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Alright so this thread is for OOC purposes. The Nine is an exclusive hidden group that cannot be joined or seen unless invited. As a result, we do not have the time to scout out for ALL of our members considering the vast majority we already have. That being said, this is a sign up...
Just a warehouse he was renting on Bespin. That's all he was using as a base of operations until they could get something decent. The odd few rooms formed the offices of The Grandmaster and the vacent Chancellor position. A small planning room shoved up the back, it was that small a layout...
Alderaan, home to many battles of the One Sith, our dead still fertilize their soil. Now the Vong formed planet is in the hands of the Republic who are planning to rebuild. Our equipment still litters the planet, this cannot be destroyed and must be returned. Two teams will invade the planet and...