Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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solo thread

  1. Solan Charr

    Private  The Past still haunts (Past RP, Solo Thread)

    Kesh, Tahv Palace, 900 ABY Solan brought his hands up this head, sitting there watching the Seed that had been planted. It was the first thing that would be planted on the planet in so long. The first thing that would struggle to change the world around it while his people protected it. He...
  2. Damsy Callat

    Private  In Bogan we Trust

    It was hard to land on a planet that did not seem to have one spaceport to speak of, but Damsy had done it before, so she managed. She eased the starfighter that Idris had loaned her into some particularly thick outskirts of the Jungle Highlands on a small continent in the southern hemisphere...
  3. D

    Private  Erasing the Past

    Darth Ahriman Target: Caedyn Arenais. Location: Ervosa Civilian Space Station. The truth behind the creation of Valen had been the greatest insult to the Sith Knight, far greater than one he could have imagined when roaming Arcadia-N-30 alongside Zeptepi Zambrano; He had envisioned the likely...
  4. Damsy Callat

    Private  The Darkside Shall set us Free

    The crackle of eggs as they cooked around their edges. Pockets of fat popping off bacon strips like sap in the middle of a bonfire. Slight pangs of bare feet against the cabin's durasteel flooring. Idris threw a hand towel over his shoulder and turned away from the range. Surely enough, Damsy...
  5. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Tucked in the Coruscanti Dream

    Malcoma couldn't get that damned hiss click out of her head— —or his words, but she managed to push both from the forefront as she hyperfocused on a slight scraping at the door —down the short entryway —dancing around the keyhole. It suddenly paused. A beat passed, then the key turned...
  6. R

    Private  Dead Man Walking

    Akabane felt a gentle tap on his forehead followed by another one and another. "It's time to wake up..." Coxed a soft soothing voice that tickled his ear with its warm humid breath. With a tired groan, Akabane's eyes slowly opened remnants of sleep still visible in his chestnut orbs. Peering...
  7. Jacen Nimdok

    Private  Once Upon Another Time

    Harem Club Uscru Entertainment District, Coruscant The Harem Club opened the minute the sun went down, and with the coming darkness there was a steady stream of clientele passing through the neon-lit entrance. Some were only interested in gambling. They bought their tokens and took a left in...
  8. Ayessa Kroan


    cicatrize, verb; to heal wounds through the forming of scars. Kiffu, Western Settlement, 10:00 AM Local Time Interacting with n.a, solo thread ~ A Little Wicked —————————————————————— The moment she felt the sun on her face she felt at peace. True peace, a tranquility she had not felt since...
  9. WolfMortum

    One man can change the Galaxy with a Blaster Bolt in the right place.

    First Order Military & Research Installation. Bakura, Telaan Valley. Since the battle for control over the Hydian Way and the First Order's successful blockade of one of the most densely populated trading routes between key systems, both [member="Ara Zambrano"] and Brennan Cabrol had been...
  10. WolfMortum

    The Darkest of Knights

    Before him lay the grotesque and dismembered corpse of his former self, cybernetic modifications and replacement limbs and organs all removed from the now dead carcass that Brennan Cabrol once inhabited. To think that he would undergo something as comprehensible as an Essence Transfer, how...
  11. Darth Voyance

    The Lord of Hate [Training Thread 2 (Solo)]

    LORDS OF THE SITH Part 2: the Lord of Hate KORRIBAN VALLEY OF THE DARK LORDS TOMBS OF THE OLD MASTERS Pythia stood beneath the long shadow of an obelisk. She was abandoned. Her dark master, the Dark Lord of the Sith [member="Darth Carnifex"], had left her to be alone in the Valley of the...
  12. Garza

    The technical side of things

    Holding my left hand out on a workbench, The skeletal frame was still, and unmoving as my right hand was tinkering with the bone structure of my robotic limb. While the frame was attached to my arm, the actual armor, or the lamanium covering I was able to take off. This would allow me to mess...
  13. Skylar Walker

    Too Curious For Her Own Good (Solo Thread)

    Dathomir ~ Skylar Walker sat alone in her room, meditating. It had been a few days since she met her new master. She found him to be quite interesting as he had different views on the Force than other people did. But ever since she met Kyrel Ren and her master, visions of a red planet crowded...
  14. Elmont Block

    Development takes many forms

    The once-ripe fields of the planet lay barren, pockmarked by heavy artillery. There were hills were once it was open fields and villages, such was the destruction of the bombardment. The desecrated landscape was the handiwork of not only the Sith – or some other dark sided antagonist – but the...
  15. NightSister

    The butterfly effect

    Continued from A song of ice and fire Her first thought was anger. In truth, she wasn't certain as to why she was so angry. Connor hadn't lied to her; he hadn't broken any promises, at least none that she could think of. He hadn't abandoned her, in fact he had asked her to come with him...
  16. WolfMortum

    Bitter Sweet Captivity.

    Ruins of Svivren. This had once been called home. The ruins of the forgotten age, a Jedi Enclave long since passed it's prime; devastated in the early teenage years of Brennan's life and seemingly left alone to rot as all good things did when left unprotected. He had been a student of the...
  17. Garza

    We train, Even in Hell

    H O R A Private estate of Osiris I readied myself. He was going to be teaching me from now on. First, I had to meet him. My father had found out of this man who claimed himself to be Atheus. A man who was well known for his efforts in killing people, as well as his abilities of the force...
  18. Vora Kaar

    Control, Discipline, and Anger

    "Rage is an ability that you can control. To do so, you must have discipline. You need to learn how to form your fear, hate, and anger into the force. Let it power you, but do not let it consume you. If you find yourself lost within the force, you will never return." "I know Master." "YOU DO NOT...
  19. Vora Kaar

    Do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel

    Dxun Jungles The restraints were cutting into my wrists as I sat in the shuttle. We had first traveled to Onderon for the shuttle that would take me down to the jungles of the planet below. Each second I sat here made me feel all the more angry at myself. It didn't help that the planet was...
  20. Sorel Crieff

    He could save others from death, but not himself

    The captain scanned her datapad. “I’ll start with the good news, the damage is all external. Now the bad news.” In truth, Sorel expected every item that was reeled off. And she suspected the proposed cost was realistic and knew that the captain would negotiate a better price than she would...
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