Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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scherezade dewinter

  1. Scherezade deWinter

    Campaign  Neuter Your Dogs and Fill Your Pools with Borscht - the Education of a Young Lady, Part 1

    Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols...
  2. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Choop Choop Woomp

    Copperline Talohn Atar Pirate hotspots were a personal favorite of the Sithling. Many had thought that the pirates had been eradicated from this world hundreds of years ago, but as with anything - centuries of Gulag coupled with very short memory of those who only had a single life to live, she...
  3. Ingrid L'lerim

    Private  Underwater problems

    Ingrid L’lerim / The Red Witch The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Agent of Chaos / The Wild Hunt Location: Underwater labour, Virgilla 7 Equipment: AoC light armor | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto Tag(s): Scherezade deWinter...
  4. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Tending the Embers

    Scherezade's office was more of a mess than it usually was. Most often, she was simply content with letting things pile around. The sight was entirely chaotic, but she still knew where each and every item was. Hundreds of paper scrolls, numerous datapads, random weapon prototypes of weapons that...
  5. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Open Wounds

    Summer was quickly approaching according to the weather controls of the Scintilla. Scherezade had spent most of that day in the forgotten playground behind the Tower, her mind reeling over events of the past. There was little doubt as to how well she'd been doing for the past year. Since coming...
  6. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Clank?

    5U-K5 Against all reason and good sense, Scherezade had been granted an office in the Tower. She'd tried to fight against it at first, claiming that she had access to almost everything and didn't hold any official leadership position anyway, but Discordia had insisted. As a result, there was a...
  7. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Shuffling the Deck

    Maximus Kreel Man, she hated uniforms. Scherezade pulled the collar slightly away from the hollow of her neck and took a deep breath before letting it snap back to place before she groaned. It had taken her weeks to prepare for this, and still by her best estimations she would only have a...
  8. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  An Ceiling Cat Sayed, Beholdt, teh Good Enouf for Releaze as Version 0.8a

    Micah Scherezade paused by the entrance, glowing green eyes staring at the vastness of space which was included in the interior design. She had not stepped foot in the Rest since her return from the Space Between Dimensions, and that had been nearly a year prior to now. Technically, she wasn't...
  9. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Return of the Not-a-Jedi

    Nighthaunter Scherezade let a chuckle out as she realized she was on Eve again. It slightly dizzied her head to think of how quickly her new home had replaced what she thought had been her former one. Though she still held no official position among the Agents of Chaos, she joined more and more...
  10. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Girls of Chaos

    Sasmay Cull Scherezade stood in the great dockyard of Eve, inspecting a Mark I Jammer ship from the outside as she considered her options. A new wave of battles was coming. She could feel it down to the depths of her core. Every night the tingling beneath her skin increased, not a sign of this...
  11. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Been a While

    Josh Dragonsflame Maymgnosis was one of the few spheres of the Scintilla that did not have the hand of Scherezade involved in any part of its design. The station stood silently in place, bigger than the ones that surrounded it, and was filled almost entirely with sea water. At the top was an...
  12. Kas Varad

    Private  Food Fair. Fight Food.

    On Skye, the Buffets eat you. Region: Varada sector Planet: Skye Food Festival: The Skye’s the Limit. Tag: Scherezade deWinter The Four Festival F’s Food Fair Fight Food, always twice as much as you need. Double helpings of free food, with fair prices for more, and later today the fight for...
  13. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Desert Rose

    Adrian Vandiir She was never going to love the desert. Heat, sure. Rays of sunshine that seemed to embrace and caress her with their lazy warmth? Certainly. But not… Not deserts, where the sun's light was always too harsh, where a small sand storm was more than enough to put sand in places you...
  14. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Visions and Whispers

    Vaulkhar The purple sands of Parnassos swirled between her toes as the Sithling stood in the shallow waters, letting the waves break against her feet. The joke had been too cruel. For weeks now, she had been hearing the whispers. Right around the corner of being within ear-shot, enough for...
  15. Madalena Antares

    Private  Dark Chest of Wonders

    Daphne deWinter The warm rays of Spira made her feel like she wanted to just hop on a lamp post and happily stretch out. The weather on Eve was a perfect mimic of real life and felt as real as any, but there was no replacement for the very feel of the air you got when you visited places that...
  16. Scherezade deWinter

    Products of Whimsy

    Whimsy is an interplanetary conglomerate founded by Scherezade deWinter and run by both her and the droid Twinkle Doom. Presently, the company operates mostly out of the Scintilla. We highly recommend you take a look at our miscellaneous section. Acid Covered Glitter - the base for the...
  17. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Tech  Lupine Blood Stone

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A plot piece for Alwine Lechner and the Lupine related stories she is and will be in. Image Source: First frame from this gif. Canon Link: n/a Permissions: n/a Primary Source: Lupine Of Wolves and Blood PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scherezade...
  18. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Yee-Haw!

    Finette Frai Dxun The ramp of The Pole Dancer lowered onto the jungle of Dxun, and a pair of glowing green eyes peered out of it with unbridled excitement. Dxun! At long last, enough time had cleared up to come visit this planet about which Scherezade had only heard about from others but had...
  19. Brie Jaxx

    Private  No one can hear you in the Outer Rim

    To any approaching ships, the asteroid station looked calm and quiet and just like one of many trading outposts in the Outer Rim. The giant gas planet gave the asteroid belt an orange background in the otherwise black and silent space around it. As an outlander, a trading station in the Outer...
  20. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  When You Tend a Rose, a Thistle Cannot Grow

    Xenro The skies of Eve were colored beautiful reds and purples that evening. Scherezade drove her Unicorn Speeder as fast as it would go, diving straight out of the city center proper and out towards where the forests and lakes were. Though she had more or less lived in one of Golbah City's...
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