Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sidoris Thrall

    Public  Wandering Witch Seeks Shenanigans

    Like the title implies: just looking for anything and everything to do. Since this is my first character I want to try and stretch my legs on this sight and get a sense of how things are done, while also doing my devious intent insert evil laugh For anyone interested, there are also roles...
  2. Millie

    LFG  Shenanigans Sought

    Howdy! I hope you're having a lovely day. In my ongoing quest to write solely Force Sensitive teenagers for some reason find more fun characters to write, I decided it'd be fun to write a sneaky brat. Millie's a thief, working with a dead-end crew in one of the most far-flung pirate ports in...
  3. Darth Strosius

    Private  Asking Questions on Anzat

    Anzat. A small part of Alisteri felt that he would be lost in this wretched spaceport forever at this rate. He had never had the...pleasure of being to Anzat before, and even now he had yet to set foot on the planet itself. Rather, he had spent nearly two hours now wandering around the...
  4. Darth Strosius

    Private  Dusty Tomes and Deadly Spells

    Ziost. The planet was still recovering from the two invasions of the past months, cities being rebuilt, refugees returning, defenses being reinforced and repaired, and not to mention the cleanup of the sites of battle and conflict all over the planet. Suffice to say, the old Sith world was in a...
  5. Tir Grastis

    Faction  Going By In A Blur [The First Order]

    Prosperia, Dosunn The Trench Run The Trench was a fairly established bar where it wasn't uncommon for military from the First Order to congregate. Downtime usually allowed for casual - or not so casual - drinks with fellow troops, in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. The drinks were...
  6. The Amalgam

    Sawa Ike versus The Amalgam

    Canto Blight, Evening. Arrived in: Corrupted Flesh: Vintage X-70B Phantom Class Yacht Armed With: Skin Shears (Purple Double-Bladed Lightsaber) First Degree Burn (Laser Pistol) Wearing: Resistance Epidermis Canto Blight. If Mos Eisley was a wretched hive of scum and villainy, then Canto...
  7. L

    Will Minion For Food

    Hey, villains of the Galaxy. Do you lack reliable help? Do you need a minion with a history of medical experience and a passion for creating horrific abominations of nature? Do you want a servant who's incorrigibly cheerful? If you answered yes to at least two of those questions, then Lethia...
  8. Aver Brand

    Hyperspace Hood Ornaments

    Airon sector :: Stenness Node :: Stenness Hyperspace Terminal The spaceport wasn’t what it used to be. Of course, its halcyon days had passed well before the Four-hundred year darkness and the terror of the Gulag plague – about the time navicomputers had hit the commercial market and...
  9. Gabriel Sionoma

    A steelbridge to nowhere.

    En route to Komodan Aboard a transport ship, unmarked. One hand lifted, pressing index against index. Then index against middle finger. He prodded, one more time, against the ring finger of his right hand. Lockers were adhered to the bulkhead with bolts that didn't seem quite tight enough...
  10. L

    Approved Tech  The Shrouds of Shade and Sinew

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a piece of Stealth & Reconnaissance Gear for Lethia and Friends. Image Source: Image is the cover art for the Audiobook of the novel Bone Shop. Novel by Tim Pratt, Artwork by Daniel Dos Santos. Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary...
  11. L

    Approved Tech  Nightsight

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION · Intent: To make Ashin Karrde beautiful. And also provide her with darkvision – but mostly, it’s the beauty part. · Image Source: Image is taken from a trailer for the 2017 reboot of The Mummy. Actress is Sofia Boutella. · Canon Link: N/A...
  12. N

    Anyone wanna Party?

    So some of you may know me for my character Darth imperia - formerly known as Mala Arar. Well, Nisha here is a new character, a Sith Acolyte from Indoumodo, and from a society that's about iron-age in terms of development. I could go into her backstory, how she got off of her planet, how she...
  13. D

    So a Mon Cal and a Sith Wannabe Walk into a Spaceport...

    [member="Onru"] As Mala had said many times before, she loved Nar Shaddaa. But she didn't want to stay there for too long, and it was for that reason that she was quite upset to hear that her trip back to Coruscant had been delayed - Surely one horrible death wasn't enough to cancel a journey...
  14. Roderik von Brinkerhoff

    Angle of Attack

    100th Fighter Group Briefing Room First Order Starfighter Garrison, Dosuun Roderik von Brinkerhoff had known many outstanding pilots in his time with the First Order. Many brave, and demonstrating the fighting spirit of an aggressive space mongoose. But rarely did Commander Roderik meet...
  15. Kaile Vera

    Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop!

    B E S P I N CLOUD CITY [member="Jamie Pyne"] "It was around here somewhere..." Kaile gave a slight squint of her eyes, bringing her hand up to shield them from the glow of the distant sun. She was on a mission! Mainly, she had to find Glemb the Ugnaught. See Glemb the Ugnaught had...
  16. Kitt Solo

    Chocolate and Hangovers

    Mentally, she promised herself she would never call the captain again for a drunken ride back to the ship. Physically, she couldn't keep that promise after making a bet against a pair of Mandalorians and a Zeltron during a drinking game. The bounty hunter won but it cost her. And it cost...
  17. Tahira Solo

    Tahira's CT

    You may or may not have noticed that my CT often changes. I'll consider anything (almost). ;) Please post suggestions here if you want to be silly! RAWRER.
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