Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lysander von Ascania

    Private  Shadows of Ukatis

    Briana Sal-Soren Lysander stood just outside the spaceport of Axilla, the beating heart of Ukatis. An icy wind flowed around him, brushing against the tunic that felt like silk against his skin, its hues being emerald and deep browns. His trousers, an earthy tone as well, clung to his...
  2. M

    Private  The Highest Stakes

    fa-play fa-pause Outfit: XoXo | Equipment: XoXo | Tag: Lossa Aureus Magena couldn't remember the last time she'd been on Nar Shaddaa, always on the move and flitting from this place to that in order to keep ahead of whatever mother karker she pissed off last. Sure, it made it a little more...
  3. Velda Nar-Donna

    Private  Captive Honour

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: No weapons needed TAG: Brandyn Sal-Soren f.y.i Teyla Ee'everwest Cybelle Elyance Her walk was confident, and regal, as she stepped past the archway and inside. The aura of importance and status that was cast around her, contrasted drastically with the air of this place...
  4. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Wrath of Shiraya: To Build or Break

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo | Equipment: Lightsaber | Location: Irith | Tag: Brandyn Sal-Soren A lone X-Wing descended towards Irith’s surface. Rather than travel to the main landing zone, Briana Sal-Soren opted for a more roundabout approach. Which wasn't uncommon. The majority of...
  5. Velda Nar-Donna

    Private  Among Secrets Kept

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Available TAG: Brandyn Sal-Soren -fyi- Cybelle Elyance Life often mirrors the strokes of an artist's brush. That was the thought Velda had when she gazed at the art piece before her in Castle Nar-Donna. The newest addition to the art gallery within the castle, a piece...
  6. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Trouble On Mirial [ Assignment ]

    :// Sith Expansion //: :// VALERY NOBLE //: :// TO: Briana Sal-Soren Silas Westgard //: "Greetings, Knights Sal-Soren and Westgard, Both of you have requested new assignments, and for what I have in mind, I'd like you both to work together. The Alliance and Jedi are currently very focused on...
  7. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Unstoppable

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo Equipment: Lightsaber Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant Tag: Valery Noble Her breathing was heavy and focused, each mighty intake and exhale a testament to her determination as she pushed herself beyond her limits. It all felt so disjointed now, going through...
  8. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Breathe Me

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo Equipment: Lightsaber Location: Corellia Tag: Aiden Rennek The sun had yet to rise as she gazed out into the inky vastness over a sleeping Corellia. White pinpricks of distant, pulsating stars, painting the sky, though her weary eyes hardly recognized their...
  9. Briana Sal-Soren

    Memorial Day Mayhem — News From Naboo

    In a tragic turn of events, a memorial event to remember the victims of the Cataclysm on Naboo turned into a weekend nightmare as the terrorist organization known as The New Way, released a deadly virus on the unsuspecting populace. The virus, which presents flu-like symptoms, has caused...
  10. Briana Sal-Soren

    Sal-Soren Bloodlines

  11. B

    LFG  Baby Sal-Soren Getting Her Footing

    I have the youngest of the brood here, looking to make connections, friendships and enemies. I'm open to any and all threads. Some things to know: Bastila is new to the Jedi and their philosophy She was in a coma for close to a year. She is shy and a little more quiet, probably the most...
  12. B

    Character  Bastila Sal-Soren

    Bastila Music Count On Me Full Name: Bastila Sanna Ee'everwest Sal-Soren Alias N/A Class(es) Jedi, Aristocrat Birthplace Theed, Naboo Homeworld Naboo Culture Nabooian Corellian Hapan Age Late Teens Personality Traits Intelligent Inquisitive Compassionate Creative...
  13. Teyla Sal-Soren

    Approved Tech  Teyla's Engagement Ring

    Intent: To use as an imbued item for additional protections and strengths Image Source: Midjourney Canon Link: Aurodium, Kyber Crystal Permissions: Baros' Permission Primary Source: Teyla Ee'everwest, Baros Sal-Soren, In Due Season Manufacturer: Baros Sal-Soren Affiliation: Teyla Sal-Soren...
  14. Teyla Sal-Soren

    Echoes of a Fading Star

    fa-play fa-pause How long she’d been left to languish as a prisoner, Teyla couldn’t say. Time became meaningless in the pit, every moment bleeding into the next until its passage was as insignificant as a candle in a lightning storm. Her wrists ached with the weight of the energy cuffs...
  15. Briana Sal-Soren

    Character  Briana Sal-Soren V2.0

    BRIANA Music Titanium Aliases Duchess Bri Bri-Utiful That Rich Girl Peril of Hubris Rank Knight — Grand Master of The Order of Shiraya Faction Royal Naboo Republic Specialty Duelist Age Young Adult Birthplace Naboo Species Hapan-Hybrid Height 5'8'' Weight 58.6 KG Hair Color...
  16. Lossa Aureus

    Private  The Pink and Delirious Deux - Sal-Soren Edition

    Location: Naboo, Hospital Wing Equipment: Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Currently Out, Sling Bag in chair beside bed. Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren Breha Sal-Soren (+ whoever the tagged bring/ask to join) The radiant pain in her legs was beginning to subside. Luric...
  17. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Family - The Pink and Delirious

    Location: Naboo, Hospital Wing Equipment: Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Currently Out, Sling Bag in chair beside bed. Tags: Luric Ee'everwest The bright room disturbed the senses. The slight rose tint of her eyes obscured at first by her pupils before the discomfort of the sudden light wore...
  18. Aveline Cuiléin

    Private  What is Dead May Never Die

    Brandyn Sal-Soren "Alright, we're docked. Let's see what we're working with here." Aveline said over the comms. She'd been the designated pilot on this one, a role she felt very comfortable in. The small ship had originally been moving towards an entirely different destination, but on the...
  19. B

    Private  Where One Hapes to Be

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: Standard Jedi Robes Equipment: Standard Lightsaber [confiscated] Location: Hapes, Queens Official Residence Tag: Kha'la Daaray | fyi, Valery Noble Brandyn was torn between two emotions, awe and annoyance. The annoyance was due to his saber being confiscated when...
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