Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jai Katan

    Approved Location  Katan Dueling Ring

    Name: Katan Dueling Ring Image Source: N/A Classification: Dueling Ring Location: located on the lower levels of coruscant Affiliation: Jai Katan Description: The Katan Dueling Ring is quite a large location, seating over 1,025 people! This structure is mainly filled up with the actual...
  2. L

    Approved Tech  Faith's Ring

    FAITH'S RING Image Source: Here and Here Intent: A wedding Ring for Faith Organa PRODUCTION INFORMATION Development Thread: As needed Manufacturer: [member="Draco Vereen"] Model: Not Applicable Affiliation: [member="Faith Organa"] Modularity: Yes Aesthetics ​Production: Unique Material...
  3. Dissero

    Approved Tech  Verie Lacroix's Ring

    VERIE LACROIX'S RING OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The one of a kind engagement ring hand crafted for Verie Lacroix by Dissero Image Source: Lightning Ridge Jewelry, Australia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Dissero...
  4. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  Guardians of Tython

    Image Source: Dis guy Intent: For Akio To Practice Force imbuedment Development Thread: Here Manufacturer: Akio Diachi Model: N/A Affiliation: personal Modularity: Moderate—the user can really make it look however they want, because pretty Production: Semi-Unique (5 where made) Material: Force...
  5. Akio Diachi

    Creating Paths--Pt 1

    Mygeeto. For once the Chiss had chosen his location, instead of being directed. And his choice was not hap-hazard, nor was it random. There were rumors of Crystals that grew beneath the surface. They were able to be changed and grafted each into their own right to be used for weaponry or even...
  6. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  The Ring of Umber

    The Ring of Umber Image Source: [x] Intent: A Light Side ring for Isley Verd. Development Thread: [x] Manufacturer: [member="Isley Verd"] Model: N/A Affiliation: Personal Modularity: N/A Material: Ankarres Wood, Stainless Steel Background In the beginning, Alchemy was profane. For Isley...
  7. Clovis Torcularis

    "And One Ring To Rule Them All"

    It doesn't take much convincing when it comes to shiny trinkets or objects of value. Just a minor mention of such a thing and my mind begins to flood itself with the theory that I should be the sole owner of it. Which had happened when I overheard the mention of some ring that could be found on...
  8. Ameli Trahir

    Approved Tech  Ring of Concealment

    Image Source: Intent: A personal ring for Ameli to allow her to operate under the radar without the immediate scrutiny that comes with being identified as a Sith. It is not meant to give her any great edges in combat, and is more aimed at...
  9. Tanith Alde

    Approved Tech  Tracking Wedding Rings

    Image Source:Google Images Intent: To create a pair of redding wings so Kitty and her mate dont loose eachother Development Thread: if Necessary Manufacturer: Elizabeth Verdan Aka Kitty Aka Lizzy Model: NA Affiliation: Kitty and her Mate Modularity: No Production: Production: Semi-Unique...
  10. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Tech  The Twin Suns Of Tatooine

    Intent: To create a ring especially made for Danger Arceneau Development Thread: The Man Who Has It All Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies Model: N/A Affiliation: Danger Arceneau Modularity: No Production: Production: Unique Material: Two Sun Crystals, Treated Tatooine Sand, Electrum, Aurodium...
  11. Lief

    Approved Tech  Ninjen

    Image Source: [Link] Intent: To create a discreet method of communication across long distances between very specific individuals Development Thread: One Ring To Hear Them All Manufacturer: Kära Vi'dreya Model: Ninjen (Ring) Affiliation: Kära Vi'dreya Modularity: New Communication Counters may...
  12. Via Dolorosa

    The Dead Are Never Forgotten

    She was never one to give into the belief of mysteries or rumours or hearsay, but the opportunity to obtain an ancient ring that once took residence on the finger of Darth Traya was something she couldn't overlook. She had studied the teachings of the long dead Sith Lady, almost mirroring...
  13. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Tech  Silara's Ring

    Image Source: Google! Intent: In Order to create a unique piece of technology that will allow Silara to ensure Alric is still alive Development Thread: Manufacturer: Titan Industries Model: Silara's Ring Affiliation: Silara Kuhn Modularity: No...
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