Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Malum of House Marr

    LOA  Semi-LOA

    Uni is over, but assignments still exist, unfortunately. Still gonna post when I can, but just letting you guys know from about now to the 8th, I'll be focusing on my assignments, got some real doozies down in the pipeline. Afterwards, will have end of semester holidays to catch up on...
  2. L


    Hello! Just wanted to apologize to the effected writers who were interacting with my characters, Lira Virel and Astrid Ylva. A little good news, bad news here - I had gotten swallowed up in onboarding for an exciting work opportunity and on the flip side - I suffered an unexpected health...
  3. Briana Sal-Soren

    LOA  Semi-LoA

    I've had some things come up in my personal life, so while I'll do my best to get to my posts, it'll be much slower than usual through this next week and perhaps not even at all, depending on how I'm feeling. Sorry to anyone waiting on posts and for anyone this inconveniences.
  4. Ket Van-Derveld

    LOA  Semi-LoA for about a Week.

    Hey all. So, some of you are aware I started a new job this past Monday, and it's going great so far! Unfortunately, it's a bit more exhausting than I had thought it would be, schedule-wise. Body is taking a bit to get used to having to be up about an hour before I used to go to sleep! So, for...
  5. Loreena Arenais-Valhoun


    On vacation until the end of the month. Posting will be less frequent due to not always being around areas where there is cell phone reception. But I shall try my best to keep up! On a side note...Why is July going by so quickly? Feels like only yesterday it was Stranger Things day....
  6. Lief

    LOA  Semi-LOA

    Those of you who write with me consistently have probably already noticed it, but I've been dealing with a little bit of slow posting the past few days. My brain's been in a bit of a foggy state, which has made posts harder to write. I'll still be writing here and there, but if I'm not my...
  7. Briana Sal-Soren


    I was really trying to avoid putting one of these up, but I am caving. The last couple of weeks have been a little rough, I was sick, seemed to be getting better, and am now sick again. My kiddo had a break down this last week because of everything that's changed these last couple years...
  8. Onrai

    Semi-LOA for the foreseeable future

    My muse has dropped significantly. I no longer feel the drive to RP on here like I used to, though I do have an obligation to some people. Will only sorta be around for an indefinite period of time.
  9. Curupira Hawk

    Construction Work!

    Putting this up just in case. As of half an hour ago, our apartment was turned into a construction site. Their primary section is the living room where my internet and phone bases are so there is a definite possibility I may lose internet a lot. If that happens, my only device to come online...
  10. Curupira Hawk

    Finals Season

    Alright, folks! I'm not calling for an LOA but mostly an LOA. I'll still be around if you wanna PM me or skype with me. But, tomorrow and on Friday I have two tests which if I pass, I've paused the subjects and get free from Finals. Week after that, the finals themselves start which is basically...
  11. Fatty

    So, I'm overwhelmed now

    This change with the Clockworks and such has basically just blew my head up. It isn't a bad thing at all, the idea is awesome and I love it, but being unleashed upon it all at once is like the title says, overwhelming. In the future, I think I'd like a few teasers. Normally I hate teasers, but...
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