Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sith magic

  1. Lord Kalrath

    Approved Lore  Way of Voice

    WAY OF VOICE POWER THROUGH WORD AND TONGUE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give my Sith some background and flesh out his skill. Image Credit: Drawn and edited by me in Photoshop Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Tradition Name: Way of Voice Tradition Type...
  2. Dis

    Approved Tech  Skaidrus Dzana | Crystal Prison

    Intent: Creating an interesting find/artefact for the Cat’s Paw and the Greystone Mercantile that they can later exchange or sell. Image Source: The Amethyst Skull Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Link Primary Source: Sith Alchemy | Sith Magic Manufacturer: Darth Shadia; recovered by The Cat’s...
  3. Kal

    Approved Tech  Visage of Kozzic

    "In death, we are made equal in the Force. Lies! Only the weak go willingly into the void!" - Mad ravings of Darth Kozzic OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A peculiar artefact awaiting a worthy master. Image Source: The Masked One by Andres Rios. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary...
  4. Voices of The Deep

    Approved Species  The Emnity

    "If you truly hunger oh hunter mine, then cry havoc! And let slip the hounds of war~" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To design a sithspawn species created from the bodies and souls of other sentient creatures ​Image Credit: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] Canon: N/A Links: N/A...
  5. Kahlil Noble

    Approved Species  Kahlil's Familiar (Hadzuska)

    Fauna Species Template 3.0 OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Kahlil version of the Sith Familiar species he'll use to scout for himself and avoid dangers like a scrub. ​Image Credit: Canon: Sith Familiar Links: N/A GENERAL...
  6. Adron Malvern

    Approved Tech  Te'Kyr {The End}

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a powerful Sith Weapon to be used against Mandalorian Soldiers. Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Te'Kyr {The End} Manufacturer: [member=Adron Malvern] Affiliation: [member="Srina Talon"]...
  7. Sor-Jan Xantha

    Approved Tech  A Book of Blood Magic

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a standard textbook for aspiring Sith sorcerers. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Sith Spellbook PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Sith Empire Affiliation: Sith Sorcery Students of the Sith Empire Model: Sith...
  8. Jantar Keltainen

    Where jungles give way to murky swamps

    “Welcome to Dromund Kaas, where freedom goes to die, and legends are forced on the galaxy." ― Vette An extremely dangerous place. And very, very strong with the dark side. Jantar liked it already. She had done her homework. There were some interesting historical aspects to the world of...
  9. Jantar Keltainen

    Padawan Nalia - by any other name

    “Sometimes I think this planet is nothing but a hellhole.” ― Natasi Daala Jantar was back in her home — a high level apartment with a balcony and a view. She had just ordered some food. It was a take-out of sorts — the exception being that it was a high-end restaurant that was providing the...
  10. Jantar Keltainen

    One of the purest expressions of the dark side of the Force

    “Is that my gift? Am I a Sith sorcerer?” – Darth Zannah Some watched holovids, or if wealthy enough, visited the theatre. Jantar was left cold by both experiences. Yes, she enjoyed a glass of something fizzy and vintage – but she also loved a hot dog and a beer. Having a good time was the...
  11. Shae'an Vai Li

    Academic Research [OPEN]

    For once, Shae had not bothered with her usual precautions. The amulet of concealment was tucked away in a pouch, more to keep it hidden from would-be thieves than anything. Her lightsaber was hung on a loop from her belt, proudly proclaiming her legacy. Only the crystal still remained hidden...
  12. Shae'an Vai Li

    Excavations [Open]

    Located deep in the Wild Space, the planet of Weik had gone unnoticed and unmolested for centuries. A backwards, feudal planet that clung to remnants of its advanced past it was far enough away from everything to have remained unexploited even as the galaxy reopened to itself in the wake of the...
  13. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  The Dtaisia Shumdijara

    The Dtaisia Shumdijara "We are ever striving after what is forbidden, and coveting what is denied us." - Ovid Image Source: Here Intent: A personal Artifact for Ostanes to represent his steps on the road to mastering Alchemy Development Thread: Where Gods Fear to Tread (10 posts done...
  14. Kaine

    Kaine AKA Kai

    NAME: Kaine Alias: Kai FACTION: RANK: Apprentice SPECIES: Human AGE: 27 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5"10' WEIGHT: 160 EYES: Orange(from corruption) HAIR: Black SKIN: Pale white FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
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