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F O R - T A N ' Y I L L
Intent: To create a surprise engagement ring for Tan'yill and Aloy
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: N\A
Primary Source: N\A
Manufacturer: The Quartermaster
Affiliation: Tan'yill
Market Status...
Karra Tor
TriviaNAME: Karra Tor
FACTION: Silver Jedi Conclave
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Shi'ido
AGE: 43
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.65m
WEIGHT: 170 lbs.
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Brunette
SKIN: Light
Credit: This template Created by Pluperfect
Like many Jedi...
Allura Kahli
FACTION: Order of the Silver Jedi
RANK: Captain, Antarian Ranger
SPECIES: Umbaran
AGE: 29
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 10"
WEIGHT: 149 lbs
EYES: White
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Ashen Cream
VOICE: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
STRENGTHS+ Agile - The Force Sensitivity...
The New Jedi Order had fought the Yuuzhan Vong. And that was one of those stories that people weren’t completely sure that happened. He knew that there was a world that was living, he’d been there before, before the timelines were re-established, and had spent time working on getting a ship...
Saleucami - Magma Caverns
It was always risky to hold an hideout within enemy space, but time had always worked in his favor. The days when his people came to Saleucami, deep inside the borders of the Silver Jedi, were long gone, and by now no one could separate them from the common populace...
Haha i have finally made it... Mwahaha...
Anyway! I am very excited to be here and learn more about Star Wars! I love to meet new friends and hope to meet many friends at these forums. I love to roleplay and after i create my already-created race, you will probably see me in the forum...