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* Intent: To make a scout for Lord Mettallum's army
* Image Source:[X] Edited by me
* Canon Link:
* Restricted Missions:
* Primary Source: Vulture Droid
* Manufacturer: FOTM
* Model: Beta Dragon Droid Scout
* Affiliation: Metal Lords, Lord...
Image Source: N/A
Affiliation: The New Order
Manufacturer: Imperium Forge Works
Model: TIE/hk Hurrikane, models -fb and -f
Modularity: Limited. The Hurrikane may swap out its rear turret cannon for twin laser cannons and upgraded shields.
Production: Mass Produced for TNO only.
(Not my image, just the basis for it)
The Onyx Nexu is a larger take on the Charger c70 retrofit of the Consular-class Republic Cruiser. It was intended to be a larger due to the needs of the purchaser, a Jedi Seer, as such it was created to have several features not seen in the smaller...
I had been told there was a scout seen in our borders a few moments ago, to which I now gazed upon my bed. the bannister and headboard may have been ripped off. According to the servant whom came to me, the droid had vital information about the missing godslayers. IF this droid was to be killed...
Last Updated: 11/13/17
Samantha Jade
NAME: Samantha 'Sam' Jade
FACTION: Trade Spine League, The Confederacy of Independent Systems, Mandalorian Union
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 155 lbs.
EYES: Dark Blue Grey that shifts to a darker hue when anger or fearful
HAIR: Reddish Brown...
Image Source: Concept art by Tsvetomir Georgiev
Affiliation: Red Ravens
Manufacturer: Red Ravens
Model: RRS - Expeditious V1
Modularity: With Dev thread could likely make minor changes using factory approved, size appropriate tech
Production: Mass
Material: Turadium, Transparisteel, various...
Image Source:
Intent: In Order to create a scout Drone that can explore planets, systems, and oncoming fleets
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Astraeus Industrial
Model: OBL-0 Scout Drone
Affiliation: The Hapes Consortium...