Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Taeli Raaf

    Sithspawn of the Sith

    Making this as a resource for Sith Order writers about Sithspawn creatures, non-sentient and sentient alike, that they can make use of for characters, NPCs, or for threads that have been created by a writer in the community. Canon stuff like rakghouls and terentateks are excluded from the list...
  2. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Work In Progress  The Borrowers | Sithspawn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a custom Sithspawn for future storytelling. Image Credit: Here, here, here, here, and here. Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: N/A. GENERAL INFORMATION Name: The Borrowers. Designation: Sentient. Origins: Unspecified Brotherhood of the Maw...
  3. Inanna Harth

    Approved NPC  Elfangor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify Inanna's pet. Image Credit: Fennec Fox, edited by me Brynn Methenney, edited by me ArtPro Role: Elfangor is Inanna's pet, a fierce little creature she rescued from a lab in the Sith Empire. Permissions: The Primyn Group Links: Cocoon...
  4. Kai Bamarri

    LFG  Kai: Becoming Human

    My Sithspawn character recently body-swapped with a dead guy, and now he's just a regular human. Shenanigans must ensue before he decides whether he should stay like this or go back to being a Sithspawn. If you would like to participate in said shenanigans, I have a few plot hooks to entice...
  5. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Invasive Species

    Somewhere in the underworld of Coruscant... Claws skidded across the pavement. Four feet bounded across a puddle of dirty rainwater, splashing the sooty brick walls on either side of the alley. The air, thick with smog from a nearby factory, cast a cloudy film over the beast's vision. Through...
  6. Kai Bamarri

    Character  Kai Bamarri | The Doppelganger

    SOCIETAL Name: Kai Bamarri Alias: The Doppelganger Just Ander Homeworld: Chaldea Current Home: The Jedi Temple, Coruscant Faction: New Jedi Order Sithspawn Sanctorium (formerly) Force Sensitivity: Sensitive Force Rank: Jedi Padawan Force Alignment: Neutral APPEARANCE Race...
  7. Orn'om

    Campaign  Blood in the Storm [GHW Side-story - DM First Please]

    fa-play fa-pause Pamarthe Winter- The Weeping Winter was a harsh season on Pamarthe. Cold fronts, heavy rain, and even snow or hail in some regions made sailing dangerous. But every 5 years or so came the Weeping and with it storms like none other. From the southern isles to the Salt...
  8. Taeli Raaf

    LFG  Compendium of Sithspawn

    Title kinda says it all, but I started thinking about having Taeli write essentially a bestiary book on various Sithpsawn that have been created in the galaxy. If anyone is interested in contributing Sithspawn they have created, there might be some UCs involved and maybe a mention in the cover...
  9. Balaya Praelior Zambrano

    Approved Species  Abbadon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dangerous Sithspawn for the Firebirds Image Credit: Chainsaw Man Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: D'Harhan GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Abbadon Designation: Non-Sentient Origins: Morghulis Average Lifespan: 75 years Estimated Population: Rare...
  10. Ladybug

    Approved Species  Vathanit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create A Hybrid Species Image Credit: X Canon: N / A Permissions: N / A Links: Mikilanna Mihaly DNA {Felacat}, Krayt Dragon DNA, and Umbaran DNA GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Vathanit Designation: Sentient Origins: Mihaly Castle / Felacat Average Lifespan...
  11. Darth Kalyptos

    Work In Progress  Children of the Void | BOTM

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make MAW NPC group to use. Image Credit: Genestealer Cults | Games Workshop Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: Darth Kalyptos Brotherhood of The Maw GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Cult of the Astral Dawn Classification: Sithspawn Hybrid Cult...
  12. Inanna Harth

    Request  Y'all got any Chaos Sithspawn Species subs?

    The Sithspawn Sanctorium, a minor faction made up of rogue Sithspawn seeking freedom and independence, is putting together a list of all known Sithspawn species in the galaxy. The list will mainly serve as a resource for character creation. In order to make the list as thorough as possible...
  13. Inanna Harth

    Known Sithspawn Species

    This is a list of known types of Sithspawn, with a focus on sentient species. We've endeavored to also include their point of origin. Darth Arcanix/Taeli Raaf Dyson Technobeast Kakija Duroki, "Memory Consumer" Kraujas Arana, "Blood Angel" Ardasa Arana, "Hell Angels" Mephit Spinners Subsumed...
  14. Karthus

    Approved Species  The Dark Side Lich - Sith Lich

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a powerful undead Sithspawn as an alternative to a Sith's pursuit to immortality Image Credit: n/a Canon: Sith Undead | Korriban Zombie | Undead Warrior | Sithspawn Permissions: n/a Links: Sith Spell: Reanimate Dead | Invoke Spirits | Sith...
  15. Darth Strosius

    A Dark Desire: Alisteri Article 07

    The ship Altorius drifted slowly through space, the vast abyss filled with bright stars and dim planets visible through the window of his room. He had no idea where they were now, somewhere in the Tingel Arm still of course but other than that he knew nothing. It was for the better really, it...
  16. Kai Bamarri

    Private  March of the Sithspawn

    It amazed Kai, how easy it was for him to escape the Jedi Temple. Be it the darkest part of night or broad daylight, he could slip away and leave the guards who were supposed to be watching over him none the wiser. In the absence of a speeder, Kai used a makeshift grapple constructed from his...
  17. Kai Bamarri

    Private  All Things Being Equal [Sithspawn Sanctorium]

    The arrival of new Sithspawn at the Reef always caused a stir. Their number was small, and any growth they experienced was sporadic at best. The rarity of the event meant that each new addition was met with some degree of fanfare, or at least a bit of buzz leading up to their first appearance...
  18. Darth Ophidia

    Approved Species  Sith Satyiut

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a species of spooky sith-spawned maintenance crew. Image Credit: Portrait of a weary ghost by M Timulti, from Saatchi Art Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Ghost (folklore) Wookieepedia Starweird Wookiepedia GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Sith...
  19. ScareQrow

    Approved Species  Shivarrian | Sithspawn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a sentient humanoid Sithspawn for character creation on the cold variant. Image Credit: N/A Canon: Sithspawn Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Shivarra (Singular) | Shivarrian (Plural) Designation: Sentient Origins: Hoth...
  20. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Species  Kûtszarwas | Necrobats

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a Sithspawn species for future RP. Image Credit: Vampires!! | the weight of all our conversations Canon: N/A Permissions: The Primyn Group [Permission granted by creator.] Links: "The Siege" | Sithspawn | Bloodbats & Gackle Bats GENERAL...
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