starting to come back. I'll let you know soon. Apologies to all that were looking for any of my characters and thought I had abandoned them.
  18. Thurion Heavenshield

    Been busy recently

    I would like to apologise to those whom it concerns about my inactivity in our threads together. I've been busy during the holidays and whatnot, and what few moments I got left I needed to unwind and relax. That said, Easter is over and tomorrow I will begin replying to all the threads I'm...
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