Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. R

    Faction  Sacrilege of Faith | Agents of Chaos | Silencers, Wild Hunt, and Mercenaries

    The Scintilla was in crisis. An economic, criminal, military, religious, and ideological crisis had turned the jewel of the Unknown Regions into a pit of unrest. In the midst of an epidemic of gang activity within the slums and urban underworlds of the Scintilla, protests, riots, and...
  2. R

    Faction  Gang War | Agents of Chaos | The Wild Hunt, Silencers, and Mercenaries

    The Sunset Strill In spite of the Agents of Chaos’s victories abroad in their protracted war against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, back home, the financial crisis has continued unabated, leading indirectly to the rapid proliferation of gangs, cartels, and various criminal...
  3. Kyrinov

    Private  Notorious | The Silencers

    R U N Currently Fronting: Kyrinov Location: Eve, Scintilla - City Center Equipment: Dress of Salvation [ X ] | Inanna | Anat He had all of 15 minutes. After that, the Silencers had free reign to hunt him down as target practice for the real thing. And he had only that time to blend in and...
  4. Kyrinov

    Private  Garden of Shadows

    Location: Mikdash ha’Sheketh, Chaplain’s Office Gear: Exarch Ensemble | Twisted Fate | Amnesia Come little children, In the days and weeks after the recruitment of their newest Silencer, Cade Orion, it seemed that the ball was still rolling. Even when the Sith thought he had the slightest...
  5. Kyrinov

    Approved Location  Mikdash ha'Sheketh | The Temple of Silence

    Intent: To create a headquarters/base of operations for the assassins of the AoC Image Credit: [ X ] | Headers made by Scherezade deWinter Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Agents of Chaos | The Silencers Military Base Name: Mikdash ha’Sheketh [ Temple of Silence ] Classification...
  6. Paragon of Virtue

    The Silencers | Religious Assassins, FU & NFU

    "Why me, when so many others do the same? I serve a far nobler cause than mere profit. I am but a piece. A person with a part to play. You'll come to know the others soon enough." Every good anarchistic or radical group needs its more spiritual believers, and the Silencers grew out of the need...
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