Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

    Phrik, cortosis and all the little things.

    Location: open space She sat in the captains chair of her new ship that she had named The VoidStrider mostly since it had such great stealth tech installed in it. Some of the ships hold, held some phrik she had collected on Roche and now she wanted to collect some cortosis from the Armatech...
  2. Tmoxin Temi

    There are Still Shadows in Constant Light

    There are not many things which can be considered shadowy on Hapes. A planet with seven moons and almost constant light even at night, the idyllic planet is nearly as bright as day during every waking hour. But like most planets, Hapes had its share of shadowy locations where illegal goods could...
  3. Nyxie

    New Freighting Service

    I am pleased to announce that Manamune will now be accepting legal/illegal freighting runs, smuggling runs, slave transportation and everything up to and excluding piracy (She'll carry stolen merch but won't steal it for you). The illegitimacy of her work is obvious and known. The illegality is...
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