Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Solipsis

    The Imperial Ruling Council - Roster & Edicts

    THE IMPERIAL RULING COUNCIL "The Empire is not run by committee, Princess. If I find that the Moff Council needs to know the substance of your message, then I'll be the one who tells them." - Gilad Pellaeon The Imperial Ruling Council, also referred to as the Imperial Council, is a...
  2. Maldor Mecetti

    Roster of House Mecetti

    Name of Member Primary Role Secondary Role Casteban Mecetti House Leader (Deceased) Director of the Ministry of Inquiry (Biot) Some time bodyguard to Vianca Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Leader of *House in Exile, Heir to House Mecetti Lord Moff in the Empire of the Lost Vianca Mecetti House...
  3. S

    Galactic Department of Justice - Information for Law Enforcment

    About Subgroup: The Galactic Department of Justice (GDJ) is a lawfully neutral division of police and other justice serving individuals who desire to uphold the laws and protect the citizens of any planet in the galaxy. The GDJ does not get involved in galactic politics, choosing instead to...
  4. Cubanwriter

    ShadowNet Roster

    Member Real ID Member 'Handle' Member Rank Member Skillset (Slicer, Thief, Spy, Hunter) Brec Abrak Migraine Established Slicer | | Joining the ShadowNet? Include the following information in your reply: Member Real ID (Your character name, linked to your bio) Member...
  5. Amani Serys

    Census (Herdship and Enclave Roster)

    Vonnuvi Herdship The Vonnuvi is home to a diverse array of lifeforms. Though its native-born children are by and large Ithorians, the herdship has become a cosmopolitan sanctuary for all who seek it. From spacers and conservationists, to refugees and relief workers, to any number of galactic...
  6. Joran Olan

    Eadu Enclave Roster

    ROSTER Here is the list of all members of the Eadu Enclave. If you wish to be added to the list, just leave your characters name and desired rank designation in this thread and I will get them added. Joran Olan Jedi Master - Eadu Enclave Steward Caden Evesa Jedi Knight - Eadu Enclave...
  7. Ignacious Korvan

    Faction Roster

    DARK EMPIRE ROSTER HEAD OF STATE Emperor - Darth Solipsis COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF Imperial Despot - Ignacious Korvan NEW SITH ORDER (Org Chart Post Pending) IMPERIALS Imperial Org Roster MAWITE KHANATE (Org Chart Post Pending)
  8. D

    Hutt Cartel Roster

    Roster List Hutt Kajidic's Name Kajidic (if any) Rank Alias Barabbula II the Hutt Vosadii Kajidic Supreme Mogul Barabbula the Glib Keg'rala the Hutt Fa'athra Kajidic Kajidii The Scrap Master Scrap Master of Nar Vaadu Fantannaish the Hutt Urdosh Kajidic Kajidii...
  9. Aculia Voland

    Overall Roster and Roles

    Empire of the Lost Overall Roster and Roles Empress Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Imperial Moff Council Darth Rasnuhl Ethen Lecersen Karl Von Strauss Katherin DuPorcelen Maestus Maldor Mecetti Marcus Bastion Vaukhus Administration Sector Leader Governors -Governors and Lieutenant...
  10. Deyanira Draco

    The Noble House Roster

    HOUSE • AMNEN HOME-WORLD: Muunilinst Leader: Tycho Amnen Members: Tyonna Amnen Tymair Amnen Arlo Amnen Maëlys Amnen Aliris Tremiru Justicars: Talleh Advisors: Spies: Romulus Vel HOUSE • DRACO HOME-WORLD: Entralla Leader: Deyanira Draco Members: Amarantos Draco Leon Draco...
  11. Y

    Work In Progress  Sandmoth Senior Captains

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Detail the senior captains within the Sandmoth smuggling operation Image Credit: Captain 1 Captain 2 Captain 3 Captain 4 Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of...
  12. V

    Rimward Jedi Coalition (Info & Roster)

    THE RIMWARD JEDI COALITON “For My Ally is the Force, and a Powerful Ally It Is.” - Yoda Darkness befalls the OUTER RIM. The free people of the RIMWARD TRADE LEAGUE are threatened by enemies within and without: Powerful forces of evil who seek to enslave, exploit, or eradicate any mote of...
  13. Kalli Mylas

    Roster & Economy

    ROSTER & ECONOMY An Overview of All Roles Available & A Brief Look at our Economy System 1. Faction Roster 2. Economy Overview
  14. Darth Vehementi

    Roster of the Gatekeepers

    Don the hood, Join the Brotherhood. Name: Rank: Ward: Example of Talismans and etc. Bio: If you wish.
  15. Mi'la Undari


    This be the list of members, not everyone had to be a padawan. This is just a group for people to get together and explore their character growth with each other via a shared network of people. Put your info down and some info, and I'll compile a list for references. Rivenna- Padawan |...
  16. Ascendant Muse

    LEGIO STELLA REGNUM || Regnum Star Legion

    R E G N U M S T A R _L E G I O N When the Confederate Remnant first founded the city of Regnum, bold volunteers faced the Expanse. Their new home was a cruel one - filled with monstrosities and raiders alike. Though the odds were against them, Regnum's defenders bled to keep its people safe...
  17. Severus Dobson


    The Imperial Mafia consists of Two sides: Arkenists, and Imperial Loyalists. Arkenists serve the family, siding with the head, Arken, above all else. Meanwhile, Imperial Loyalists side with The Empire, and the royal family, over Arken. "Arkenists": Arken Dobson: The Head of The Family, Arken...
  18. Gilad Angrund

    Clan Roster (Sign up)

    Name : Gilad Angrund Rank : Alor Specialties : Forging
  19. carrying-a-coconut

    Government + Roster

    So, as mentioned previously, there are three general sections of the government. The Triumvirate can only at any point in time be composed of three (3) people. They are essentially at the top in the hierarchy, comparable to a king or chancellor, except the power is split between them equally...
  20. Aktur Seii

    Roster Add

    If you need to be added to the roster, please reply below. Name: Alias: (If any) Rank: (Note: Lieutenant is the highest starting rank for PCs, unless organized)
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