Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aayla Shan

    Faction  Badlands Discovery - (Kashyyyk - Shadowlands)

    The Sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon from the expeditionary group's position. In groups of four, they each trekked their mandated routes through the craggy, bleak, desecrated landscape. Twelve groups in total were dispatched in concordance with aerial reconnaissance droids and the...
  2. Setter Ryburn

    To prosper, one must first know struggle. To struggle is to survive, and to survive, is to truly liv

    FAR BENEATH SILVER REST THE SHADOWLANDS It took some...interesting conversations to get Setter and the Raider prospects where they were now. Setter could've had them do a million things. Line up, run through an obstacle course, this and that. But Setter had a simple objective for the...
  3. Andorreth Vikar

    Shadows need a proper HQ (Open to Silver Shadows and those tagged in)

    Outside of skinning the Terantatek and mounting its head as a trophy in the main armory of the Shadow HQ I hadn't done much. As the leader of the shadows there were things that needed to be added, power supplies and generators for the HQ. Which I'd already tasked several droids with setting up...
  4. Harry Trichosia

    A Harry Situation

    "'Harry! Harry! Fetch th'um water from the th'tweam hour'th away! And don't dawdle!' Th'tupid witch...." Harry mocks his mother's voice, knowing full well the sorceress can probably hear him through the Force. Magic was like that--full of loopholes that made no sense. Much like Harry's...
  5. Siriwook

    Dreams of my father.

    It's night. Siriwook knows she's on a ship in space, but she is dreaming. It's a peculiar kind of dream for two reasons. First, she can see nothing. She hears, smells, and feels, but sees nothing. Second, she knows in the dream that this is a place she's been, but she can't remember it...
  6. Siriwook

    Sith Sorceress of the Shadowlands

    Location: Kashyk, Shadowlands, Hyperia's Cabin, Basement. It has been many years since Hy'peria hired the Trandoshans to kill the groom's family at her wedding. Surely, by now, her daughter Siriwook will have learned to hate them. As the Jedi are always saying, fear leads to anger and, anger...
  7. Zef Halo

    Predator vs. Predator

    Music. Pant. Pant. The Mandalorian's stamina was giving in. The energy left within him was not much and this was by far the most sophisticated and brutal terentatek he had ever faced. His armor was half torn, his helmet had been shattered and thrown away. The boots he had worn were also sent...
  8. Jaxton Ravos

    Of Swords, Shadows, and Magic.

    Jaxton had spent the last few weeks doing some personal training, and had brought himself to a world outside the Republic by the name of Kashyyyk. He had hoped to train with the impressive Wookie species, a race who's natural power and strength exceeded his own. Jaxton felt it was a good idea to...
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