Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Natasi Fortan

    Private  All My Friends Are Dead

    SENATE OFFICE BUILDING Office of the Honorable Member for the Renascent Republic The name Calgar evoked a curious mixture of emotions in Natasi Fortan. She experienced, in one moment, the years of history she had with the name and the man with whom she identified it. Dante Calgar had been...
  2. Rulonom Laborr

    Faction  Preservation of the Status Quo | All Senators Invited | [GA Senate]

    Location: 500 Republica ; Apartment of the Trade Federation Representative Tags: Senators of the Galactic Alliance War Was Coming.... It was a simple statement but carried so much meaning behind it especially in the last days of the promised galactic peace at the end of the Second Great...
  3. Rens Ahim

    LFG  Friends, Senators, Citizens, lend me your ears!

    Hey gang hope you are doing well it’s Minuteman again. On this occasion I like to reach for some new possible stories for my senator though outside of senate sessions and public diplomatic meetings heh. Getting to know fellow senators more would be great if anyone is interested. Also I‘m open to...
  4. Barrac Hivlar

    LFG  Party for Senators of the Galactic Alliance

    Hey, Galactic Alliance Senators. My character will be hosting a party, for senators of the Galactic Alliance. If your senator is available now is the time.
  5. Amun

    Boost  War on the Senate | ATTN Galactic Alliance | Hutt Space Consortium[/URL]); background-position: center; margin:auto; padding:15px; text-shadow: 2px 1px #151515; text-align: justify; border: 1px solid; padding: 10px; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 7px #000000); border: 2px solid #151515; border: 2px solid; border-image...
  6. Koda Fett

    LFG  War on the Senate

    Senators have been under threat of bounty hunters and mercenaries as contracts have been issued against them, and that is set to continue as this War on the Senate escalates. Bounties out on senators have seen attempts, successful or not, to either kill or capture them but the most daring...
  7. Faith Organa

    Senators for Alderaan

    The Chancellor has dissolved the Senate. Election to appoint a new Senator. This of course us all for story. But this is an opportunity to write a Senator. Is anyone interested? Faith is the current Senator. But it doesn't mean she has to stay it. If someone else is interested post here.
  8. Lilla Syrin

    Either on top of their game or yesterday's news

    “You're just a little gravel maggot!” ― Mawhonic Lilla knew little practically about the Republic. She understood a lot from the history books — given she’d been schooled on the Governess’ Academy on Tatooine. There she’d studied both the theory of politics as well as the history of them...
  9. Kay-Larr

    A Common Charter For All

    The Senate Hall was ready. Now it only needed to be filled. Security was there, men and women chosen by Commenor's Head of Security, [member="Macoda Haberon"] . [member="Kiran Arlos"] was also on site, a lad that Kay had hand picked. He had plenty of experience guarding politicians and had...
  10. Kay-Larr

    Who Loves Political Intrigue? Who Loves Power?

    Hello there ;) With more worlds joining into the Commenor Systems Alliance , there is room to expand in the political front. Are you a fan of political intrigue, backstabbing/bribing to get yourself ahead? Or do you take the good person route and get ahead through hard work and kindness? This...
  11. Sanya Val Lerium

    Friends in far places (diplomacy between OotBR & GR)

    Chazwa - Senate building The capital had changed many times since the war and the unspeakable event that happened a while ago now. Many people are still baffled by those six years, the six years of hell. Times have changed since then and it was time for another change. One of union...
  12. Sankt Yora

    Senate Floor: Jedi Assisting Military Sectors Act

    Though Yora had been a member of the Republic's Senate for a short time, she had already established a name for herself in the Senate. Known as a member of sharp wit and keen intelligence, some of her colleagues had already expressed their private satisfaction with her thoughts and ideas. To...
  13. Cecily Demici

    Join the conversation!

    People of the Galaxy Do you love freedom? liberty? justice? democracy!? Do you have opinions about how things SHOULD be done? Have you ever wanted a personal guard? Will you be active?? Then join the Galactic Republic today and IMMEDIATELY create Senator! In the Star Wars Canon, the...
  14. Cecily Demici

    The Blond Caucus [PM for Invite]

    "Yes, show them in," Cecily's cool clear voice rang out as she swept into the large round chamber. A vast array of delicious treats had been arranged in the center of several large plushy seats. She was wearing a simple silver gown and her long golden tresses were drawn up around a simple...
  15. Sanya Val Lerium

    5 chapter story/development thread

    hello there republic I'm currently in the process of creating a new planet. and I'd be needing 100 post dev thread but instead of it been a straight 100 I've decided to split it into 5 chapter. each chapter will need a different kinds of character's, both NFU and FU. below you will see the...
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