Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kyrel Ren

    Public  Shadow of the Rim

    War spreads everywhere across the galaxy, for that is something the Wrath of the Maw knows all too well. Yet during this time of great conflict Kyrel slowly saw his gaze being drifted to the lawless outer rim. Beyond the Second Great Hyperspace War he saw a frontier now open for anyone to do...
  2. Barsk Darklight

    Campaign  The shadow knight flight to dongar ( Open to anyone in 2nd part of netherworld timeline)

    People are in a ship 2 big cruisers fly to dongar next thing known the other ships retreat as the biggest cruiser carrying over 120 men crashes onto the planet now they must stand and attempt to look around in hopes to find something while the ship is being repaired
  3. Valery Noble

    Change of Direction

    Change of Direction Only 2 years ago Valery had stepped out of stasis and into a Galaxy similar in some ways, but vastly different in others. Her journey to adjust and find a new purpose had initially been very difficult, but several Jedi had helped her find her place and after a...
  4. Wyatt Morga

    Private  Jedi Covenant // The Coming Shadow

    Coruscant Hidden Meeting Place 870 ABY The lower levels of Coruscant had been bathed in hellfire more than once - and the most recent iteration was done by the ever pestilent Maw. Millions dead, and still it paled to the destruction committed by Taeli Raaf. Wyatt considered their duel, years...
  5. K

    Character  KSS

  6. Persephone Ambrosia

    Private  Bats, Rats, and Other Ilk (Real Spooky Hours on Coruscant)

    It hadn't been a full two months yet since Coruscant had come under attack in a sudden reemergence of the Sith. As with any and every war before it, Persephone and her people observed quietly. Fighting where they needed to, and helping where they needed to. However, their interests were as...
  7. Phalsi Drynchen

    Private  Shadow Practice to Practical Application

    NEW FACES Objective: Meet and Greet Equipment: Under-Armor, Clothes- The First Picture, The Mask, Just in Case Cloak, Scope- on belt, Wrist Device, Slicing/Gaming Tool, The Encoil, Zerek Stowaway Node, ICE/iBorg Clarion Personal Translator Weapons: Four Zenji Needles, Pair of Blue Lightsabers...
  8. Lunafreya Solidor

    A golden shadow lurks in with pink glitter

    I HAVE RETURNED!!!! In two weeks I will be back full-time. I will finish my submissions that were archived and thank you all for putting up with me. Now return to your affairs. dismisses with the hand Xoxo.
  9. Silver Strand

    Populate  In the Emperor's Long Shadow (Silver Jedi Concord Populate of Wayland)

    Objective One: Mingle at the Benefit Gala One of the old Mount Tantiss facilities has been requisitioned to host a benefit gala for the world following the Sith's devastating return to the world. It has been particularly troubling to many within the Silver Jedi Concord that even after this...
  10. Avra Elru

    Private  Hidden in Deep Shadow

    Tag: Felix Aquila Within the confines of the deeper levels of Nar Shaddaa, Avra and her new travel companion Felix had discovered one of the numerous entries into the caverns that ran beneath the polluted city. She had promised knowledge in exchange for his help in her spiritual trial, and he...
  11. Bendak Crail

    Private  Shadow of Mustafar

    SIEGE OF MUSTAFAR 858 ABY Chaos reigned all around the fiery world as the last stand was made between the final First Order holdout and the Outer Rim forces governed by a loose government and aided by the Jedi. The day the mighty Kyrel Ren sought was at hand and so did Bendak Crail. While...
  12. Darth Tennacus

    Private  Shadow of the Past

    Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Mentions: Aria Vestra Jhira Mereel Seraa Vestra It came not as any easy feat to walk in the heart of the enemy's shadow. Meticulous planning and patience were needed in order to construct an ironclad precaution to any and all scenarios that may arise against...
  13. Detritus Ren

    Public  Dawn of the Shadow Collective (Criminals/Criminal Underworld/Open)

    Upon the meeting with his Father, the elder Kyrel Ren spoke with little indifference. Not much of any affection, but imparted the words to his spawn. "If you wish the power you so seek, exploit it from those who's greed is an ally." From that time on Dathomir, the former Imperial Knight had...
  14. Detritus Ren

    LFG  Interest Check: Rise of the Shadow Collective

    Hello all! Today I come bringing an idea I wanted to bring up, see if it gets anyone interested for a good story. Something I've been thinking of for a while with the Second Great Hyperspace War in full swing. How y'all feel on bringing back the Shadow Collective? For those that don't know what...
  15. Ebony Ambrosia

    Character  Ebony Ambrosia

    W E - A R E - L E G I O N | S C R E A M - F O R - U S I N T R O D U C T I O N B I R T H N A M E | Ebony Ambrosia A L I A S | Ebon Ambrosia, Choir of Darkness F E A L T I E S | None R E S I D E N C E | Wherever R A N K | TBD H O M E W O R L D | The Dark Side | Nether S P E C I E S |...
  16. Ilwynog Cysgod

    Private  A Shadow teaching a Criminal

    Ilwynog had agreed once again to take a Padawan/student on a mission with them. It had been a difficult choice since the Shadow had been keeping to themselves and working on the many criminals based in the SJC space that had appeared with the leadership's focus on the wars with the Bryn'adul and...
  17. Meera Kuun

    Public  The Shadow Tiara Heist

    Meera let out a sigh as her Frozen Hunk touched down on Cantonica. She had decided to land outside of Canto Bight as the docking fee was exorbitant from what she remembered from her previous visits. If she didn't want to spend half her pay from her last job, this was the best option. She looked...
  18. D

    The Shadow Serpent

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the foundation ship for use in future stories Image Source: Image Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Empress Teta Affiliation: Darth Tevris Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A...
  19. Darth Thonrin

    Work In Progress  The Shadow Born

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an infantry unit for future threads involving Darth Thonrin and his allies Image Credit: Original Source, Edited by me Role: Rank and File Permissions: N/A Links: Children of Abeloth-WIP GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Shadow Born Affiliation...
  20. Kalros Jerrex

    LFG  Striking from shadow

    With much of the Sith factions wiped out. The Sith enter a new stage of fighting. Infiltrating deep into galactic governments. Striking from within the shadows. Interitus is such a man. Infiltrating Denon as Kalros Jerrex a wealthy magister . Even reaching as high as the GA senate. Following the...
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