Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sam rodarch

  1. Sam Rodarch

    Private  Heart Heart Head

    The room stinks to high heaven like stale sweat, blood and pure ethanol. "...are you drunk already? Dad, it ain't even noo-" The lights are dim, there's broken glass on the floor. "Who'ryou? Th'fuggin' police?" Bleary, bloodshot eyes can't stomach the light. Spent all morning crying. "Mom's...
  2. Sam Rodarch

    Private  Ausgebrannt

    Lucky Star Motel, Kelada The downtime was the worst. She laid on the paper-thin mattress and stared up at the ceiling, bleary eyes tracing patches of damp and mould that encircled the yellowing paint. The smell of mould lingered in nostrils and clung to clothing and the occasional flash of...
  3. Sam Rodarch

    Duel  Volcano Girls

    Terminus Utopia The transport shuttle had only come here to pick up a few last-minute passengers. Dock. Pick up. Disembark. Sounded simple, right? Apparently not. It had taken approximately five minutes for the transport to get embroiled in what was evidently an extortion racket. Dubious...
  4. Sam Rodarch

    Private  Operate

    The fight was over. The woman in black was gone, and with her the slicer she was supposed to have been protecting. All that was left was Sam Rodarch, sprawled across the floor of the cantina amongst shards of glass, half-conscious stare drifting upwards to the mirrored ceiling. She was...
  5. Cassus Akovin

    Private  Lamb Hunts a Wolf [Sam Rodarch]

    Continuation of Welcome to Denon... That was a few days ago, CorpSec locked down the area, drove out some of the "sewer rats" from the nearby pub, and Cassus was caught in the middle. The man watching him from across the street crossed his mind briefly but seemed to be of no importance to him...
  6. Sam Rodarch

    Beat the 'Borg!

    The festivities were in full swing. The merry sound of Lasat folk music danced throughout the twilight sky and the smell of questionable fried foods and cigarra smoke punctuated the air. Stark flashing neon streaking through the vision of those who chose to look, growing ever brighter and more...
  7. D

    For Services Rendered [Sam Rodarch]

    Rhelg Zarsidna iv Dzara, Sorcery Lab --- The Sorcery Lab of Zarsidna iv Dzara was dimly lit, as always - too much light, Imperia found, ruined the mood - only a minor issue in most situations, but to use Sorcery, one needed to be immersed in the Dark Side. Bright lights and cheerful decor...
  8. Vrak Nashar

    Everyone Wants What They Have

    Outer Rim - Facility BA331 "Please. You just take the keycard and go, you don't need to kill me." Vrak looked down at the little man, lips thin, lightsaber hilt cradled in his fingers. He watched the Guard for a moment, considering his words. The keycard was enough to get him into the...
  9. Aela Talith

    Broken Spark

    Concordia [member="Sam Rodarch"] The sound of the hammer striking the anvil rung out with several thousand sparks hitting the floor and crackling out of existence. The sound was met with another, then another in a seemingly endless clash that continued on and on as Viktor slowly beat the heated...
  10. Kurt Meyer

    The Ol' One Two

    [member="Sam Rodarch"] Kurt wasn't really much of a betting man, not usually anyway. He'd done it once or twice in his life of course, visiting a casino, betting on the pod-races, things like that. It wasn't like he was a gambling addict or anything like that, not at all. He generally...
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