Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kel Se'Taav

    Character  Kel Se'Taav

    KEL SE'TAAV Theme Spectre Induction Aliases Commander; Senator Class/Role Politician; Military Commander Birthplace Bothawui Residence Parliament Suites, Abregado-rae Aboard the 'Tempest' Age Middle-Aged (mid-40s) Personality Traits Honest Loyal Strategic Rank(s) Senator of...
  2. Kara Vona

    Character  Kara Vona

    Senator Kara Vona Name: Kara Vona Species: Human Age: Early 30s Gender: Female Height: 5'7" / 1.7 meters Weight: 130 lbs / 59 kg Homeworld: Latharra Faction: Latharran Republic Rank: Senator of Duranna Kara was born in the city-state of Duranna on the planet Latharra. Durrana was a city...
  3. Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

    Private  The Senator of Balmorra (FAC)

    Tag: Grassias Dala "You’re 3 o-clock appointment with the new Senator of Balmorra, Senator Grassias Dala, just landed, and he should be arriving shortly.” She lifted her head and offered a warm smile to her secretary, who was peaking her head into her office door with the update. “Thank you...
  4. Grassias Dala

    Character  Grassias Dala: Senator of Balmorra

    Grassias Dala NAME: Grassis Dala FACTION: GA RANK: Senator SPECIES: Human AGE: Late 50's SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6 Feet WEIGHT: 160 pounds EYES: Dark Brown HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: N/A STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Seasoned...
  5. L

    Private  The Prince and the Iron Senator

    . Had Abbadon Senatorial Palace The Iron Senator would be reading over reports upon the open balcony of the Had Abbadon Senatorial Palace. During one of these outdoor sessions an usher of the senator had come across information on the Cross Bloodline. Dol Amroth hadn't heard of the cross...
  6. L

    Private  Summons from the Iron Senator

    . Summons from the Iron Senator Had Abbadon Senatorial Palace The Senatorial Palace was in full swing on this day, aides rushing through the numerous doors while the sentry guardsman stood by. The palace was large enough to have its own corner of the capital city. The palace was filled...
  7. L

    LFG  New Senator looking for Threads

    As the name implies, I am looking for threads for my senator. He is the senator of had abbadon but hasn't attend any meetings of the senate (Current story since I just made him). A reclusive senator if you will who keeps to himself and governs his people alongside the planetary government. But...
  8. Credit Wizard

    Leviticus Dol Amroth | The Silver Senator

    OVERVIEW Name Leviticus Dol Amroth Age Group Adult Position Senator of Had Abbadon Lord Marquis of House Dol Amroth Homeworld Had Abbadon BIOLOGY Sex Male Species Human Force Sensitive No Eyes Blue Eyes Height 6'0 feet tall Weight 176 Pounds Build Muscular...
  9. Mirana Praji

    Character  Mirana Praji

    Senator Mirana Praji NAME: Mirana Praji FACTION: Galactic Alliance RANK: Minister of State Senator of Coruscant SPECIES: Human AGE: Late 40s SEX: Female HEIGHT: 4'10" WEIGHT: 120lbs EYES: Bright Blue HAIR: Natural Blonde, Graying, Artificially maintained. SKIN: And just as the...
  10. H

    Character  Hyden Sy

    [ source ] H Y D E N _ S Y GENERAL INFORMATION ___________________________________________________ Name: Hyden Sy Occupation: Senator Age: Early Thirties Homeworld: Necropolis (Dahrtag) Affiliation: Necropolis (Dahrtag), The Galactic Alliance, in that order Force Sensitive: No Force...

    Senator of Epoch, Kaigann Fossk

    In a landslide win, Senator-Elect Kaigann Fossk dominated the polls and stole the hearts of the citizens of Odessa after a heartwarming speech to the masses from the Epochian Assembly. Mere months after his rescue by the New Jedi Order, Senator-Elect Kaigann Fossk has vowed to make his people's...
  12. Khama Fett

    Character  Theptak Ptay

    THEPTAK PTAY PronounciationTHEEP-tak TAY BirthplaceJakku Age30 GSY FactionGalactic Alliance RankSenator Political AffiliationCorporatists HomeBalmorra SpeciesJawa GenderMale Force SensitiveNo Height1.04 Meters Weight28 kg Eye ColorYellowish BIOGRAPHY: The life of...
  13. M

    LFG  Looking to place a Senator/Politician/Noble!

    Character is relatively new in development. I do, however, know what I desire to do with her and am willing to change/adapt or adjust the character! Looking to be a Rep/Senator/Noble for someone who needs a role filled. Let me know!
  14. F

    Character  Felipe Felix Valiente

  15. Otto Shule

    Character  Otto Shule

  16. H

    Character  Kryo Adab

    SOCIAL INFORMATION NAME: ??? NICKNAME: Kryo Adab FACTION: Galactic Alliance OCCUPATION: Senator of Foerost Executive Director of Reek Corps FAMILY: TBA.gif PHYSICAL INFORMATION AGE: Adult; 40s GENDER: Male SPECIES: Corellian FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes HEIGHT: 5'11 WEIGHT: 170 lbs EYE COLOR: Brown...
  17. T

    Faction  Forging Ahead [Allies Welcome, PM to Join.]

    Jedha… A planet that had seen the merciless Empire take a part of who it was, many years ago – for the sake of hiding their nefarious deeds. A planet which had seen the brunt of the Imperial war machine, and somehow still flourished. Transition after transition of power, she somehow still...
  18. H


    Hespera "The hammer always falls. Our only choice is whether we are broken or forged." Name: Hespera Sex: Female Species: Human Homeworld: Shulstine V Occupation: Senator Force-Sensitive: No [hr] Hespera seldom dwells on her childhood. She holds her past - and the self of her past - in...
  19. Adilene Gallier

    Adilene Gallier

    Adilene Gallier Name: Adilene Ellis Gallier Faction: Republic Remnant Rank: Republic Remnant Senator of Makeb Species: Human Age: 31 Sex: Female Height: 5'9 | 1.75 m Weight: 148 lbs | 67 kg Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Pale Force Sensitivity: No Strengths √ Adaptable: Adilene is a very...
  20. Vyra Silara

    }{ Lady Vyra Silara }{

    }{Official Name}{ Vyra Jade Silara }{Pronunciation}{ (Veer-ah) or (Vear-ah) }{Quote}{ "We fall so we can rise taller. We break so we can heal stronger. No one said progress would be easy." }{Titles}{ Lady of Naboo Queen of Elenthaeus and Cattamascar Eternal Empress of Kalidan }{Homeworld}{...
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